Oh Yes I Can Be Very Opinionated When It Comes To Taking Things From The Earth

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Yes I Can Be Very Opinionated When It Comes To Taking Things From The Earth.

But yet shouldn't we all be living a life of comfort, because damn it we deserve it. We've worked hard, some of us have slaved our asses off to get to a point in our lives where we can now sit back and enjoy the fruits our labour. And rightly so, to a degree. But one man's ceiling is another man's floor and what I see as comfort, you may not and vice versa. In my eyes my Truck is a palace, it is 11 metres long and 2 metres wide, our home before that was a 8 metre bus, so I feel like I have really come up in life. Me and my girls don't need anymore space.

Yes we can still accumulate stuff, but not so much, as we don't have the room for it. The problem is that most of the 'stuff' that some people accumulate is made from toxic materials, that has mainly been produced in unethical ways. Things like large T.V's, sound systems, furniture, luxury items that are a show of success and wealth. Stuff that is meant to make you feel good when you look at them, make you feel your worth. Things that people have been told to buy, things that are constantly been advertised as being able to make you feel more comfortable, more at home in your own place. Oh the power of advertising and the power of those few chosen words that really drive home a point.

But I am not here to talk too much about that, just a passing mention really, because what I really want to talk about is something that we all have, well most of us do, I imagine. Something that a lot of people take pride in owning and using. Yet do we ask questions about how ethical it is for us to take them from the earth.

So many people around me are into crystals/ gemstones, there are so many books about their amazing healing powers about the protective powers that they hold. Everywhere I look I see people wearing them and everyone seems to have some. Yet when I have tried to actually talk about the effect that taking all these amazing resources from the earth may have, no one really seems to want to say anything. I mean should we be taking them, is it not more important to leave them within the earth, so that the earth itself can function better as a whole. The word is made up of so many amazing layers and intricate creations, why do we need to keep stripping them away. Why can we not just tap into that energy without actually physically taking it from the earth. Excavating it.

I am totally against large scale mining and that is not really what I wish to talk about here anyhow, that is for another post. What I want to talk about though, is why is is so acceptable even by those who are deemed to be aware and earth conscious, to take or dare I say steal these crystals from the earth. Who said that they were ours to take in the first place , are we once again slipping into this attitude that we can take what we want, because the earth is ours. We have no idea what effect taking these crystals from the earth is having. Yet the shear numbers being excavated continues to grow. We are taking powerful stones that hold vibrational energy out of the earth, without knowing what effect that is having. Is that really okay? Personally I have never felt okay about having gemstones or crystals. Why because I believe we take too much from the earth already. I would rather focus my time on giving something back.

I am not here to make anyone feel bad about having crystals, well not really, okay maybe a bit. What I am trying to do is understand why some feel it is okay to have them and use them. Why are we not instead tapping into the energy they hold, without physically removing them from the earth. I really do see the earth as being made up of layers, that all need to be present in order for it to function properly, yet when we begin to pick away at those layers are we not making the earth weaker, exposing her in some way. Yes I know I am repeating myself, but we need to do that sometimes in order to get our point across.

Yes I know there are a lot of other very destructive things happening right now, deforestation, fracking, nuclear energy, I know that and we all know the consequences of this destruction. But if all these gemstones contain so much healing and protection, why take them, surely they are working on a very deep level within the earth and we need that now more than ever because of all the other destruction happening.

This is something I feel very strongly about and at times something that has led to me losing friends, yes seriously, not because I got so pissed off with them, but because they got so frustrated with me and thought I was being ridiculous. Well anyhow, my motto in life is to gave back, not take. So please feel free to share with me your experience with crystals and your reasons for stealing them, no I mean buying them and if you have ever considered that maybe just maybe we should not be taking these sources of power and protection from the earth in such huge numbers.

I have seriously got very upset walking into some healing shops and seeing huge pieces of these stone, standing there, yes they look so beautiful and I can see that they can call out to some people, but to me, to me they are calling out to be returned to the earth. To their rightful place. To me that is where they belong. That is where they are needed. If we need to call on their energy then by all means do that, but learn to tap into it and leave them where they are meant to be.

So my two eldest daughters wanted to go digging for crystals, to them anything that shines is a crystal and they love pretty things. I have told them that I won't do that with them, so they found someone else to go with. Right up until they left my eldest kept saying, if you don't want us to go we won't go, but I kept saying that, that in itself was not reason enough to not go. Don't go if you don't wish to take from the earth, not because I don't want you too. Well they came back with lots of shiny stones and insisted that they didn't dig for them, that the rocks where just lying there. So does that make it okay? Is that more of an offering?

I would Love To Know Your Thoughts On All Of This.

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oooh what a juicy topic and one that isn't talked about/discussed enough. i want you to know that i hear you and as a person who loves stones this is an interesting topic for me. i am with you in that a lot of the gem shows and a lot of the gems you can buy do have the ethos of exploitation -- they are exploiting the earth for capital gain. having been to gem shows and felt the power of all of the stones, while i am not an advote of the exploitation that can (but doesn't always happen: more on that later), i have always felt like perhaps the energy that is created, positively, from the mining of the stones and the ways they help shift consciousness, is more positive than if that didn't happen at all. i too feel badly for all that is taken/extracted and then ways that people buy it up willy nilly without seeing How they got to the surface of the earth or Who took them and with what intention.

personally i am a person who goes around the earth and wherever i am, i will go rockhounding. i am a rockhound by heart, since i was young looking for the shiny rocks, like your daughters. that never left me and as i got older and learned about the powers of the stones, i became a bigger collector. i have found garnets in washes in nevada on the surface of the earth. when it rains, they become revealed and gather where the water flows. recently i found amethyst and quartz crystals at the top of a mountain in new mexico and earlier in the year i dug for quartz from trailings at a quartz mine in arkansas... for me, especially if the stones are revealed at the top of the earth, it is no problem. i feel like these treasures bring more consciousness and love for the earth to humans and that is a positive thing now adays because humans, as a whole, are having trouble connecting with the earth and are doing so much damage because they're out of touch or not listening to the calls of the earth.

when it comes to mining i don't really agree with it-- but as you said, there are far worse things going on. for me, i take the crystals and other gems back to my home and put them on altars that i have made and use them for healing purposes.. we will put crystals in the foundation of our house and we put them by plants to energize and activate healing grids. it seems to be a natural human tendency. i respect your opinion and hear you and this what i have shared above, is basically mine. respect, enjoy, love and amplify.. be conscious of where you got your crystals from and what that person's energy is like/intention is.

Thank you Wren for your feedback and for sharing your opinion about crystals, I hear you too and respect the relationship you have with your chosen gems. But still I think we do not need so much, so people go completely overboard and often hoard crystals. For me I say it is time to give back, I like that you will bury some with the foundations of your house. I have a friend in Ireland who likes to put crystals in the water supplies of towns. I really appreciate you being honest and sharing your thoughts, much love and respect sister xx

Not easy to answer, really, but I totally empathize with your perspective.

Personally, we follow the guidance of a number of tribal belief systems that center around "ask first and give your thanks and gratitude."

Whereas we do love rocks and crystals, we tend to borrow them, rather than just think we can own them. We pretty much own nothing. If I pick up a shiny rock on the beach, I am just borrowing it, and I will often return it to the beach when it has served its purpose.

I'm generally not in favor of mining on a large scale to extract things for profit, especially if there's an alternative. I'm in favor of teaching everyone around me to understand the meaning of the world "enough." YOU understand that. Your home in your truck is an expression of "enough." You don't NEED a six bedroom house "just because."

As for crystals, my question would be "What is your INTENT?" I begrudge noone the desire to keep a piece of Rose Quartz (for example) nearby to remind themselves to stay in a heart-centered place; as a healing tool. But it annoys to see someone form a huge "collection" of crystals simply because they want to show off.

Speaking of "opinionated," I find some solace in the understanding that we cannot look at the planet purely in the context of a human lifespan. Gaia's cycles are very LONG. I smile to myself in knowing that she will reclaim those crystals (which have already been around for 500 million years) all by herself in a few hundred/thousand years when humans have forgotten all about the temporary fad of "collecting crystals."

Bright Blessings!

Yes always ask first, it is amazing what comes your way. I do this when I wish to find bits of wood, I ask and usually it can be found at my feet, I do not like to cut branches. If only others could take this on board and show gratitude for what they receive, I also really like the idea of borrowing that especially rings true with when we ask for something, I do not like to see myself as owning anything only my own body , my vessel.

It is so true that there is a trend now for crystals, I just look forward to this move away from taking from the earth and the move towards giving back. Thank you for your feedback and reply. Blessings to you to xxx

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Oh my god... the amount of thing we have we don't need is incredible!!! And I completely agree with we're being told we want them.

So interesting it is pretty much the same as harvesting wood, or animals from the wild!!!! Wow I never really thought of this, it is really a big industry for crystals that could actually cause a big problem in the vibrations the planet counts on right?

Making people feel bad... just a little, nice! LOL

It's true they are pretty, but damn, maybe you are right they shouldn't be touched. I personally was never into crystals, I cannot feel their vibrations and I have tried thought I do believe in their healing properties.

You've got me thinking on this one... what if they had been placed in such a way that it creates a certain balance on the planet that is made for all breathing creatures (and plant based creatures too) to live in harmony?

Thanks for the interesting concept and I'm sorry you lost friends over this idea, perhaps they didn't deserve your friendship after all.

I know I really feel that we are disrupting the true balance of the earth by taking these powerful stones, we really have everything we need above the earth, why do we insist on digging deeper and deeper and all for the betterment of humankind. I think we should leave them alone and start to give back more. Unless some present themselves to us as a gift. I am all for following my gut on this xx Cheers my friend xx
Thank you for your feedback xxx

Of course, you're welcome. If only more of us could listen to our gut, I wonder what kind of world we'd be livin in.

Great gorgeous stone indeed we all have different lives we live but your honesty is true and who you are and what you represent as a human living the best simplicity of a life you can with the freedom most dream. Indeed continue to be well my friend.

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Thanks for this! I agree 👍 I got into gem stones a few years ago and brought a whole bunch but I'm not sure they did me any good, like too much energy and some one I met on my travels made me aware of were these things actually come from and that did stick with me. Thankfully I did buy the majority from a specialist fair, one guy was finding unknown types of crystals somewhere inside British caves (basically not large scale mining, just one crazy man absailing) either way tho I stopped the obsession for these gorgeous rocks a few years ago. I don't need to be weighed down by any more stuff. I do think it's a bit of New age fad that is kinda totally commerical and unethical.

thank you @celestialcow yeah there definitely is a huge market for gemstones and so many never think to ask where they have come from, so used to just taking and asking no questions. Hopefully get to meet you soon xxx

This is really interesting. I've never thought about it. 3 of my 4 kids are rock collectors for sure. Of course the little ones are mostly picking up pieces of gravel from the road and finding beauty everywhere. When I used to do sweat lodges, we always asked the stone people before bringing them into the lodge. I found in collecting those that they called out to be used for this purpose. Of course they were returned. I think intention is really critical here. I think walking lightly can encompass interaction. Of course hoarding and mining are different, but I think we are part of the earth and that its ok for us to interact with various animals and stones and plants. It can certainly very quickly devolve into this crazy western drive to need to possess, though. Interesting topic, mama. Ima think more on it.

Such a valid opinion. I have a ton of crystals, and actually got to the point where I don't feel the need to collect any more, I want to give them back. I charge them with loving intent and place a tiny quartz crystal at the roots of a tree, or throw them into a lake. I like going into crystal stores and looking at all the beautiful specimens, learning about minerals and loving them (yes, I send them a ton of love and talk to them), but it would be nice if they weren't exploited in the name of money.

In my experience, crystals are sentient. I think some of them enjoy being handled by humans and assisting us with our work, however I don't think we need to be taking anywhere near the amount we do from the earth. There are veins of crystals that are like the nerves of the earth, and I agree with you, it would be better to leave them be. What a fascinating topic. :)

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