Let's play Dungeons & Dragons! A brainstorm/feedback post

in #dungeonsanddragons7 years ago (edited)

I've had this idea rolling around in my head for a while now...


I want to run a D&D campaign in post form. The inspiration for this comes from @fingersik. I'm having a ton of fun playing Dungeons and Steem, and it has me yearning for more Dungeons and Dragons action!

I plan to run a 'dungeon crawl' campaign using the 5e ruleset with a randomly generated map like this one:


Players will have their choice of characters I have pre-built, the first people to "sign up" for the game will have first pick, the last person to sign up may only have 1 or 2 choices, because we will need a diversified party of adventurers to tackle the various challenges and battles that will take place. Players will have full character sheets complete with skills, attacks, inventory, personality, the works. There will be plenty of puzzles, fights, riddles, and potentially life-ending traps... and, hopefully, plenty of prize money to go around!

Each post will encompass one 'Round' of action, where each player decides what their next move will be. I want the game to be fast-paced, If all players respond quickly, there could be multiple posts per day, but I will set a time limit of 72 hours, so we can get in at least a couple rounds per week.

I will need 4-6 brave souls who would like to join the Battleborn Mercenary Guild for excitement, danger, fame, and fortune!

I will also be recruiting 'benchwarmers', ready to take control of any of the characters if a player drops out, stops responding, or dies. If the latter is the case, the benchwarmer will have a choice of characters, and the guild will send another adventurer to help complete the mission if need be. The player who dies will have the option of going into rotation as a benchwarmer, eventually getting a chance to play again as a new character.

I may go so far as to have extra people playing as the enemies, fighting against the heroes. This would depend on the interest of such a venture, and the amount of participation. What would you think about it? Let me know in the comments.

This game will be open to just about anyone, but having experience playing Dungeons & Dragons would be a BIG help, not just to me, but to the other players, and yourself.
If you don't have the rulebooks, you can certainly find them online, but I'll take pictures/screenshots of any pertinent information from my physical and digital copies. You won't need them, but they're always handy to have.

I'll be building and using a random dice roller to conduct this game.

I'll also write a post about it, displaying the guts of the program that will determine your ultimate fate. All DM rolls will be transparent, offering fairness, and eliminating many disputes that exist around dice begore they ever start.

I am a D&D veteran of 20+ years, have watched the game evolve, and have built many homebrew campaigns, stories, lands, and treasures over the span of my life. I want to share some of that with Steemit, because this has come to be my home away from home, and my land of dreams and opportunity.

What do you think? Would you be up for playing some Dungeons & Dragons, and earn STEEM for your roleplaying efforts?

I would need to iron out some fine details, like exactly when and how much a player gets paid, as well as the best format for posting and getting responses, among other things. There will certainly be more posts about this coming soon, so if you want to keep updated on this, you know what to do...

Take a moment to let me know what you think, good or bad, in the comments!

100% of the liquid reward for this post will go into my 'Savings' wallet, and my Savings wallet is now the Prize Pool for this game. Now everyone can easily see how much I've got to give away!

Vote on how payouts will be done!


Follow @thatsweeneyguy
to read about @steemparents, @thriveordie, Steemgigs, and way more!


I really like the Idea, I love D&D I think this is also a great opportunity to make good friends here. cont me in !

PS: found your post at ADSactly RPG channel ;)

Awesome! Glad to have you! I'm currently writing up the 'Big Post O' Rules' to explain exactly how it will all play out, then I'll be making an official sign up post. I think you're the 7th person to show interest in joining, so it should shape up to be a really fun game!

The Official Rule Post is up. Be sure to read it if you wish to participate.

This game will take place on the new @battleborn account. Can't wait to get started!

I would definitely be interested. It might be good to do side initiative as a sequential initiative will be tricky to implement given the somewhat asynchronous​ nature of posting.

Yeah, I was thinking today about how I'd handle initiative, and it's certainly one of the kinks I'll have to work out. I'll be making another update post pretty soon when I've had a chance to brainstorm and figure out how best to do it in post-form. It's gonna be tons of fun.

The Official Rule Post is up. Be sure to read it if you wish to participate.

This game will take place on the new @battleborn account. Can't wait to get started!

REALLY COOL IM IN... Im an old DM...I would love to see how this goes....RESTEEMED!!

The Official Rule Post is up. Be sure to read it if you wish to participate.

This game will take place on the new @battleborn account. Can't wait to get started!

Cool idea Im definitely up for it! I can already see some improvements to my DnS which is awesome. I decided that the transparent dice rolls would take so much time to me, but if you created such a program it would be so much better:) I would be interested in using that program form my next seasons:) Ill also spread the word about your contest in next post:)

Once I'm finished making some tweeks to it, I'll definitely share the program with you.

This is gonna be a bit like a classic game of DnD. Players will have all the character's skills and spells at their disposal, and will also have to think both fast and hard to work as a team to conquer the dungeon.

The Official Rule Post is up. Be sure to read it if you wish to participate.

I'm writing up my new action plan for DnS right now. Sorry it's taking so long.

Thanks for the info and sure, but I need it today since I plan to post the article

This game will take place on the new @battleborn account. Can't wait to get started!

Maybe I'll need to work my way up to something like this. Right now, I'm playing Munchkin, which seems like a D&D lite ;-)

I LOVE munchkin!

I love this. I came late to @fingersik's game, and then died quickly. :( But honestly, I don't have the time to participate at the moment...but I wish I did! <3

No problem at all. You could jump into rotation anytime you'd like, so if you find time, don't hesitate to come play!

Great. Thank you!

This game will take place on the new @battleborn account. Can't wait to get started!

The hardest part will be to get people to play often enough, with enough frequency.

So voting which day of the week would be very important.

Good luck!

I know that will be the hardest part. Once a week isn't going to be enough for the type of game I'm trying to run though. Each post would be one round of turns. One post a week would make even the simplest battles last two months.

Sure I will give it a try

Fantastic! Your name has been recorded in the book of heroes 😉

The Official Rule Post is up. Be sure to read it if you wish to participate.

This game will take place on the new @battleborn account. Can't wait to get started!

Awesome and great preview,you can visit my gaming blog for latest upcoming games and more preview games 😄

We growth steemit gaming together 😃

Good idea! I want to play :)))

Awesome! I'll put your name down in my notebook!

Thank you very much :)

The Official Rule Post is up. Be sure to read it if you wish to participate.

This game will take place on the new @battleborn account. Can't wait to get started!

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