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RE: Nothing Is Real Anymore

in #dtube6 years ago (edited)

Haha angles matter, taking a picture even if not filtered is choosing a good looking moment in time among all many awkward angles in between. No need to fake it, choosing is a filter per se. I care for my instagram but I truely believe am no poser, my life is not perfect either but I chose to show one particular side I find beautiful, my time in Nature and fantasy, of course there are many other things about me, or anyone.
But yes we need a reminder of the beauty of imperfection
Pd. I do not like heavily muscled bodies, your normal self might be better anyway lol


Don't lie! you're some kind of tree spirit. Like a fairy or something! :)
I don't think it's in my DNA to ever be that ripped haha. I'm more of a 1 pack guy 😭😭

I have been a little indulgent later and I am in shape, round is a shape right lol! ?
I wish I were a tree spirit, maybe in the future I spend a lot of time among them lol. Aww that was sweet, thx

Lol! 1 pack. I have one of those too!

I am not sure if mine count as 1 pack or pouch (oh no!)

haha. Only a pouch if you can store things there. I haven't gotten that bad yet!

Well not a pouch yet then but need to comply with my new year resolutions ot it will be lol

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