The Vibrations of Love and Fear (5)

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)


All thoughts and emotions vibrate with a certain degree of love and/or a certain degree of fear. What series of events follows will be determined by the degree of love and fear that inspired those thoughts and feelings in the first place as well and the degree of love and fear in each action or subsequent thought and emotion.

The more love inspires you, the more you will be working towards manifesting your deepest desires and more overall harmony with your surroundings. The more fear in your heart, the more you will stray from who you truly are and who you truly wish to be, the more roundabout a route you will take to wherever you are hoping to go and the more of a headache it will all be.

Love here does not mean romantic affection, and it absolutely does not mean the neediness or clinginess that accompanies some romantic affection. Love here refers to peace, unity, abundance, a feeling of one-ness, true connection and appreciation without conditions.

Fear includes doubt, regret, jealousy, pain, suffering, or anything that leaves you feeling as though you “lack” something, that you require something that you don’t have in order to be who you truly want to be. You can not directly control conditions but you can always decide how to react to any situation. You are always in control of how you vibrate, no matter how challenging it may be to recognize it.

Most experiences and situations are brought about from a combination of love and fear. Do you know anyone who is constantly in a state of being at one with the universe? Someone who doesn’t fear anything and loves everyone and everything at all times? I know a few people who are closer to that than I used to be able to imagine. But we grow up in an environment full of fear, with a history even more filled with fear, it’s extremely rare to find someone with so little of it and so much love.

Fear is not inherently bad, it is simply a distraction from our deepest desires. When we have fear, we wind up with mixed vibrations that provide us with mixed experiences. It’s all good. Fear is simply an indicator of what we might want to work on in order to have a collection of experiences closer to what we truly desire.

Read the rest of this series:

Vibrations 1 - Tuning your Instrumen
Vibrations 2 - Tuning your Instrument 2
Vibrations 3 - Vibrating in and out of Harmony
Vibrations 4 - Why your vibe attracts your tribe...
Vibrations 5 - The Vibration of Love and Fear
Vibrations 6 - Contradictory Vibrations
Vibrations 7 - Contradictory Vibrations 2


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by @skyleap


Fear is probably a good thing at times. A necessary warning sign that there is a threat to our well-being or happiness. But like all our emotions regardless of the reality, we are the creators. If we are aware our environment from an objective and rational point of view, I believe we can have more control of what we create. Really like this topic, thank you for the post. Peace and goodwill.

There's a difference between momentary fear as an indicator of a threat or something unwanted and prolonged drawn out fear that affects your thought processes. I think this distinction is really important though pretty subtle.

I love that last sentence:

It’s all good. Fear is simply an indicator of what we might want to work on in order to have a collection of experiences closer to what we truly desire.

that is the most positive description and version of fear that I can think of indeed. I love how you turn something that most of us see as 'negative' into something positive.

I dig your vibe these days, brother ;>)

P.S. I just watched an episode of Black Mirror focused on VR and the most intense haunted house game. The 'player' / one wearing the VR device was confronted with his biggest fears.

One of the creepiest things imaginable with VR :>)

I've been avoiding Black Mirror, it seems like a lot of fear is wrapped up in it, but it does seem pretty creative and fun....want to convince me to finally watch it?

And thanks man, I'm really loving where I'm at now as far as what I'm sharing, :-D I've got to catch up with you soon.

You're welcome my friend :>)

How I would describe BM is as follows: dystopian black comedy, very much focused on the future of 'social' media and technology and everything that can go wrong with that.

It has the most amazing scripts though and is worth a watch for inspiration alone. I'm sure you will like at least a handful of episodes.

"Fear includes doubt, regret, jealousy, pain, suffering, or anything that leaves you feeling as though you “lack” something, that you require something that you don’t have in order to be who you truly want to be."

I like this way of defining fear. It actually tangentially fits with something I wrote. I covered the idea of "needing" a purpose and how that is sometimes exploited. I didn't touch on fear but the way you present it here works well with that. The idea of purpose or the lack there of, can be used to make people live in fear of not being what or doing what they are supposed to.

"Fear is not inherently bad, it is simply a distraction from our deepest desires."

I like that you acknowledge this. We often get this view of certain emotions an "negative" but they all serve a function. The problem, as you point out, is when they become a detraction from other things. It is fine to be afraid of a bus when it is coming right at you but that shouldn't stop us from riding it when we need to get somewhere, if you will forgive the poor analogy.

I try to be able to remove myself from the idea of GOOD and BAD, and I don't like to entertain the idea of "EVIL" at all. Things just are. We define them, and we should define them but we need to recognize that our definitions are not objectively true. I find harmonic and disharmonic to work better than good and bad, or wanted and unwanted.

I'm trying to dig into this a bit deeper in my mind...the distinction between fear as a momentary indicator and fear as being ingrained into the thought process, the former a pretty positive thing, not inconsistent with love, while the latter is totally in contrast.

Deepshit indeed....had to hold my breath for ages for that one. Agree with it all though. Nicely written.

Many times you fear what you love. because of the fact that it may be taken away from you. i know that this is not what you meant but it is still a necessary fact of life.

But will we love what we fear? that is the transformation that will change our lives. this is pure love in its essence.

That is kind of tied into what I meant. This is exactly why I think it's so important to minimize fear, because when we fear losing what we love, we invite the loss of what we love. It doesn't always happen but why make it that much more likely?

And I love this:

will we love what we fear? that is the transformation that will change our lives. this is pure love in its essence.

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