It's not What you Know - It's Who you Know

in #education6 years ago (edited)
It's not what you know, it's who you know.

by @movingman

We are raised as kids and then as teenager's to believe that we must go to school and be obedient so that we will have a good life. That's what it boils down to if you cut out all the crap. The higher your grades are, the better your job will be and thus the more money you can earn to have this "good life". It goes without saying, and I'm sure even for most of you reading this now, that you still believe it's a truth of life. If we decide not to change the way we were brought up and carry on the "normal" lifestyle, then this belief will always be the limit of what you will ever believe and you will forever be striving for the next certificate or diploma to climb the career ladder which Sounds like Hell! When something really good happened, like we got free tickets to a theme park for example when I was a kid, I would ask my mum "How did that happen then?" and she would say with a smile "It's not what you know , it's who you know!" This stayed with me all the way through the school years and I began to notice that she was correct whilst I was growing up. For example when we left school and we all got job's it was common to see your mate working somewhere and he would give you a free burger, or maybe a staff discount on a new computer game, but if it wasn't your mate working , there's no chance of a free burger.. Little perks or even sometimes big perk's would come often just by happening to see someone you knew that you hadn't seen for a while.
For me it's very strange the way people are living and how they can keep on doing it, especially as I was also once a victim of the great illusion and doing it myself and I really wonder what kind of person I would have been in comparison with now. Definitely not the best version that I could be, there's no doubt about that. If it was so true what my mum said (which I know since years now that it is true) then most people are completely limited to what job they have, and thus the quality of life. People are living in a routine, and once you have a job basically its game over for any other opportunity to be coming your way. Your waking up to an alarm clock set at the same time each morning, leaving the house at the same time, sat in one place for the whole day and leave there the same time also. This is 5 days of the week that you are doing the same things around the same time and this means that you will only ever meet the same people each day because they also have 5 days of the week, doing things and going places at the same times, and so you only ever meet or see the same people. Living in boxes (Houses), traveling in boxes (Cars/Buses/Train's), working in boxes (Offices / Buildings), and then finally we die and get also put in a box. You see the limit that is set by believing - "It's not who you know, its what you know - So keep quiet and go to school..)" the way society brings us up to be believing as being true.

Only prisoners or dead people should get put in a box.



It's kind of getting harder to meet more people because of the over-usage of technology and also fear that is now (since the invention of television) very common among people which is causing people no to be so interactive as 20 years ago before. Remember this? - "Always go the same route everyday for your safety!". People's self esteem is getting stamped out due to the setup of society and I've been there many times myself earlier on in life with depression (always only depression which had stemmed from the expectations of me in society) - laying in bed with no reason to stand up and feeling completely limited to me and my merciless mind. More common these days is Anxiety which also stops us from talking to people we don't already know or going different places from which we usually go to - if we even feel like going out at all that is. Separation mixed with pixels on screens are causing us to become lifeless and zombie-like and I can already see the toll it has on humans. If this younger generation grows up with no creativity, no self esteem, problems from vaccination's, problems from bad foods and water etc, and then to be already "dulled down" in character and "all the same", then that would be such a waste of our species.

When I look back since traveling, I realize that everything happened from exposing myself (in a non-naked way) to all the opportunity's that could ever possibly arise and be given to me, because I was never stuck in a routine by being fooled into sitting in box my whole life.


If you are doing the same things day in day out, and are still believing that "that is life" as so many adult's used to tell me when I was younger, then you only see from the same point of view everyday and You are limited. I really can't imagine what I would be doing right now if I accepted to be just "normal". Writing this makes me feel so much gratitude that I was stubborn and didn't choose to agree or believe with nearly everything I grew up around. Sure I had a stressful childhood, and then depression in my teens with huge arguments with my mother, and it was hard growing up when you saw no point in the way we were expected to be living - and it just caused me stress because it just felt wrong.

Parent's are raised from their parent's the same way that they pass on to their children, which is still the mentality from 1901- but there's a slight difference now as it was back then and here is where the problem of separation is beginning. Most family's still bring the children up to be in this old mentality which is just, well, outdated. Can you believe it that my fathers side of the family, his parent's used to say in all honesty and seriousness "Children should be seen, and not heard". How fucked up is that. That's why old people are grumpy, they had a boring time to be young in and I guess they see the world now and get grumpy because they missed out! Thanks to the internet we can see different place's in the world and see that there is more thing's to life than what we are lead to believe but still this doesn't bring us any different opportunity's, just something to watch to relax too and to dream of one day doing. The biggest joke of it is that the perspective from society make's it seem that society and the system is the best thing for everybody and that without it your life would be terrible, but this couldn't be anymore opposite in truth.
It's warming to know that there are people my age who also see the world as I see it, who do have children and have decided to teach their children in a different way to the normal one from a century ago which will bring at least some humans in the next generation who are individual beings. I love myself - yeh I fooled you into loving yourself! Did it feel good?

Big Love and Abundance Everyone! The tables are slowly turning, and you are not alone!

Most previous post's - Oldest First..



How fucked up is the society?

very fucked up?

so fucked up?

too fucked up?

No. It’s the combination of these three form of fuckedupness

But I’m kinda happy, cause the number of victims of this mindset has reduced compared to 3 or 4 years ago. The internet has exposed the eyes to the real world, only those that love living in a box are still living in a box

I don’t think education or religion is the root cause of slavery to the system
I think it’s parenting.

I dreamt about you last night! Maybe I was thinking about the dating scene in norway conversation we had the other day, that I've been meaning to reply, but kept forgetting. Anyway, you drove me around oslo, we looked at things, talked to people, you don't lock your doors, and i left my phone in your car, someone we were talking to said there've been an increase in car thefts recently, there was a moment's panic, i ran back to your car, but everything was all good. that's all lol

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's cool :) Dreams are funny!

You have a crucial article about education. As a teacher, I have the same opinion. It is a good aspect that you assist human beings to come to a deeper information of things.

Reading your posts is like having a dose of a unique conversation that I need. :)

This post has received a 16.98 % upvote from @boomerang.

It seems like you and I have minds that think in similar directions. I posted two posts today that covered similar topics as your last two.

Reading your post reminded me that this phrase exists. The one that says that doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results is madness.

It is a good thing that you help people come to a deeper understanding of things.

Hi man! I have had a wide experience of life so far , you must then also be a freak!!

This post has received a 44.12 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @movingman.

very important topics, that I have also talked about on here, but really do need to be discussed and brought up again and again. hopefully a few more may wake up x

Hi Guys! Longtime :) hope its no too hot down there already?

La sociedad, esta mal encaminada es un cambio total de principios lo que unos consideran normal otros lo ven como inapropiado.

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