What is patriarchy? Is a patriarchy the same as a society led by men, or is it more, a society led by fear and a feeling of scarcity, that happens to be an environment in which the masculine takes charge?

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

In almost every culture, women, and men have suffered from the system of patriarchy, where a man or a group of men controls a family, group, or government. We can trace this right back from 10,000 BCE when we lived as hunter gatherers, with men hunting and women gathering. It was also at about this time that we became consciously aware that it took a man and a woman to have a child, and at this same time men started to claim ownership over their herds and lands. Before this time, in the paleolithic era people shared their resources and supplies. This claim of ownership had many effects, and one of them was that men wanted to know that a child born by their woman was indeed their child. This led to the desire for men to be with a virgin woman, so that the offspring was surely theirs and could be handed down when they passed on. This concept of ownership and control led to the development of the earliest patriarchal families.

This concept of ownership extended from land and supplies to women, and led to the earliest abuses that we have had in our civilizations. Women were treated as commodities, and from a young age became accustomed to this identification. Women's values lay in their reproduction, especially in farming villages. Children became an economic asset, and if women were unable to produce them, they were seen as all but worthless. The idea of women being only good for their womb has progressed even into today's society.

As cultures evolved this theme continued and developed even further, especially during the times of Ancient Greece (500BCE) when democracy was seen as a modern concept and gave men more equal rights. These developments saw the rights of women decrease even further; the family had before been a biological unit, but now took the form of a political and economic unit. Wives and mothers became obligatory, and women who did not follow the traditional functions faced legal consequences. Women were the legal wards of either her father or husband and had no rights of their own; they could not inherit property. A woman during this time did not even have custody over her children as they belonged to her husband. Women were unable to vote, own land, or inherit, a woman's place was in the home and her purpose in life was the rearing of children. Women lived a restricted existence because the men believed that it helped prevent adultery. Establishing paternity of male children was essential in Athenian society because without it, the male children couldn’t become citizens.

Therefore it is fair to say that Patriarchy evolved at first due to greed, with the sudden ability for men to have power and ownership whereas before it was not an option. When we are given the opportunity to have things that were not possible before, and there are no limits placed on us, greed can easily take over and claim all in its path.

This contrasts with Ancient Egypt, which was just before the times of Ancient Greece. Egypt was a monarchy in those times, and government and religion were inseparable. The pharaoh was the head of state and the divine representative of the Gods on earth. The pharaoh had next to them, the most powerful officers called the viziers, the executive heads of the bureaucracy. Under them were the high priests, followed by royal overseers (administrators) who ensured that the 42 district governors carried out the Pharaoh's orders.

Women in ancient Egypt were ahead of their time. They could not only rule the country, but also had many of the same basic human rights as men. One of the first women to hold the rank of pharaoh was Hatshepsut, who began her rule in about 1,500 B.C.E. ... As a result, pharaohs chose spouses from within the royal family. Egyptian women were fortunate in two important ways: While women could become Pharaoh only in very special circumstances, they were otherwise regarded as totally equal to men as far as the law was concerned. They could own property, borrow money, sign contracts, initiate divorce, appear in court as a witness, etc.

So, in a surprise conclusion to this weeks Question of the week, I blame DEMOCRACY and the political system for many of the inequalities we see today! Whilst democracy sounds like SUCH a good idea to most people in the developed world today, i see it as one of the most evil and damaging system that has ever existed. Democracy has allowed man to become infinitely greedy, and desire ownership and control far beyond what is necessary for survival. The EGO has been set lose in a system that honours no God, and lets nothing stand in its path to dominance. Whilst many see dictatorships as an Evil system, this is not the case when the leaders are honourable and have the best interests of all in their hearts. This was certainly the case in the times of Ancient Egypt, which was an era defined by very spiritual and religious beliefs. This spiritual connection is vital to our society, and is something that is missing from all of todays dictatorships. When we lose our divine connection and rule with absolute power, we are certain to end up with absolute corruption.

I hope you have found this post enlightening. I sure have! Our political systems are dinosaurs, and almost all have lost their soul and purpose. Even the most spiritual of countries like India have today allowed Democracy to take over all aspects of decision making, where ALL decision making seems to be related to PROFIT, MONEY, POWER, and CONTROL. This theme really has reached epidemic proportions and is causing the destruction of our entire culture and even planet. What alternative do we have today to this? How can we go back to a time when our leaders are truly motivated by the divine, and the wellbeing of all? That may well be the subject of my next post!




This post is a part of the ecoTrain QUESTION OF THE WEEK proposed by @clara-andriessen.


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great synopsis at the beginning @eco-alex! it's such a great ecotrain QOTW! and truly one that is close to my heart. as i read your words, i felt myself feeling that familiar anger that as a woman arises when i read about this basic inequality that has been going on for thousands of years!! we need to bring awareness to this subject for sure!

Our political systems are dinosaurs, and almost all have lost their soul and purpose.

could not agree more. i had never tagged democracy specifically in my mind as the "culprit" of patriarchy, but it is an interesting conclusion. certainly, the Ego as a force has taken over "democracy" (though i would argue it's not even true democracy anymore -- insofar as what we see -- elections are rigged and monetized, etc ad nauseum! it's sick) and within that, the partriachal rulerships have succeeded in also taking over. i do see shifts in this, but the masculine energies are certainly still in charge.

one big thing in feminism that has always struck me is the awareness around patriarchy not only damaging women, but also men themselves. and that women who try to "make it" within our capitalistic patriarchal models by "acting like men" are only furthering the problem. we need the resurgence and acceptance of the feminine, not more women championing the masculine to succeed (though of course it makes sense why that is the first response). much love to you and so stoked on more QOTW posts in this thread. thanks again @clara-andriessen for suggesting the topic <3 !! great job @eco-alex for tying this together with the inspiration from egypt's leadership.

thank you.. and i particularly agree with the part of your comment where you say
"women who try to "make it" within our capitalistic patriarchal models by "acting like men" are only furthering the problem."

absolutely! we need to balance the masculine energies with feminine.. and fast!
The power of SOFTNESS is great, like water that can erode stone...


these women that are trying to make it, is only a small but powerful section of society but in fact the alpha male archetype even in office environment is not trending anymore. Business were looking more for female energy and I have experienced briefly some. Office environments very female dominated. Even men were made to be more femanized in the cooperate world the term metro sexual got used alot in the last 10 years for men who were doing male grooming, grooming activities that were for women nails, waxing etc. I'm not a fan of the cooperate world myself but some women really identify with that masculine energy that gives them the drive to be part of that world. Its great to see strong successful women, they are showing up the men. I'm not talking about politicians tho because often they are just puppets anyway but yea I kinda disagree that all going getting women are a problem. It's better they are there than not there at all.

I'd define it as a a society led by men. You could have a society led by Amazon, Spartan or Egyptian women who use fear.

I don't see a problem with greed. I think people should be more greedy and less wasteful. My local school district spends $240,000 per child and a lot of kids don't even learn to read very well. Liberals say tax payers are too greedy and need to pay more. I think we are being to wasteful. Americans also waste a lot of money on vehicle depreciation and we waste a lot of food.

Wasn't the Egyptian monarchy fueled by slaves? I'm pretty sure it was mostly slaves who were making the concrete for the pyramids. You can protest and criticize the American government but if you were an Egyptian slave or maybe even citizen who wanted to criticized or rebelled against the Egyptian monarchy I wouldn't be surprised if you got executed.

i think id need a time machine to answer this really..
Greed is OK, when it is tempered! .. but infinite greed is the NORMAL defacto stance for EVERY business that is successful.. which is a GREAT problem for the world and the people..

thanks for your comment!

I think greed is ok as long as it is accompanied by morality. I support profits and wealth as long as you don't harm others along the way.
Dumb charity can be a problem just like greed. I oppose giving drug addicts money out of the goodness of your heart if you know they might just buy more drugs and kill themselves.

Democracy: Four wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner. 🐑🐺🐺🐺🐺

lol. that sums things up pretty well!

Whoah, this was a great read ~ alot of info to collate and produce in a succinct fashion.

Your conclusion about democracy is interesting and one I would need to think upon at length to be able to comment intelligently upon!

That said I am with you regards spirituality ~ our world is bankrupt.

The developed world is obsessed with advantage at any cost and spreading it's disease far and wide corrupting as it goes.

Greed and lack of care for others and other things is epidemic.


Those of us who are awake and see this must draw attention to this travesty as you do so eloquently here.

Shine bright Sir.



( Btw: ~ I emailed you a while back about joining the Ecotrain, upon your suggestion, but never heard anything more? I am still interested...)

THank you! im really happy you read it, and found the value in it.. I REALLY didn't expect to end up with this conclusion at ALL!!! BUt then, well it just happend...

I was SURE i replied to your email and was really happy for you to join us.. but maybe something went wrong there.. Im looking now and cant seem to find your email ID.. so PLEASE just drop me one more and Ill send you an invite to our Slack group and yes lets get you on board!

[email protected]


So I started reading because was interested in what a man had to say about patriarchy, then your conclusion crept up and really surprised me! Yes, Im all for critiquing democracy. We are lead in the West to believe it is an unquestionable good, but yes, it's so intrinsicly tied up with Capitalism it is clear to me that its not working. Were you suggesting that a spiritual society would not be patriarchal though just from being spiritually lead? In my experience most spiritual practices are taught from a very masculine perspective. My experience is perhaps limited though. Quite a large topic!

thanks shivvi i think a spiritual society indeed would be VERY unlikely to be patriarchal .. spiritual practices are different from religious practices.. i think religion is Quite patriarchal as it has also lost its roots in many cases..

Quite a large topic it is indeed, reading for a few hours on this question now and i don't get it clear for myself. I am going to burry it and go to sleep, taking your wise last words under my pillow :-)

Women were not ahead of their time in Egypt, they just hadn't been subjugated to the degree they would be under Christianity. Early societies were matrilineal and the miracle of childbirth put women at the center of spiritual and social activities. Much of what you say here about patriarchy is right on target though and I appreciate you raising my awareness.
But you are right that I was quite surprised by your conclusion. Admittedly American democracy was founded to protect a distinct class of male land owners, but lets not throw the baby out with the bath water. As an Enlightenment value, and the idea of one vote per citizen, "we the people", etc, democracy is what liberates man and woman kind from neofeudal oppression. As citizens we are more educated and have greater opportunity in a democratic system. As we often say, it might not be the most ideal system, but its the best we have. No the issue today is the way that global concentration of wealth and power is disrupting and tearing down democracy. IMHO to wish for the end of democracy is a totalitarian position. I'm not sure what your motives are, ultimately ...

i think my best answer to this is..

  1. Democracy is EVIL.. because you cant have it when its centralised
  2. Property is theft!
  3. The Only real solution is Anarchy without any ownership!

I think basically ownership is the root of the problem for me.. combined with leaders with no soul or divine connection.

I think people in democratic countries are very UNSMART.. sorry to say that but its true to me! When i look at people in China for example, they are TOO smart!, Japan, TOO smart! This is of course my own opinion only!

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Great idea likedeeler,
Your funds are on the way;)

I love the detailed intro in the beginning. It adds so much structure to the post. And yeah the way you describe it, democracy has some role to play in making patriarchy such a big issue, but I don't think it is to be blamed entirely. Oh and can you make a correction to my username; it is @sharoonyasir and not sharoon-yasir :P

thanks Sharoon.. and yes we cant blame democracy entirely.. but it is VERY significant and i think the biggest part of the problem.. of COURSE this is my opinion only -)

sorry for the typo too, i fixed it!

That is such an interesting way of looking at it! I see where you are going with the idea of there not being a spiritual leader in a system, but I think in this time and age this is something that needs to happen on the inside. We need to have the part of ourselves that is spiritual/that is our spirit to sit on our throne to guide us. But our spirit should also listen to its subjects. A democracy is in my eyes a system in which people have a right to vote for representing leaders, which doesn't work flawlessly but still gives us some power. That we abuse it does not mean the system is bad. The system is just an instrument. I do believe people should learn to think and decide for themselves in this time and age. I would never want to go back to ancient Egypt and the way things worked then. It doesn't suit this time and age anymore, like I said the spiritual leadership should be on our inside. What I read are all symptoms of a patriarchic mindset, but not the cause of it. Maybe democracy facilitated the 'beast' coming out but it was there already. What was the cause? You can check out my view on it in my article:

the cause, if i didnt make it clear, was the ability for people to have OWNERSHIP of land and resources.. and for that ownership to be unrestricted and unlimited..

this combined with soulless leaders was a recipe for all that followed..

Soulless leaders are never good. Ownership of land, hm I don't know. Not so good maybe, maybe it could work as a convenience settlement. But then again that would only work if all people behaved decently. I agree it facilitated things, but I still feel it was NOT the cause.

It's a knowledgeable post.thanks for sharing it with us.hope everyone will be benefited on this.keep it up.thank you

very well post and great writing my dear friend @eco-alex thank you for this post
i love your post all time, it's really

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