Who are more culpable for inequality and injustice, the people who make rules and laws or the people who follow and enforce them? Is the notion "I'm just doing my job" ethical?: EcoTrain Question Of The Week

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

I have to hand it to @eco-alex, he never fails to deliver, when it comes to providing thought provoking Questions for us members of the EcoTrain and this question is no exception.

So who is responsible for the inequality and injustice in the world today.Who is more culpable.

A person is culpable if they cause a negative event and
(1) the act was intentional;
(2) the act and its consequences could have been controlled (i.e., the agent knew the likely consequences, the agent was not coerced, and the agent overcame hurdles to make the event happen); and
(3) the person provided no excuse or justification for the actions.
(cheers Wikipedia for that)

Nothing in life is ever going to change if we just sit in our corners and not get involved in what is happening around the world. Too many people choose to turn a blind eye and just ignore the many injustices happening around us. We need to be aware and stay aware, we need to be informed, and stay informed. The way I see it, is that we need to know, what is going on and we need to use our voices, our words to make sure that these inequalities and injustices are heard. There is no excuse now that we are all linked via the internet, there is no excuse for feigning ignorance anymore.

A huge part of the problem today is that all of these actions are constantly being justified by the media, people are being told that everything that happens is for the well being of the state or the country, in their best interests so to speak. That those who are using force are doing so to protect the greater good, to uphold the values placed within society. So many people believe that rules and laws need to be put in place so that they can live freely, so that they can live comfortably, within this false sense of security.

At the end of the day, those who make the laws and give the orders are doing so for their own greater good, they are just well versed at convincing others that it is instead just the opposite. They have painted the picture of an unsafe world, where they can offer safety, by employing people in positions of authority who can watch over things and keep everything working as it should be. Of course anyone who goes against those in power, are seen as a threat. While all the time telling the public that such and such who where a threat to the state, have been dealt with accordingly. I know that it is not always just like that and that yes there are some who may be a threat to society.

But back to the question in hand, who is really responsible........

Who should be held responsible, for all the inequalities and injustices in the world. The law makers or the law enforcers. Well, Neither could work without the other. The law makers are the ones who get to create the reality they want and then it is the enforcers who ensuring it happens, who are forcing everyone to abide by the rules, put in place. Making sure it all goes according to plan. They are both responsible. At the end of the day we are all responsible for our own actions.

As I already stated at the beginning of this post, we can no longer claim ignorance. We know what happens in wars, what happens to immigrants, what happens to children 'in care'. We know that the only people who ever profit are those in power. We know that certain people are being paid to do the dirty work of others. But those people who do that work, who get paid to do that work, choose to do it, there is no one putting a gun to their head forcing them to do it. Yes in the good olde days, there were some who chose professions of authority because they really did believe they would be looking after the people within their community. That they were doing a job that was inanely good, but that does not really exist anymore. When you join the police force, the army, when you decide to take a job for Governmental bodies that are enforcing laws that rip families and communities apart, then you have to take responsibility for what you do. You are playing a part in that destruction, in that injustice. You are creating it.

Just doing my job, well I am sorry the point is, you are doing it. You choose to do it and you choose to continue to do it, over and over again.

I worked in mental health in the past. I trained to be a mental health nurse, because I wanted to work with people who suffered with their mental health. I naively thought that I could find a way to change the system whilst working within it. I had and still do have a big problem with the amount of influence that the pharmaceutical companies have, over every patients treatment plan. Medication is always the first line of treatment, which in turn creates a whole other level of problems for the person being treated. So even though I thought I could make a difference within a system I did not agree with, I still worked for that system, I still got paid by that system. I was just another spoke in that wheel, keeping that system running.

So I quit that job, and now, now I'm a Mother and a Doula, offering my support in a more holistic and natural way. Offering it for those about to bring new life into this world.

What Do You Think?

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



what do i think! i think you are awesome.. and trading out your job as a medicine pusher to a mother and Doula.. now there a good change! you did it..

this question is HARD man, because we gonna have to OWN our shit to really answer it.. well you and I already did that and got the heck out of it..

my answer is coming! xxx

thank you Alex, I am looking forward to your answer, keep these questions coming xxx

It's as if you were reading my mind or me reading yours. I was just thinking about this last night. I was imagining a conversation I was having with a supporter of a horrible, authoritarian leader in my country and explaining something very similar to her. That she needed to face her responsibility for what those she empowered did with that power.

Ultimately we all have to take responsibility for what we do or fail to do. It's important not to feel guilty for things we really can't control. That's a cop out that let's us get away with not doing what we actually can control, simply because we can't completely solve a problem by ourselves.

If we each take responsibility just for what we can control, I have faith that together we frail beings can create a powerfully thriving world.

we can not have any freedom if we don't take back responsibility for our actions, for our lives. And yes when we do then we once again become what we are meant to be, creators, in the best possible way xxx

nice find on that last one.. really paints a picture of the responsibility doesn't it..

Yes indeed, it's not a nice picture but shit that really is the truth of it x

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