My GrandMom - Deranged Photography Contest

in #derangedphotography6 years ago (edited)

My GrandMom Arminda Varela


Hi to all, Im Nahu Padilla, from Caracas, Venezuela, South America and Im going to write about my grandparents: My grandfather was a very appreciated doctor by the people around here, he researched all his life in the field of General Medicine and allergies, he cured and healed many patients, especially those with low income, often without charging for treatments. He was also a lab technician and radiologist.

They are my GrandParents. My GrandDad: Nahum Arbelaez and my GrandMom: Arminda Varela


They are my mom´parents, they just right now are pass away because healty problems.


My grandmother was a nurse, during her whole life, she held the position of Chief Surgical Instrumentalist in the a big "Maternity" here in my country, Venezuela, in the city of Caracas. They both dedicated their lives to health field. My grandfather was hospitalized for cancer at the Military Hospital until his death in 1994, cause he was a doctor and a soldier.

This lasts years, when my mom pass away in 2009, I was like a male-nurse of my grandmom, take care of her and of course, we going to the hospitals, to the doctors, I bought her medicines, we have to pay a lot of money for expensive medical tests and therapies, and a lot of medical cares, she had 90 years old when she pass away because a stomach cancer disease, 4 april, 2016.


I stay with my grandmother until she pass away, taking care of her and being her´s male-nurse



I´ll always remember her with her big smile, her good vibes and her blessings and prayers for me and my entire family!



My both parents and my other 2 grandparents pass away too, so all of them are in the Heavens like my Guardian Angels:


mama .jpg

My Parents and my family



Contest Post Link


Thanks too: @derangedvisions, @curie, @thealliance





Congratulations @nahupuku, your post has been selected by the @asapers for a resteem and a feature in our brand new curation post. Issue 82

What does this mean for you? Well first an upvote from some members of the team, we are no @curie or @ocd but who is going to be unhappy with some extra upvotes. Also each post featured in the article will receive a 10% share of the SBD generated from the curation post.

Keep up the great work and please consider supporting the @asapers with an upvote and/or a resteem on the post you feature in. Please wait seven to ten days for payout.

Your friendly @asapers

Giving back A.S.A.P

Read Me ASAP.png

*P.S. I love this contest by @derangedvisions, I really need to get my act into gear and write something up for it. I looks like you had some wonderful grandparents. @insideoutlet.

thanks a lot <3 awesome!!!
@insideoutlet you check your steemit profile and your web site, very amazing!!!
I feel it :D Im glad that you are positive and you are ok <3 very happy about that
Several months ago I write this post, its an old one about why I become to training cause I have a very particular life with a lot of accidents and surgeries too, its very short to read, so if you wanna check in, its written in a motivational way so I hope that you like it ;)

Blessings and thanks a lot again for your visit and the upvote/reesteem <3

Thanks Ill check that out @nahupuku. Writing about those things are hard but its good to get them out of our heads and share it with others. It helps motivate them to do the same. Have a great day!

Exactly I feel the same! Im a motivational bilingual writer here since I become a member of this platform in dec. 2017, so I try to guide ppl for being better persons every day, Im in the same process, in the same way I like a lot this comunity they helps me a lot with several stuffs, new friends, ppl that appreciate my music and art, the people that helps me with my charity foundation, I mean its a entire world, and its amazing ;) you too!

@nahupuku I joined Steemit in December last year too but my blog has been around longer than that, I do wish that I found steemit when I started that, it would save the duplication.

oh I see..,well I create a long long posts - list with all of my content and links so for me its very easy to find some post, I put all of the info here, in bilingual mode, separated by themes:

:D it was hard to create but I have to create a new one, with some modifications like I dont use the heroesanonimos account anymore, I create a new one @unknownheroes, for example, so I have to create a new post, just this week in fact, when I get the 1300 followers ;) I made this post when I get 800 followers 3 monts ago lol. A looong road in this platform .Blessings

I just read it, veey inspirational, thats a lot to endure come back from let alone start up at the gym. Is that your grandmother in the first image with you on that post too?

Thanks a lot again! Yes, it was hard, to walk again and training but Im so blessed and glad to can make it, with a lot of mental strength and faith, each soul can do amazing stuffs! With the power of the mind. Yes she is, In this photo she had 89 years ago, few months ago near to the date that she had 90 and later pass away, and you can see that she walk in the streets and it was very very awesome, she dont have several problems and she can walk and her mind was so treashure, very wisdom, she can remember everything <3 It was a real blessing that she don´t have any pain when she pass away and only she had 3 months few illness, so it was very good that she doesn´t had too many suffering, I lost her a lot but she live a long life and now she is with my mom and dad, keep an eye on me ;) lol take care ;)

@nahupuku Glad that she is in a good place with some lovely people to keep her company, you have some strong people looking over you.

<3 yes it is! For me Heavens its a peacefull place for being in infinite love and good vibes! We don´t have to fear to the death, cause its the God house and a lot of good spirits are around here, but in the same way we have to care our life and care our body. cause life its an amazing gift

by the way!
If you wanna take a look about my foundation and labor, here its the link:

Its a new post but you dont have to upvote if you can´t, but I put some important info about our labor here and photos, Im very glad to show this post cause we Im trying to make a good cause with some children with cancer, I donate my hair in 2013 by the same cause, I like a lot to contribute in that Hospital (J.M. de los Ríos) with toys and medicines., in Venezuela just right now we have a big insane crisis, without food and medicine´s so we try to make our best effort to help others since 2008 :)

awesome, thanks you ;)

You certainly took this contest to heart, and that is one big heart you have - quite an emotional read. You have my respect looking after your Grandmother through her frail old age, that is a challenge very few would be capable of.

You share some wonderful photographs of your family, your guardian angels I am sure are very, very proud of you.

Your first photography with you and your Grandma is really quite stunning, a wonderful memory. This competition will be fiercely competitive, but you have won whatever happens in creating such a beautiful post that has so many I know replying in your comments.

I hope @crisangel and @saffisara will have chance to call in and leave you their own comments, but for me this is a fantastic celebration of your family and a true winner.

#thealliance #witness

you have my support and I vote for your witness today ;) @c0ff33a blessings


Thanks a lot again for your words, well I really love her, we are both together like warriors and well Im very happy to stay with her in all of this process, I had to learn about change diapers and put some medicines in her veins, cause I really dont know anything about it before.

But my soul its in peace cause i can help her, in this other old post that I made I told some history about the process of my training into gym for help here with her body weight, cause I had cancer and well I had 2 back surgeries in the 90s so I can´t make a lot of strength, and others histories that I told in this posts, I had a really ugly accident in 1999 when I had 17 years old, a big bus pass over my legs, the back rear wheels pass over my body (my two legs and my right had.Im guitar player so it wass a really hard) so I had to learn again to walk an well I try to do my best for this issue

Cause of that I have my foundation for give toys, medicines and my own hair, and clothes, in donation to a children with cancer desease, I like to support them with my fundation: @unknownheroes

In this last post I told a little bit more about my labor here, for free its non-profit foundation:

And again thanks a lot for your words! I feel i´m so lucky cause many reasons, and the most important is im alive, so for me Im natural winner, I really wanna say some words about my grandma here and my grandpa, they are a very good good soul people, they care about the people, the poor ones in the streets too, cause of that I have my foundation, I mean i try to continue the same labor, this its my blogspot, it´s a more complete review of my work in my foundation since 2008:

If you have time you can watch this links, when you can, and if you can, it was very easy to read, I try to spread the word about my cause, for give others some positive motivational messages and cause of that Im bilingual writer, for the people around the world can do amazing stuffs with the power of the mind, cause I can do it, so everyone can do it too. blessings again!

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Thanks a lot ;)

Nice tribute to your family. Thanks for sharing!

:D awesome, thanks for your visit!

Juicioso! It is so important to care for family, ¡que Dios le bendiga!

:o really thanks a lot! yes it is! Amen and God Bless you too ;)

It is my pleasure, take care of your family, of your people, and keep posting to Steem!

Thanks a lot ;) well Im have to make a new list, cause 3 months ago i created a post-list, when I get 800 followers, Its a bilingual old post, If you wanna take a look about my content since dec, 2017 to April, I create a song for the post and organice by themes, I hope that you like if you take a really quickly fast tour over here, blessings:

Thank you for sharing this! What a creative way to keep your content in order, like a table of contents!


Exactly, Its a kind of weird post! but I try to do my best for organice all of my contest since that date XD I have to do the new one soon :p its a looot of homework XD see ya

Oh! I am making a tool for you then! I had it working, but now I just need to get it hosted again, then we can use it while new updates are contemplated.

It is a tabla de contenidos maker, that I think would help you make this type of post. I don't think I can get it hosted again until august though, it requires that I focus for a whole day, and that hasn't been happening for a while ;p

awesome!!! Let me know when you finish your tool, I love to make some practical´s tools cause its more easy for me do more stuffs, I really do a lot of stuffs everyday, but this it´s the life :D let me know, a big hug :) blessing

Really love to read abd looking at your family pictures @nahupuku😊 your grandparents and your parents really amazing and succeeded to raise a good man like you. Are you a nurse or doctor too?

Thanks to @asapers who has featured you on the issue no. 82 today. Have a good luck with the contest

<3 :o thanks a lot for your words <3 Blessings! No no im a writer and an artist from Venezuela, Musician and photographer! ;) Terima kasih!

whoaa.. an artist and you could done that nursing-man for belated grandma, you're such an amazing person. Terima kasih kembali means you're welcome ;)

Yes cause the love impulse me for do that, and I had to learn about change diapers and put medicine into her veins, was so hard, but I try to do my best ;) Thanks a lot for your words, really! Well im spanish writer but...take a look of this:

Hi - what a lovely post as tribute to your gorgeous grandparents. Having nursed my own mum this year, I have a lot of respect for you for being there for your grandmother when she needed you. It is very tough, but it means so much to our family members to do this.

I love the spirit in the photos of you both together- you look like you had a wonderful bond that will never leave you.

Beautiful post- and good luck with your entry.
E x

<3 thanks a lof for your words!!! :D Its very hard to the responsability of care older person, I had to learn very fast about put medicines in blood with neddles, and others stuffs very hard like change diapers. Thanks a lot, and yes my family are awesome.

<3 I love her wisdom and her vibe to help others, a lot of ppl really calls their grandma here in my building, so a lot of ppl likes her a lot :D

<3 thanks a lot blessings for you, pukukiss

Both you and your granny seem like sweet souls. She was lucky to have you as her caretaker. 🦋 And a what a stunning woman she was in her younger days! 😍 Wonderful post — I’m sure Wes will appreciate it as much as I do. ⭐️

aww thanks! :D well Im very lucky too, to know her and receive her wisdom and love! Yeah I love this old photos of her, she was very beautiful thanks for noted ;) <3

@nahupuku you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

You have been defended with a 83.33% upvote!
I was summoned by @c0ff33a.

thanks a lot! :D

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