Off the Lane (Original Song and music video) A dark fairytale song about not taking shortcuts + making of (ITALENT round 5)

in #dsound6 years ago (edited)


Go through the long way... no shortcut is safe... A dark fairytale... Watch the music video here and Listen to the song on Dsound. Lots of previoustly not shared anecdotes included.

This post is also an entry for ITALENT contest ROUND 5 hosted by @ivan.attman and thanks @gtg for sponsoring this multidisciplinary arts contest.

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OFF THE LANE (c) Priscilla Hernandez

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Watch the Music Video

Watch the MUSIC VIDEO and listen to the song

Off the Lane: A dark fairytale

No shortcut is safe. The whole song is a metaphor and a warning...
Off the lane is the story of a girl wandering through the forest. She left the safe path misled by the Underliving creatures, or maybe not by them but her own unleashed imagination and broken spirit that enthralled by the twisted shapes of the branches seeks for shelter and get lost in the dark woods never to be found again.
No mossy stone will be her grave.
Has she become a ghost? or maybe a shadow?

The second way to understand is to understand what may happen if we step out from our own path... shortcuts are dangerous... specially when they lead you to dark forests (if you guess what I mean)

Off the Lane - by Priscilla Hernandez (

A warning for a curious girl led stray... you should have gone through the long way

Filming locations and making of

As usual the music video was done by ourselves, meaning me and @hedac.The song belongs to The Underliving illustrated music book but in my previous CD Ancient Shadows: The ghost and the Fairy I had already portrayed the ghost lady with a garment very similar to the one I'm wearing in this video.

A part of it was filmed in Navarra in the abandoned XVI century factory of Eugi... now engulfed by Nature. You can check a post about this place with many pictures here:

off the lane - by priscilla Hernandez (

Above: picture taken during the filming of the video, included in the in depth article of the location listed above

Another location was another forest in Navarra that sadly had been consumed by a wild fire. Hector filmed some scenes of the naked trees, the we used some puppet animation effect to animate . There is something so otherwordly about burnt forests... as if they are ghosts forests. So we mixed footage of El Quinto Real forest (where Eugi is) and this other burnt grove.

Off the Lane - by Priscilla Hernandez (

Above: the singular burnt tree that appears in the video. Mysterious at night... *where the woodlands get dark

A final location was Catalonia´s Montseny Forest during winter... As there is a transition of time from autumnal tones into cold wintry snow.


Some curious things that happened during the filming

It was indeed super fun. My costume is inspired in the drawing I made myself as the Ghost in my first album. It was designed by Bibian Blue upon my specifications and might be my best garment up to this day. The lush velvet cloak was a gift made during a concert by Goblin Road. I wear the same clothing during the whole video but in some parts I wear a rather haggard, already dead kind of make up. And I have dark ink in my mouth. Black ink was used all over the video to do FX, we dropped ink in water and filmed how it would shape, sometimes it would create odd "creature-likes" black formations, then the ink t was superimposed in the skies to make them look eerie and also as following shadows. At one moment of the video I go underwater with ink in my mouth... and yes it was real ink, and I couldn't really close my nostrils and it was terrible when that ink went all over the wrong way... LOL. One take and only.

How I became a real ghost (blooper) A funny not so funny ghost story during the filming

off the lane  dark - by priscilla Hernandez (

When we went to film to Montseny for the second time (snow gone already) we drove very early, in the middle of the night, complete pitch black, we were expecting to grasp the beautiful first light of dawn. But we were up to early and we started to make jokes, of course it's a forest road, no traffic, none but us, who could be up there on a cold day at 3 in the night in a place far from any populated area? Noone... So we started joking, Hector would drive back and I would be there in the road with my rococo dress and zombie make up with my head facing the floor, and I would attack the car when seeing the lights... All staged... just for fun, to film some bloopers...
So Hector said... Pris why don't I go further, so we film from complete darkness until you are lit by the car

I felt the light approaching... I made my best performance, jerked my neck sideways and lifted my head in a really disturbing way and faced the vehicle approaching without moving from the road...

It was NOT Héctor. It was a bus driver, that skipped me and started to accelerate...
And there I was (alive, thanks god) and probably having scared someone...

Weeks after a local TV program about "supernatural" had some exclusive testimonies about a dead girl (the curve girl creepy pasta story) in that area... I thought if was sensible not to call the show line.
So yes, I became a ghost, not only in the script of my video... I had always told my friends privately and I think this is the first time (it was years ago) I share this funny (not so funny it was risky and unpredictable) little ghost story.

A concept art watercolour painting I made for the Dark Forest

As The Underliving was also a booklet of illustrations I made this drawing of a spooky gnarled forest to portray this song. It is a traditional illustration just made with ink and watercolours.

Off the Lane - by Priscilla Hernandez (

Where the woodlands get dark skeleton hands hang from bare and twisted branches

This song is included in that album and if you consider to support my music , that is one the best ways for me because I' am still proud of that releasem so personal to me. You can find it here:


Off the Lane - by Priscilla Hernandez (

A warning for a curious girl...
I got lost off the lane
Where the woodlands get dark
And skeleton hands
Hang from bare and twisted branches
Swaying in a sinister dance
They swirl, they swirl
Knotting their shadows over me spiraling
Call me! Call me from the Dark!
Oh I shall find no rest until you come!
Call me! Call me by my name!
That mossy stone
Shall never be my grave!
I just followed their trail
Into their hidden lair
Oh broken heart
Come and play with us -they said
We can gather all your shards -they sung
Join them so you can feel complete
A whole again
All you must do is to decline
The light of sun
Oh catch me! catch me now!
Don't let me fall
Into a world I'll never be
I never really was
Tangle me and lift me in your arms
Shelter me and cloak me
With your gnarled dead boughs
Now that I'm lost
Off the lane
A warning for all curious girls
Led astray
A warning for all curious girls
Led astray
I should have gone through the long way
You should have gone through the long way
No shortcut is safe

Credits of the music

Music, lyrics, piano, voice, arrangements by Priscilla Hernandez @yidneth
Electronic loops and percussion, mixing and mastering by @hedac
Cello by Svetlana Tovstukha
Waterphone samples with permission of Richard Waters

Two songs that are opposites: Off the Lane and Through the Long way

Both songs have motifs and they call each other...
In Off the lane it says "You should have gone through the long way" in "Through the Long Way" the lyrics say "The greatest truth: No shortcut is safe. So in many ways, the songs play as two opposites tales... to remind us that sometimes taking the shortest route is not the safest... sometimes we have to walk our own path, at our own pace... as an artist I have remained honest to this principle.

Go through the Long Way... No shortcuts are safe

So you can actually listen to "Through the Longway" on Dsound too and see how both songs interconnect.
► Listen on DSound
► Listen from source (IPFS)
Link to "Through the Long way" Steemit post

A funny little alternate cover

As anecdote and as a funny note, at the time I filmed this video, @hedac and I had a hamster called Totonika... oh my! She was a rodent SUPERSTAR :) several of her photos went viral and remain in countless memes today... She was a professional model and we still keep her memory page . You may know I love rodents, particularly rats, though Totonika was a syrian hamster. She even has her own lullaby that I will share some other day. But he is Totonika as alternate cover for Off the Lane.


(c) Priscilla Hernandez. All Rights Reserved.

And I hope you like it, as always, if you do, leave your feedback and show your love! Thank you!!

Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator

(c) Priscilla Hernandez

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I love this! 🖤🖤🖤 So dark and beautiful!! I love how you describe it as “a warning,” too. I think he darkest element is how inviting the music and your voice are.

Hahah!!! And I love the alt cover!! 😂😂😂

Haha the alt cover is better lol. Half of mudic is on the spectral darker realms... The ghost and the fairy you know. Thanks for stopping by and listen. You are sweet.

This is amazing and spooky and so you!! The part about the ink doens't sound so fun lol, and I love that you are super ghost girl....baaaaaaa too good.. our focus creates our reality better watch that.. Totonika is so sweet wish I could have met her.... have to share a pic of my sweet Obie1Kanobie..... look he's sending you kisses! Thank you for your wonderful music, you guys are the best!

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hahahah yes choking on ink is not fun... but hope it looked good, that ONE take hahaha LOL. Ohh sweet Obie :) you're cute. Thanks for the encouraging words, know we miss you, we do :) but we´ll cross paths again one day... I'm pretty sure about too... have you got my skype? I'm the same user name there... I sent some love to your last post, I think you were being unnoticed but be sure you are only curied if the post is worth so that is your merit. Looooove on your way!

I listened to the track very well, and i really like your setup or arrangement.. with the sounds you used its kind of elvish but that is most of the time right ;) I hear different keys if i'm correct, nicely done to hit on the minor chords it gives a very mysterious athmostphere. I must say that i think you could have made the vocal more clear though in my opinion and less reverby but that is personal taste didi you know you can emulate a male choir voice when using stabs with a cello or bassoon? if not try it onces, it could enhance your voice pretty well i think.. but ofcourse this unique song is very differently nice as usual though it's not super easy to find the right tones for the instruments unless using the logics paste function but then its almost impossible to use different keys.. big up for this. btw maybe you should do create a kontakt plugin samplepack in the future

Thank you for your indepth review Seveaux, so appreciated :). Yes fantasy-esque sounds is fine for me :). I am really not much into music theory as I'm self taught but yes I think it has some modal progressions, I actually like to do that in most of my darker songs (which are a few, maybe up to a half, so expect that kind of minor mood in many of them...). I like film music and I confess I never think of songs but film music pieces. I actually would love to have some male choirs, the new album has some passages where I would love the depth... I love to make choirs as you can listen, sometimes even children light vibe, though I make them myself. I can go quite low but not male low, I guess I should ask for some to layer some deep ohs in some couple of songs. The cello here is real and played by my friend Sveta, actually it's just me at the piano, Sveta at the cello, hector at percussion and some fx dropped here and there. The arrangement for this one is rather minimal yet I think it worked. The reverb, my fault and almost my signature.... hahahaha though I'm doing a concert next 24th with some fellow friends in the woods and no PA, hahah just plain old dry acoustic hahaha XD (oh nooooo) I have some samplepacks I've made, actually one is fufunchis vst made of the voices of my own rat pets that rendered some unusual pads... But I like to sample all kind of stuff and they do make creepy sounds... try to squidge pancakes on a pank they scream hahahah XD yidneth creepy factory is called in my pc XD. The other day I got a scare cos the hardrive I had it stored fail, but I could recover it. phewww!

Short cut are not always short, they are just trick put in our mind through the lust to get things done faster than it ought to take.

I think, everyone should pick a lesson from this young lady..

What a creative idea, both the video and the song are so much inline, it seems as if the video was made for the song and the song for the video... Hhahahah

Don't mind me, I'm only referring to the blend between the two..

Great job dear.

Thank you, well the video concept was also made by myself so it is meant to fit eith each other. Thanks do much.

You are welcome dear....

Oh I love the spookiness of this Pris!
It has a kind of Anglo Scandinavian feel to it. I could imagine Viking warriors riding through that forest holding flaming torches!
Brilliant work my friend!

haha and not sensible to have chinese ink in your mouth hahaha XD I play actually some anglo scandinavian instruments (not in this track though) like the kantele.

I will check later today. :) Been sick a few days and lagging reading the comments so sorry for the delay replying... When is it the deadline? I would like to send one that doesn't belong to the already released CDs hmm let me think, I think I will come up with something :) Thanks also for stopping by and the lovely compliment.

You have a wonderful, esoteric and ethereal quality to your voice.

It speaks from the heart and sometimes from the dark recesses that we often pretend do not exist. I am rapidly becoming a massive fan, the more of your work I hear the more addictive it becomes. Not only the music but the video too is of such wonderfully high quality. That intro wow! It has a seductive "take the shortcut" vibe but at the same time it is chaotic with drama.

Your music is the perfect accompaniment to Hans Christian Anderson's dark and sinister tales, your real gift (in my opinion) is being able to traverse between sunlight and shade with an almost seamless skill.

Through the long way is a more sedate and languishing affair that hearkens in the sunshine after the long, lonely, eerily shadow-laden night. I love the opposing yet undeniably joined nature of this beautiful duo of tracks. Your ability to tell a story is second-to-none!

Highly, highly enjoyable I hope your creativity flows for ever, your soul needs to be heard and I believe that when we enjoy your music, that is exactly what we are listening to.

Totonika absolutely rocks the alternative cover by the way...Amazing even your hamster had star quality and oodles of charisma! Hope she is happy where her journey has taken her and that she is full of joy and playfully having fun with Kira (this is my personal belief.)

This is one of the most beautiful and encouraging in depth messages I've got in a while, and I'm very grateful. It's curious the first book I ever read (and It was gifted two me when I was 2 to 3 years (I was indeed a precious little girl)) was Hans Christian Andersen tales, for many years some haunted me, and some like "story of a mother" were really indeed very dark and had a spectral quality... I collected fairy and ghost tales for quite a while and still enjoy a neat selection of my favourites in my current place.

Thanks for watching and for appreciating the storytelling but most importantly for remembering my mention of Kira. As I told you Totonika, my three rats (fufunchis) and Kira (Kira was my daughter in many ways), that's my idea of my "happy place"... If that existed, I'm sure Linda would be there also waiting for you.

Novi Dizajn (Master).png


Thank YOu iTalent.png

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Thank you, my pleasure!

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wow such a hard work, how you include all kinds of details, and the bus anectode? omg. So talented may the music keep flowing through you for us all.

Thank you, actually that anecdote had been before rather private just for friends, but felt like sharing. Thanks for the listen ❤️❤️

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