Dreams Journal 4/15/19 - Gun Battle & Car Theft

in #dreams5 years ago

Hello Steemians! It's been getting warmer but we just had what may have been our last winter storm. We always get one during spring, but I am hoping that it's the last one. Snow covered ground is still keeping me in hibernation mode. That means extra time for sleep and dreaming dreams in dreamland! I was able to remember one from last night and it was very weird! No flash dreams this time around as I haven't been focusing before bed to get them. Hopefully next time!

Gun battle and Car Theft.

The setting of my dream is basically similar to an online match of some Grand Theft Auto V.

My brother and I were driving around in his car. He had just bought it and it was really hooked up. Actually resembled a Nissan Skyline. It was white and he hooked it up to the maximum. I mean this thing was really fast. He even put gold rims on it. We pulled up to a street corner and he parked it next to a concrete stairway that probably lead down to a subway station.

Suddenly it turned into some cover-shooter division 2 type gun battle. He was ducking in the stairway and it had concrete pillars sticking out. His car was parked right next to the stairway and he stayed there shooting away. His bullets were more like mortars because he was kind of shooting up in the air but he was still landing plenty of shots, hence the mortar resemblance.

I was moving towards the gunshots closing in on the enemies. I got closer using different objects, cars and walls for cover. When the bullets coming at me got a little overwhelming, I re-positioned across the street to get a better view of where all the enemies were while my brother continued shooting off his mortar-like gun. Perhaps he was shooting up into the windows of a building, but it was hard to tell exactly what was going on.

Suddenly I saw a guy running up towards him. I tried to shoot him but I kept on missing. There was nothing I could do as he got closer and closer. I thought he was going to shoot my brother but instead he jumped in his car and took off. I was kind of upset that he didn't notice the guy coming up. He was really upset once he heard the tires of his newly hooked up super fast car screeching as the thief pulled away at a high rate of speed.

I just wasn't having it. My mission was to get my brothers car back. I noticed a viper parked on the side of the road, so I went for it. I totally jacked it GTAV style. It wasn't actually a viper though. Blue with white stripes, it was more like GTA's Bravado Banshee. (Okay, same thing) I hopped in, put the pedal to the metal and started chasing the guy around the city. It was like he was going around in circles though as he bobbed and weaved through traffic trying to lose me. He was fast, but the Banshee kept up. That is until I wrecked it. I was upset because I was losing sight of him.

I got out of the car and tried to stop another banshee in the middle of the road. That didn't work. I was upset! I needed a fast car. A Mercedes-Benz was my next best choice. It was parked on the side of the road so I took that and gave chase again. I was about to lose sight of him but he pulled the car into a storefront that had no doors. I observed him running across the street into what seemed to be a bank with a piece of paper in his hand. Was it a check? Money? I have no idea. By the time I caught up to him in the slow Mercedes he was already pulling out. Pedal to the medal he took off and I gave what little chase I could give before I lost him again. By now I was on to his route. It was like he was on a mission and every time he completed a part he had to go back to the bank to make a deposit. I tried to cut him off but he dodged me. I'm not sure if he knew I was still chasing him.

"This stupid slow ass car! Damn it, I need a better one!" and then there it was. A Porche. "Okay, I'm switching cars!"

The race was on again. Having stolen the Porche, I could now keep up. I was keeping up easy actually. Like the Porche was faster, so I kept my distance. I knew he was going to stop at the bank eventually, so I was waiting for the perfect opportunity. Wait for him to pull into the storefront, sneak up and steal my brothers car back. After 2 circles around the city, he made his stop. "Perfect! This is it!"

I parked on the corner and ran up to the side of the building he was parking in. As soon as he ran out of the storefront and across the street, I went in for the steal. Just as I entered the storefront, I noticed what appeared to be a henchman or something standing outside the bank. Like he was monitoring the guys car for him or something. "Hey!" he shouted at me, as I walked into the storefront. He said something like I wasn't supposed to be in there, or didn't have permission to. I ignored him and went for the drivers seat.

I couldn't get in the car though. I was "pressing E" to get in but it wouldn't let me. It was like the setting you can put on GTA:Online that prevents other players from driving your car. Since I couldn't get in the car, I just picked it up like it was a toy car and started running away with the car in my hands. It wasn't too heavy, but the size made running away extremely awkward.

I could hear the henchman telling me to stop. I was basically caught, but I kept running away. I could see a small stack of bills wedged between the drivers seat and the drivers seat rack (where you can slide the seat back and forth). I reached for it and grabbed it as I could hear the henchman getting closer to me. He was chasing after me so that I can't steal back the car that his boss had just stolen from my brother. As soon as I had the money in hand, I put the car down and kept going. It was literally about $30. Ten $1 bills, two $5 bills and one $10 bill. I put the money in my pocket and kept going. Since I put the car down, the henchman stopped and left me alone.

I then walked down a stairwell that landed me in some kind of outdoor cafeteria next to a road with cars driving by. There were people sitting down and eating and I noticed one old friend that isn't quite a friend anymore sitting at the closest table. I was trying to avoid any eye contact with him and pretend that I didn't notice him, but I had to walk past him to go up a different set of stairs. He noticed me and I couldn't ignore him. When I looked at who was sitting with him, it was a few childhood friends of mine, including my brother so I sat with them and started chatting.

Shortly after a car pulled up accusing me of stealing one million dollars worth of diamonds out of the car that was originally stolen from my brother. Everyone at the table looked at me in disbelief. "Fuck that I didn't steal anything!" I quickly handed the $30 to my brother and he took it. They were adamant that I stole the diamonds. They drove off saying they were going to retaliate. I stood up on the chair as they drove off and yelled at the top of my lungs that they were absolute morons and "f'ing retarded". They didn't like what I said, and slowed down and began to turn around.

My friends questioned me and I explained to them the whole story about how they stole my brothers car. At this point, I was feeling like this was real and not a dream, and I explained to them that it was indeed a dream. They looked at me weird and said "No it isn't man, this isn't a dream!" I replied "The hell it's not! I didn't steal anything!" At this point, I could hear myself audibly speaking in my sleep and was beginning to wake up.

I instantly fell back asleep and back into the dream. There was an officer questioning my brother so I sneakily went down another set of stairs and hid between a concrete column and a concrete wall. I could hear the officer walking down the stairs in an attempt to apprehend me. "Get me the fuck outta here!" I exclaimed, both in my dream and audibly in real life as I barely woke up and shook myself awake.

My wife was like "Are you okay?!" as I slipped back into dreamland and right back to the dream I went. Still between the concrete column and the wall, I yelled "I AM NOT GOING BACK!" and the guy who had originally stolen my brothers car was right there accusing me of stealing the diamonds. I yelled, "SHUT THE F UP!" and this time I woke up for real. I also woke my wife up, lol. Knowing I woke up, I literally sat up. I needed to be fully awake for a few minutes to make sure I wouldn't slip back into the dream. I was over it! Screw that dream!


The only thing I can think of is too much games can create some weird dreams! I also recently bought a 1 TB SSD because I was sick of uninstalling games to play different ones, as my 500 GB SSD is just not enough. Having the 500 GB SSD plus the 1 TB SSD has allowed me to reinstall some of my favourite games, including Grant Theft Auto V without having to uninstall anything. This has given me a bit of an itch to play some GTA. As for the rest of it...I have no idea what it could mean. I want to assume that sometimes dreams have no meaning. It was just a weird dream. Started to feel a bit nightmarish, which is what prompted me to wake up and be done with it once and for all. I don't exactly like to curse in my posts, but it was important to show the context of what was happening along with my frustration! The expletives certainly helped me wake up when I needed to!

Thanks for reading! Steem On!


I want to share my dreams exclusively with the Steemit community!

Dream Log


| 4/10/19 |


| 3/29/19 |


| 2/5/19 | 2/18/19 |


| 1/3/19 | 1/17/19 | 1/18/19 |

2018 / 2017

Dreams for 2018 and beyond

How to Remember Your Dreams

It is good practice to have a dream journal next to your bed if you want to remember them. That's right. Good ol' fashion pen and paper. [Okay, a laptop or your favorite hand-held device can work too] This way, the second you get up, you take 5 minutes to write down as much as you can remember before you start to forget. Spend some time re-reading, even throughout the day, and you might even start to remember small bits and pieces for you to add. If you keep this practice consistent, you will soon begin to start remembering your dreams with more detail, effectively able to write down what you dreamed.

Just remember, all it takes is 10 minutes to forget your dream. You must perform this exercise during your first 10 minutes of waking up.

When I joined Steemit I made the decision to always Power-Up my earnings. For now, payouts are set to 50/50 but you bet I will convert & Power Up! Besides internal transfers, I have never cashed out and don't plan on it! Power-Up only!


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