Who are more culpable for inequality and injustice, the people who make rules and laws or the people who follow and enforce them? Is the notion "I'm just doing my job" ethical?: EcoTrain Question Of The Week

in #ecotrain6 years ago

I’ll answer the questions first, and then explain why.    

The people taking the action are more culpable than those who make “laws” or give “orders”.

“I’m just doing my job” is not ethical.

Before continuing, let’s define some key terms.

What is “injustice”?

Violation of another’s rights; a wrong


What is “culpable”?

Deserving of blame.   

From the latin “culpa” which means “fault”.


Who actually “makes” these so-called “laws”?

It’s really simple….people do! People just like you and me.    

These so-called “laws” are nothing of the sort.  They are just words on paper, posing as law.  The only true Law is Natural Law.  Any so-called law made by people that is in contradiction to Natural Law is irrelevant and should be ignored.  Any so-called law that is in accordance with Natural Law is redundant and unnecessary.    

Who actually enforces these “laws”?

Again….people do! Human beings!

To get back to the answer given at the beginning of this post:

The people taking the action are more culpable than those who make “laws” or give “orders”.


This can be shown with a simple example.  First, take all labels away.  

No police.  No politicians.  No lawmakers.  No enforcers.  

Let’s get down to the individual level.  A human.    

Now for the example:

If we have 3 people…...

Person 1 makes a “law” (writes something on paper).  The “law” says that flowers are “illegal” and that anyone with a flower will be assaulted.    

Person 2 has a flower.  Person 3 enforces the “law” and assaults person 2 for breaking the “law” (having a flower).    

Person 3 is the one physically assaulting someone else.  They are the most culpable.  That person was gullible enough to follow such an absurd and immoral “law”.    

This truth doesn’t change just because we have billions of people in the world.  If I sit around ordering huge groups of other people to kill each other, and they’re stupid enough to do it, then they are the ones who are culpable for killing.  What they should do is ignore me, disobey me, and laugh at me, because what I’m telling them to do is immoral and ridiculous.    

Unfortunately, what actually happens in society today, for example, goes something like this:

A person known euphemistically as a “president” or “prime minister” tells an enormous group of people (military) to initiate violence, assault, and murder, and all of those people within that group are gullible and fearful enough to actually engage in that violent behavior because that one person told them to do it.    

Do a quick search, for example, “Trump bombs Syria” and see what “news” headlines pop up.    



So no, it also logically follows that, “I’m just doing my job” is not ethical.  It’s a lame attempt at abdicating responsibility and culpability.    

There is another aspect to the question that I’d like to address.  I’m not sure if the question was phrased with this in mind, but the terms “follow and enforce” are both present.    

I’d like to take a brief look at the term “follow”.  

What is “follow”, and who follows so-called “laws”?    

One meaning of the word “follow” is:

to act in compliance with; obey


So, in other words, who “obeys”?

To varying degrees, everyone does.    

This is also essential to comprehending the root cause of the rampant injustice happening throughout society.    


Because nearly everyone obeys immoral, irrelevant so-called “laws” and doesn’t offer any resistance.  

Zero resistance.  

Silence is one form of consent.


This means that every single human being has, to extremely varying degrees, some culpability for injustice.    

I’ll use myself as an example.  In the past, when I was ignorant of Natural Moral Law, I consented to rights violations by remaining silent.  

However, now that I have this knowledge, I at least offer verbal resistance when confronted with a situation where rights are being violated.  I speak out.  I also completely disobey in other instances.    

Please note how varying the degrees of culpability are.  I, because I do not consent by silence and frequently disobey, am much less culpable for injustice in society.  I'm not trying to be on a "high horse" here.  It's just the truth.  

On the opposite end of that spectrum would be someone who initiates violence, such as a “cop”, “soldier”, “CPS worker”, or an “IRS agent”.  

They have an enormous amount of culpability.  

In other words, aggressors always have more culpability than their victims.  

So-called lawmakers fall somewhere in between.    

One final note.  Please don't take this final part to mean that I think that a victim in an extreme circumstance has any moral culpability due to not resisting.  An example would be someone who gets bombed and has zero opportunity to resist.  This is one of the most extreme examples I can think of, and feel it's important to clarify that I'm not suggesting they have any blame in such a situation.  

Finally, thanks to @eco-alex for presenting such crucial questions and initiating dialogue! 

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from goodfreephotos.com



Your publication is very explanatory, the laws have been written by men to "order society" but in many or in almost all cases the laws what they do is diminish the freedom of the people. For the rest I love your views. Receive my affections @steemingarnarchy

Thanks Felix. So-called "laws" written by people cause chaos, not order, and yes, absolutely play a role in diminishing freedom.

We are immersed in laws. There is the Law of Man, The Law of God and the Natural Law

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