Dream Diary - 17/12/17

in #dreams7 years ago

Morning Steemit!

I would say ’Good Morning’ however, I’ve been up since 6am to see my chiropractor for a good cracking which was fine. I was looking forward to getting the train back only to find the first two trains were cancelled! Not what you want to see first thing on a cold Monday morning. Thankfully I am back where I want to be, telling all of you about my dreams from last night. Hope you like them. Oh, yeah… rant over!!

Courtesy of Binouse49

Sunday 17th December 2017

Firstly I dreamed I was playing a 'space shoot-em up' computer game. I wasn’t playing it in your usual sense, I was inside the game! I was sat inside a space ship. There was a joystick in front of me which I took in my right hand. There were trigger buttons on the top and at the front of the joystick. I was looking out of the window of the space ship and all these asteroids were making their way in my direction. I had to shoot the asteroids to make them shatter into a million pieces. I could feel the spaceship shudder with all the debris hitting it. I came across a ’mother ship’. I flew towards the opening. The door raised itself and I was able to fly in. I had to fly round the ship, up and over moving barriers. When I got to the centre of the mother ship there was a small flying camera. The lens made it look like it had its eye on me. The camera disappeared and out of nowhere this giant tri-pod appeared. It had a big, red, glowing ball in the centre. It was shooting laser beams from it. I had to shoot the centre to ’kill it’. As I was trying to shoot the tri-pod, the room spun round backwards and everything was happening in reverse. I was flying backwards. Up and over the barriers like I did before, the asteroids were reforming. I was right back to the beginning from where I started but then everything went pitch black!

Then I dreamed I was walking to a hospital car park. It was about 3:30am. I walked all the way down the same high street I have seen in my dreams many times before, but it doesn’t exist in real life. I got to the hospital carpark and walked past a barrier to the machine and purchased a ticket. I then proceeded to walk home. on my walk back, I bumped into a lady walking her dog. She lady was about 60 years old. She was wearing a camel coat and had her white hair all neatly tied up in a bun. She had with her a brown and white cocker spaniel. We were walking along together and she asked me if I had any pets. I told her I had the one cat. She asked me if I would take her dog. The dog looked up at me with its big, brown eyes. It just stared at me! I said to the lady I couldn’t take the dog as my cat eats dogs for breakfast.

This was one crazy dream! There were a lot of barriers in it for a start! The computer game was fun but scary at the same time. There was no one around me to help. I had no contact with anyone. It was just me against the world! I’m glad I made it out of the mother ship in one piece. I don’t know why I dreamt about an old lady and her dog or why I walked to the hospital late at night to get a car parking ticket. Surely I would have just driven there, wouldn’t I?

If you enjoyed this dream, why not read my diary.

Dream Diary

16/12/17 | 15/12/17 | 14/12/17 | 13/12/17 - Part 2 | 13/12/17 - Part 1 | 12/12/17 | 11/12/17 | 10/12/17 | 9/12/17 | 8/12/17 | 7/12/17 | 6/12/17 | 5/12/17 | 4/12/17 | 3/12/17 | 2/12/17 | 1/12/17

30/11/17 | 29/11/17 | 28/11/17 | 27/11/17 | 26/11/17 | 25/11/17 | 24/11/17 | 23/11/17 | 22/11/17 | 21/11/17 | 20/11/17 | 19/11/17 | 18/11/17 | 17/11/17 | 16/11/17 | 15/11/17 | 14/11/17 | 13/11/17 | 12/11/17 | 11/11/17 | 10/11/17 | 9/11/17 | 8/11/17 | 7/11/17 | 6/11/17 | 5/11/17 | 4/11/17 | 3/11/17 | 2/11/17 | 1/11/17

31/10/17 | 30/10/17 | 29/10/17 | 28/10/17 | 27/10/17 | 26/10/17 | 25/10/17 | 24/10/17 | 23/10/17 | 22/10/17 | 21/10/17 | 20/10/17 | 19/10/17 | 18/10/17 | 17/10/17 | 16/10/17 | 15/10/17 | 14/10/17 | 13/10/17 | 12/10/17 | 11/10/17 | 10/10/17 | 9/10/17 | 7/10/17 | 6/10/17 | 5/10/17 | Can't sleep, Wont sleep | 3/10/17 | 2/10/17 | 1/10/17

30/9/17 | 29/9/17 | 28/9/17 | 27/9/17 | 26/9/17 | 25/9/17 | 24/9/17 | 22/9/17 | 21/9/17 | 20/9/17 | Recurring Dreams


If you always record your dreams then you can write a whole book. I think it will be very interesting.

@nilpan It's not the first time that's been said. I have contemplated doing it :-)

Do you dream every night? Do you always remember them?

@johnwjr7 Yeah I do and I remember them as well. I think it's a talent I have accumulated. Although a few days ago, I didn't dream. It's quite unlike me not to dream.

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Incredible diary. Your narrative is truly a gift to the steemit community

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