A Snowman's Demise Gives Pause To Reflect.

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)


Snow is relatively rare and, when it falls, roguishly crippling in the UK. The other day, as Rick and I slipped and precariously slid our way on foot to the shop, we were invited by a small boy to help him and his father finish their snowman. Several days on and said snowman is but a shadow of himself as the thaw takes hold and his carrot nose lays squewiff and forlorn upon his melting chest.

As a child I always felt melancholic as the snow subsided and icy imagined snow friends bled back into earth. The film The Snowman still manages to bring a tear to my eye and seeing, this morning, the local snowman’s demise melted my heart.


The Snowman acts as a great metaphor and reminder that absolutely nothing lasts forever.

Intellectually we all know this but somehow in the midst of our daily doings this fundamental, poignant truth gets lost.


The past and future are abstract constructs to give context to our lives but now is all that really exists.

Still your mind a moment and concentrate on now and soon you realise that even now is a tenuous construct; impossible to define and pin down. All too soon consigned to past.



Our lives are an endless string of NOWS and realising this is kinda troubling but has the potential to set a person free.

By letting go of the past and refusing expectations for future a person can potentially exist in the moment and free themselves from judgement, regret and all the other shite that weighs heavy upon a soul.

A person can Just Be ~ knowing that good, bad or indifferent everything will pass.


With Love.


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Where I compare Steemit and Spirituality HERE.

My particular brand of no nonsense spirituality HERE.

A piece in which I cobble together a whole lotta wisdom! HERE.

A controversial piece about some of the Art contests I see here on Steemit ~ ART DEGREES HERE.

What is a Lightworker, and are you one? HERE.

My Entry for Jerry Banfield's Supernatural Writing Contest HERE. (Well worth a read even though I do say so myself!)

Essays on Love HERE.

My Life as a Vintage Dealer HERE.

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snow is so magical to me my favourite time of the year witsh I had made it back to my family to enjoy it in the countryside. For me snow is the magical part of long drab winter!

I love fresh snow but once its been disrupted and gets dirty and icy it soon loses it's appeal for me!

That said I love the muffled soundscape that follows upon it's flakes.

Hope you are well.


Have you ever seen the Buddhist monks that do the sand mandalas. They spend hundreds of hours making these beautiful sand art creations and then they sweep it all away. It really is freeing to know that none of it lasts and that nothing is personal.

I haven't but can imagine that the visual analogy is pretty powerful.

Going to see if I can find any on You Tube now.



Cool! Did you find any? It absolutely blows my mind. The total devotion to the concept of freedom.

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