Why “Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe”.... (4)

in #deepshit6 years ago (edited)


Things that vibrate at a certain frequency tend to find themselves surrounded by people of a similar frequency, experiencing things of a similar frequency. It makes sense on a basic level if you think about it. If you smile at others they are more likely to smile at you. If you truly believe that you can succeed, you allow all the things that need to happen in order for you to be successful to actually happen. If you believe you are a failure, you will get in your own way and invite your own failure. There is nothing metaphysical about the way I’ve explained anything so far.

But if we look at this a bit more metaphorically, we can begin to imagine what may be going on at a deeper level and understand how things like the Law of Attraction, the Occult, Daosim, Buddhism, and other various other secular beliefs, holistic medicine, Shamanism, and the exploration of psychonauts may be more than just “woo-woo” (though “woo-woo” is a fun word that I recently discovered) and you are free to see all of this as metaphorical if you choose.

Vibration simply attracts similar vibration. On a surface level that means a person who sees themself as an outcast will naturally feel repelled by most social situations and place themselves outside of it. On a deeper level, however, each thought and emotion will attract more similar thoughts and emotions. Eventually thoughts and emotions become beliefs which lead to habits and actions and a conglomeration of thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions will attract experiences and situations which match the vibration you’ve been putting out there.

In the case of an outcast, this belief about being an outcast may have originated from having a vibration out of harmony with classmates or family members. From there a belief is practiced and so whenever that person is thrown into a social situation, out of habit, they practice the vibration of an outcast. When you talk to others, they pick up on your vibrations (some more consciously than others) and react to you accordingly. If they are of a similar vibration, you will find some level of comeraderie with them. If not, you probably won’t enjoy conversation with them much (unless you are tuned high enough so that you can see harmony in disharmony, which is something we will get into another time).

Cultures form around groups of people who share similar vibrations. This can happen in a variety of ways, but once a culture is established, it reinforces itself through the vibrations of all those who are a part of it. You will always feel more comfortable with those you vibrate in harmony with. The only exception to this is when we are currently vibrating at a frequency which greatly differs from our deeper desires. This will start as mild discomfort but will eventually grow to be unbearable until we make a change to reflect our true desires.

What kind of people have you attracted into your life?

Read the rest of this series:

Vibrations 1 - Tuning your Instrumen
Vibrations 2 - Tuning your Instrument 2
Vibrations 3 - Vibrating in and out of Harmony
Vibrations 4 - Why your vibe attracts your tribe...
Vibrations 5 - The Vibration of Love and Fear
Vibrations 6 - Contradictory Vibrations
Vibrations 7 - Contradictory Vibrations 2


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by @skyleap


The idea of vibrating to a certain frequency and attracting or repeling others, is a little "woo-woo" to me too. Though the more I am exposed to the idea in posts like this and others {The Law of Attraction} etc., the more faith I have in the possibility and potential of that harmony. Thanks very much for this delightful post.

It gets less and less woo woo the more you experience extreme cases. Thinking “I want a friend with blue hair” just as a joke and making a friend with blue hair later that evening for example. I don’t try to convince anyone of this stuff, but in my experience, the more open you are to it, the more it finds you.

once again @whatamidoing tells it like it is 🔥

Exactly, that’s an open secret that people keep overlooking even at this stage of the world

The masters of the mind will always be the rulers of earth

It’s getting harder and harder to ignore. Even some in positions of power and starting to stumble upon these open secrets and a few of them know well enough that we only win when we all win. :-D

I very much agree! Those that are aware and accept the latter are the major rulers! :)

Light attracts like 😊

Sadly for me, I have not attracted many positive people into my life, which is not great for me. I'm trying to make new friends with my many hobbies. It seems people into gardening are much more relaxed and better suited to be positive. At least from what I've seen.

Good read as always!

I’ve also found better friends outside of my original interest-based circle. I like psychedelic music, and jamming, and writing, but I’m finding myself get along much better with dancers and painters than hard core musicians. Similar way of thinking is more important than similar hobbies, but meeting new people is always fun.

Hope you are happy with your new friends!

I like the change in your writing. It seems to come out even more naturally than before. Words of wisdom, conveyed in a way that really seems to fit you and - as a bonus or logical effect of the aforementioned - read easily.

I feel I’ve finally found a balance between my old optimism at the end of the world posts and relaxed blogging. I love it, but I’ve got to be in the right mindset for it!

its not relevant of the post but u destroy my view of pineapples every time a see one am thinking on u..:O.. like to day a random man on the street whit a pineapple T shirt.

Hahahah oh no, what have I done! I’ve taken over the image of a pineapple.

You make an interesting segway in the penultimate paragraph about not being able to engage properly in conversation with those of a lower vibration/frequency

unless you are tuned high enough so that you can see harmony in disharmony.

I used to find this a great struggle as an empath. I was so highly tuned to the frequency/vibration of others that I interpreted those signals as signs they didn't like me.

It was only years later, when I became aware of this mechanic - for want of a better word - that I was able to integrate the experience, and engage with people with more presence.

I Couldn't agree more with the like attract like bent, as well. Ever since I cleaned up my lifestyle, and got on the right track, I've been on an accelerated path to where I want to get to in life.

Nice tangent from your previous article about the nature of frequency and vibration. Is this turning into a little bit of a mini series?

When you are really flying high, no one can really bring you down unless you let them. Most of the time we let them, I know I do. If I could fully control this, I’d be flying high all the time!

Yes this is going to be a pretty long series I hope, but we will see if the inspiration continues.

Love your content! :)

Thanks :-)

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