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RE: What is patriarchy? Is a patriarchy the same as a society led by men, or is it more, a society led by fear and a feeling of scarcity, that happens to be an environment in which the masculine takes charge?

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)

great synopsis at the beginning @eco-alex! it's such a great ecotrain QOTW! and truly one that is close to my heart. as i read your words, i felt myself feeling that familiar anger that as a woman arises when i read about this basic inequality that has been going on for thousands of years!! we need to bring awareness to this subject for sure!

Our political systems are dinosaurs, and almost all have lost their soul and purpose.

could not agree more. i had never tagged democracy specifically in my mind as the "culprit" of patriarchy, but it is an interesting conclusion. certainly, the Ego as a force has taken over "democracy" (though i would argue it's not even true democracy anymore -- insofar as what we see -- elections are rigged and monetized, etc ad nauseum! it's sick) and within that, the partriachal rulerships have succeeded in also taking over. i do see shifts in this, but the masculine energies are certainly still in charge.

one big thing in feminism that has always struck me is the awareness around patriarchy not only damaging women, but also men themselves. and that women who try to "make it" within our capitalistic patriarchal models by "acting like men" are only furthering the problem. we need the resurgence and acceptance of the feminine, not more women championing the masculine to succeed (though of course it makes sense why that is the first response). much love to you and so stoked on more QOTW posts in this thread. thanks again @clara-andriessen for suggesting the topic <3 !! great job @eco-alex for tying this together with the inspiration from egypt's leadership.


thank you.. and i particularly agree with the part of your comment where you say
"women who try to "make it" within our capitalistic patriarchal models by "acting like men" are only furthering the problem."

absolutely! we need to balance the masculine energies with feminine.. and fast!
The power of SOFTNESS is great, like water that can erode stone...


these women that are trying to make it, is only a small but powerful section of society but in fact the alpha male archetype even in office environment is not trending anymore. Business were looking more for female energy and I have experienced briefly some. Office environments very female dominated. Even men were made to be more femanized in the cooperate world the term metro sexual got used alot in the last 10 years for men who were doing male grooming, grooming activities that were for women nails, waxing etc. I'm not a fan of the cooperate world myself but some women really identify with that masculine energy that gives them the drive to be part of that world. Its great to see strong successful women, they are showing up the men. I'm not talking about politicians tho because often they are just puppets anyway but yea I kinda disagree that all going getting women are a problem. It's better they are there than not there at all.

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