Nothing Is Real Anymore

in #dtube6 years ago

Even the slightly savvy users of the Internet and Social Media now realise that the vast majority of what the see come through he tubes is fake in some respect. You might be shocked, however, to find out how fake things really have become.

Take social media, say something like Instagram. You have these Instagram models, many of which are physically augmented via surgery, create these phoney boloney images of themselves using various tricks.


Photography is a powerful tool in faking a persona. Never mind what you can do with lights, angles and the correct lens, there are a million things that can be done after the fact. I’m talking about photoshop - which is the colloquial way of saying ‘digital argumentation’, AKA ‘faking’ the result.

So we have fake people, taking fake photos in fake places and creating fake images for us to consume.


Apart from making you feel bad about yourself, what exactly is the motivation for creating these fake personas? MONEY!

Fake images have become such a money making magnet. Companies realise the effect of these fantasies on us and its ability to sell products. The ad-based economy has embraced the fake social media sphere whole heartedly because, well, money. Lots of it.

Where there’s money, there are going to be dubious entities looking to capitalise in a dishonest way. You may have heard of these firms (or should I say farms) in China and India that sell ‘views’ to social media creators. So now there’s a fake audience for the fake content because the larger the audience, the more advertising money ends up in the fake creator’s pocket.

These farms used to employ hundreds of humans sitting at a computer in a call centre environment fake-engaging with content all day. Astroturfing. The client can then buy the services of these human bots as long as the ad money is greater than the cost and it all results in profit.

Well, gone are those fake humans. Things have got even faker yet. Actual bots have replaced humans. With the advancement of technology, bots are now able to replicate the behaviour of human beings.

With the miniaturisation of everything, and smartphones, things have got even faker still. Now, instead of actual desktops and servers running (and using up a lot of electricity, adding to cost), these bots are now running on smartphones. Heck, multiple bots are now able to run on smartphones, each haven it’s own IP address via a VPN, pretending to be in a different part of the world to the other bots. The farms can now be brought in-house in the United States and European countries because; humans, cheap electricity and large spaces are no longer needed.

Indeed you now have companies with walls lined with thousands of smartphones, each running multiple bots with unique IP addresses and geographical locations simulation a global audience for any would be client! They can deliver hundreds of thousands, if not millions of views per day if the price is right.

In case you think I’m making this up, i.e., #fakenews, then check this out:
Click Farm

Just when you thought you’d seen it all. The Internet disappoints you and gets faker still!

Apparently there now people using the age-old fake it till you make it technique. What they are faking, though, is advertising. That’s right! Some would-be (wannabe) social media influencers are now creating posts with fake adverts and fake endorsements to make it seem as though they’re being sponsored by a brand That way they can then turn around to another brand and say;

“Hey Nike, I was sponsored by Microsoft, Squarespace and Coca Cola. Don’t you want to sponsor me too?”

Yes. That’s how bad things have gotten. It’s hard enough that we live in an era of Fake News (we always have by the way, just now the news gets around faster and farther with the Internet). It’s getting harder and harder to know what to believe. If you’re reading this, consider that I may have completely faked this article and video. Am I even real? Have you met me in real life? What kind of name is “Torrent” anyway?


Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.

▶️ DTube

The world has really transfigured the beauty of truth and reality. unfortunately in Steemit I have noticed characters with those characteristics, hahaha.

I wish you success in this year 2019 and may God fulfill the desires of your heart.

Thank you for your contest of the year 2018, I had a lot of fun, I hope the changes you mentioned would come.

As a thank you, I created a POP UP card, where I included you, I hope you like it, from Venezuela @theonlyway.

That's amazing hahaha. Is that a gun I'm holding or a hair dryer? :) I'm the Elf James Bond.

On top of the fakeness for the business reasons you went over, people are getting mentally barraged/reconditioned/having their values decay with these smoke and mirrors, and our youth's expectations of responsibility and reality are cringeworthy at best for most.

Great job with your new workout program! I definitely see the results. For those who don't know about your double-life, I will vouch for your professional singing voice.

I can only imagine what world the youth will mature in. Terrible times.
Yeah, my NY resolutions kicked in super early. Hey, I'm selling this supplement pill if you're interested. One pill that gives you a 6pack in 2 days flat. No workouts, no dieting. 120% guaranteed.

Thanks for the offer, but I'm only interested in pills that get me ripped in 24 hours or less. If the formula improves, I'll pay you with my parent's credit card. Can it be taken with alcohol?

Haha angles matter, taking a picture even if not filtered is choosing a good looking moment in time among all many awkward angles in between. No need to fake it, choosing is a filter per se. I care for my instagram but I truely believe am no poser, my life is not perfect either but I chose to show one particular side I find beautiful, my time in Nature and fantasy, of course there are many other things about me, or anyone.
But yes we need a reminder of the beauty of imperfection
Pd. I do not like heavily muscled bodies, your normal self might be better anyway lol

Don't lie! you're some kind of tree spirit. Like a fairy or something! :)
I don't think it's in my DNA to ever be that ripped haha. I'm more of a 1 pack guy 😭😭

I have been a little indulgent later and I am in shape, round is a shape right lol! ?
I wish I were a tree spirit, maybe in the future I spend a lot of time among them lol. Aww that was sweet, thx

Lol! 1 pack. I have one of those too!

I am not sure if mine count as 1 pack or pouch (oh no!)

haha. Only a pouch if you can store things there. I haven't gotten that bad yet!

Well not a pouch yet then but need to comply with my new year resolutions ot it will be lol

I don't mind to fake myself into a minotaur if it was for a handsome sum of money too haha.

Posted using Partiko Android

LOL. If the price is right!

The marketing is so rotten that they sell you garbage just to fill your pockets even more, so yes, everything around us is fake.

Amazing video Brother @adetorrent. Love the Lessons You Bring us often. This is a very important lesson as well. I agree with everything You said. Keep it coming Brother and May You Always be Blessed. #zap

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you bro... and you stay blessed.

Even the small things nowadays are faked, from relationships to friendships just for some ulterior motives. But it is quite important to ensure that originality is our watchword!

Indeed. Well said.

lol homer simpson into beyoncé.

that would be awesome and scary at the same time.

great video man. and message. i think being authentic even on a platform like steem is the best way to go.

we can smell the snake oil salesmen miles away.

Posted using Partiko iOS

LOL right?! Beyoncé Simpson 😭
I think people are fed up of that super exaggerated boloney now too. I feel people are seeking out authenticity these days. Even authentic creators are not doing too well if their stuff is too polished. People are looking for flaws so they can identify with the creator. It's a shame in a way, some creators are naturally polished like that.

I knew you could buy views and likes and whatever you need on your social media but I actually didn´t know these "commodities" are "grown" on "farms" these days :D It sounds so absurd and insane to me that I am speechless now! I mean is this the world we want to live in?

On a lighter note - my photoshop skills are same or maybe even worse than yours :D I have already proved that in several collage contests hosted by @shaka. Good to meet someone from my photoshop league :D

Hahahahaha.... you mean you can tell that's not really me in the thumbnail? Wow.

Took some close look but yeah, I revealed this fake 8-) :D

But looking at the almost seamless work in the neck area again, I must say your photoshop (or graphic design - as I call it :D) skills are actually better than mine...

Fake tea...I feel used. Guaranteed there is so much fake engagement on instagram and the likes. I can post a pic and it's been liked before my screen can even refresh. We all know what a little photoshop can do wink 6 pack wizard on the way....

uh-ho! hahahaha. I guess a wizard can just zap a 6 pack on by magic eh? :)

Yeah, it's crazy with Instagram. I also love the generic "wow nice pic! check out my profile" messages :)

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