100 Cries For Help: My Deep Dives Entry

in #deepdives6 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone!

When I read the Deep Dives Introductory Post, and The First Edition, I thought what a great idea! But what would I write about? I've never even been to the wikileaks website before, and I have a tendency to ignore what's happening in news and politics...a couple days passed, and I noticed not one person has even written under the #deepdives tag yet.

Maybe people are afraid of digging too deeply. Well, as a targeted individual who has already been subjected to attacks in the form of organized stalking, and electronic harrassment and surveillance, I am not afraid. I want to get the word out about it, as there are thousands of people who are subjected. Organized stalking and other soft kill attacks continue to be played out on the innocent, and it remains unchecked and under reported. This is way worse than being on a government watch list folks.


Naturally, because this is of so much importance to me, I checked to see if wikileaks contained any references to gang stalking. Before revealing my find, I will give you a little insight into what organized gang stalking is. It has nothing to do with being a mark for a Godfather-esque organized crime syndicate. It has to do with constant surveillance, electronic and real life harassment, and no-touch weapons by the government, military, NSA, even private corporations, and yes, crime syndicates too...

Gangstalking includes:

  • No privacy, being hacked and followed everywhere you go, devices being hijacked
  • Rejection from the community, mixed hand signals/gestures from the community
  • Random rude people in public. Shoving past, staring, insults from strangers.
  • Erratic driving that makes no sense, the flashing of headlights, people honking their horns at you for no reason, ect.
  • Note: I hesitate throwing in no-touch weapons, like EMF attacks and irradiation. In my story I purposefully left that out, because I felt that mentioning no-touch weapons would certainly cross the line from my experience being a believable one to me looking like a total nut. During my ordeal though, I felt like someone was reading my mind and implanting dreams. At the time I believed it was some high IQ, high level person with psychic-level abilities, screwing with me. I also read about EMF attack weapons, and you can't deny that the technology is there, and why not be able to use it secretly to destroy people. One of the people in my wikileaks find said, "Time Magazine reported in it’s October 12, 2002 article by Jeffrey Kluger “There are experimental -- and controversial -- sensors that analyze a suspect’s brain waves and determine what he knows and what he doesn’t.” Not to mention The European Parliament has passed a resolution back in 1998 calling for a "global ban on the development and deployment of electromagnetic weapons as they have been deemed too inhumane to use on the enemy in times of war".

They are out there, and they are being used!

These psychological and physical attacks can destroy an individual, while at the same time leave little to no evidence that would incriminate the stalkers. A soft kill.

The purpose is to:

  • Cause a nervous breakdown
  • Make a person look crazy
  • Cause a person to lose their job, family, credibility, and eventually home
  • Cause a person to become institutionalized
  • Cause extreme degradation to a person's health and comfort
  • Trigger an individual to the point of lashing out and being incarcerated
  • Push a person so far to the edge that they sometimes even commit suicide

The targets are:

  • Whistleblowers: someone who is naturally prone to whistleblowing may become a target, whether it be after speaking out against the government or a large corporation.
  • Outcasts and loners: One who has already severed their ties with the community and humanity at large is an easy target, because they often speak of the evils of a large group, and they are already isolated.
  • Idealists, dreamers, and empaths: These delicate souls are very sensitive to changes in their environment, and they will notice things that others don't look twice at. Gangstalking tactics can cause them to over analyze, and the hatred will cause much distress.
  • The mentally Ill: Now it may seem to you that if one is mentally Ill, the experience of gangstalking may be contrived, but this makes them perfect victims, as it's unlikely they will be taken seriously. Veterans with PTSD and autistic persons are not excluded from being targeted.


To give further credence, I want to include what former Assistant FBI director Ted Gunderson said, according to the Dept. of Justice Stalking Report of 2013

Based on my investigative work...I have come to the conclusion that
thousands of victims have been targeted by an illegal government rogue
criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day in the U.S. This
conspiracy is far too active to be controlled or operated by private
enterprise whose goals are achieving financial gain. These operations
require extensive financing with no return on the investment. This
program's operations are financed by illegal operations, i.e.,
narcotics, prostitution...
I have documentation and know that throughout the U.S., operating 24
hours a day and 7 days a week, there is a Central Command...whose
administrators can instantly initiate surveillance, phone taps and
harassment against anyone in the country...at any time, day or night. I
have files on numerous cases of active, programmatic, illegal
government harassment currently being conducted against thousands of
Americans. This makes the FBI's former COINTELPRO program, which I
worked on, including in a supervisory capacity, look like a Sunday
school program by comparison.

Now that I've given you a bit of understanding, I'll explain what was found in the wikileaks archive.

In 2012, wikileaks started publishing E-mails leaked from the global intelligence company named Stratfor. They called them "The Global Intelligence Files." Wikileaks says that this company "provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency." source

One of the E-mails leaked on 11-15-2013 is a cry for help from 100 different people from all around the world, rolled into one long message (that I accidentally downloaded when I clicked on it - oops!) and sent by John Finch. Each person tells their own story of how they were victimized by organized stalking, electronic hacking and harassment, and/or no touch weapons.

The e-mail was forwarded, and the title states: IMPEACH THESE CRIMINALS PLEASE - with 100 attached TORTURE CASE SUMMARIES.

In horror and disbelief, I read story after story of innocent people being attacked in similar manners. I must assume some of these people are truly mentally ill, and I must assume some of these physical effects surely have an explanation, but I digress.

Taking a close look at these cries for help, I developed some statistics. Out of the 100, 85 of these accounts were in English, so aside from their location, I can only report on 85 of them.

Here are the number of targeted individuals from each country listed:

USA: 34 people
Russia: 19 people
Germany: 14 people
UK: 7 people
India: 4 people
Canada: 3 people
China: 2 people
Australia: 2 people
One person from each of the following countries: New Zealand, Taiwan, France, Sweden, Bolivia, Romania, Denmark, Switzerland, Lithuania, Ireland, Netherlands, Dutch, and Austria

Out of the 85 stories I read:

46 people reported experiencing the effects of neurological weaponry
17 people reported electronic surveillance and/or hacking of their devices
29 people reported organized stalking/harassment
8 people reported people breaking and entering into their residence
6 family members were killed
19 people mentioned having a higher education
26 people reported being irradiated or being victims of no touch physical weaponry

Out of the 26 people who experienced physical effects of irradiation/no touch attacks:

3 developed cancer
15 experienced unexplained pain
15 experienced severe headaches
7 experienced burns and rashes
A whopping 16 out of 26 people reported eye damage of some kind including reduced vision and cataracts!!

I chose to highlight a couple of stories right here in this article. I encourage you to go read the rest. Their cries for help continue to be ignored.

Here is the first one from Johan Heller in Sweden:

I would like to draw your attention to some extreme and horrendous criminality being conducted with the involvement of United States Government-related Agencies and the complicity, if not participation, of many other governments, security agencies and/or shadowy organizations - involving the use of DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS on defenceless people.

I can confirm that the technical abilities and powers to:

  1. place a human subject under continuous surveillance, no matter where he/she is, from remote locations.
  2. continuously monitor a human brain from remote locations, including thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event and visual image reading
  3. continuously input directly into a human brain from remote locations, including the ability to override, control and alter consciousness, and to introduce voices, noises, other disturbances, images and “dreams” into the brain
  4. directly interfere with, abuse, torture and hit bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures - and objects - from remote locations
  5. directly interfere with, alter, insert etc. data, files, communications and legal evidence from remote locations - even during transmission
  6. make live TV, and other screens and monitors, two-way – for surveillance, invasion of privacy etc..
  7. control the flow of information and orchestrate the media – worldwide."


There is massive ignorance and secrecy regarding this, and victims such as I are being subjected to uncontrolled and unacknowledged torture and mental and physical destruction. This has remained completely unreported and undiscussed publicly. There are many others, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse – some of us are being subjected to the most extreme
and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history.

As well as being inhumane and criminal the crimes being committed against us are contrary to the Principles and Values of all the major religions and ethical systems - and yet our appeals for justice, protection, assistance and/or publicity to Government Representatives, Government Officials, Government Agencies, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities,
Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media have been almost completely ignored and/or suppressed.

For anyone at all concerned about human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy, the rule of law and ALL aspects and degrees of human freedom, individuality and mental and physical integrity and health this uncontrolled and unacknowledged technology and torture and abuse is intolerable!

Your attention and assistance is urgently needed to halt these atrocities, control and regulate the use of these technologies, and to bring these extremist elements to justice.
Please assist urgently.


He pretty much says it all, but I'll point you to a different one...

This is Petukhoua from Russia. She is one of the many victims of this touchless torture, and here is what happened to her:

I am a victim of targeted, directed energy weapons and mind control from Russia.

I was born on the 19th of July, 1937 of Rostov Region. I have a higher education and finished the radiotechnical Institute in Taganrog. I am a radioengineer. From 1961 to 1992 I was employed in accordance with my specialty at the enterprises of VPK and of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From 1994 to 1998 I was a helper of Government Duma of the Russian Federation. Now I presides the legal assistance organization of the Moscow Housing Ecology Committee.
My family was irradiated since 1987. They began to feel indisposition. My husband Petukhov Vitaly had strong headaches, eyes pains, fatigue and he couldn’t sleep at night. The medical examinations detected no fault in his state of health.
My mother in law and I had the same symptoms. Since 1992 the irradiation increased and in June my mother in law was killed. In 1993 my husband Petoukhov V.N. was killed. Criminal proceedings were initiated in connection with my husband’s killing and were discontinued in a week. The investigator in charge didn’t let me to examine my husband’s case record.
Petukhov Vitaly was born on the 9th of March, 1940 in Sovetsk of Kirov region. He had a supreme education and finished the radiotechnical institute in Taganrog. In 1968 he was called for the military service into the Soviet army of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he was engaged in development of the equipment of communication for armies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. From 1970 to 1993 he worked at the scientific research institute of the special Equipment as a chief of laboratory. He was one of the best experts in development of the equipment of communication. Special services of Russia prepared for war in the Chechen Republic a very good communication and the fair people were not used. It was necessary to take all families for realization of experiences. In 1993 my husband was killed.
My apartment , the garage and my personal belongings were drenched with chemicals. Besides, I underwent psychological and economic pressure. During my absence from my apartment trespassers spoiled furniture, clothing, household appliances were stolen. In the morning I found on my body burns and hematomas. Some of them were confirmed by medical certificates. As a result of exposure to irradiation, I have received diseases, characteristic of long term technogenic sadism. It were made protocols of measurements in my apartment, which confirmed the presence of technogenic influence and evidence of examinations of my apartment, signed by witnesses and certified by notary public.
The exposed facts are the serious evidence of systematic violation of civil rights and liberties of the Russian Federation and infraction of International Convention: the article 2. proclaims the right to the life, the article 3. protects from tortures and inhuman treatment, the article 8. proclaims the respect for personal life and inviolability of dwelling:

Here is one more testimony:

To whom it may concern: Beverly A. Schweitzer, resident of Arizona, USA. Harassment & torture started in 200 after testifying in a high-profile case for the prosecution in Phoenix, Az. This harassment is very real & has created an atmosphere of isolation, vigilante damage to home & car. Some of the damage to home has been reimbursed because companies testifies to my insurance company for reimbursement. Have had checks removed from my retirement park mailbox, books private bills papers removed from my home. Retirement communities are known to harass, & was told having no local family & isolation sets you up for this harassment. I'm an RN & have lived & worked in 7 states over 50 yrs. I quit work 3 months ago because the electronic harassment has been so severe & painful. It causes continous sleep disruption, burning of skin, especially the scalp, & caused chest pain that required me to go to an Emergency Room 5x over the last 3-4 yrs. it caused irregulare heart rhythm that lasted about 2 hrs. I have had no heart history in my family or myself. My rights have been continually violated w/4th & 5th amendments violated. This undetectable torture has been constant bu some remote method. The stalking has continued & have seen certain neighbors in & around my house. One man blocks my driveway w/his dog that has prevented me from returning home & just driving by. The stalking is obviously organized & have had no cooperation from police. Their reports would label me as an insane person when I called in a complaint. Numerous events have occured w/o justification & feel financial
Arizonians w/human rights being violated.
Bev in Mesa. I testified for the prosecution in 2000 & since noticed tremendous stalking by neighbors. I found blue shredded carpet in my shower, been reimbursed by Farmer's insurance for vigilante activity causing home damage. Constant entries into my home where my phone is dead each time I returned home in early am from my nursing job. I continue to have items removed from my home, mail from my retirement park mailbox, trash thrown in my driveway, afraid to enter my driveway because neighbor blocking it.

She goes on to explain the circumstances of more victims she knows of:

Regan of Scottsdale.Stalking & harassment by fellow employees @ Phoenix Biltmore, where she works as a message therapast. Frequent following & mention of God's Army people. She has ad home entry & damage by neighbors. One man came on property & shot an animal. Its ongoing.
Virginia in Apache Junction is 82 yrs old & walks w/cane. She has had male neighbors that enter her driveway, park in front of her house for periods of tims. She did talk to the police chief earlier this year & w/police assistance local harassment has decreased but the stalking by car has increased. She since has fallen & requires more MD visits & has been frightened by the cars.
Frederick of Glendale. He was ran down by a car & knifed. Electronics has caused severe abdominal pain & headaches. He was hospitalized twice last 2 mos but unknown cause. he lives in a group home & his many physical symptons have blocked him maintaining a job.
Mary Ann of Mesa. She recently moved here from Ohio where she was actively trying to expose the stalking & electronic harassment by going to Washington DC w/our organized group called Freedom from Covert Harassment & Surveillance. Ted Gunderson assisted our group by introducing them to different legislators to give them a chance for education into this horrendous crime of citizens against citizens. We continue to expose this issue to our Az legislators & appreciate house bills such as 4513 & 4514, from MICHIGAN that makes it unlawful to terrorize, frighten,cause any home damage, or destroy. Mary Ann has had continous harassment on the job, electrical shocks, etc that has interfered with her health. Its been dangerous for her.
I have numerous other victims in Az but many have had more intense harassment it they contact other victims even by phone & preferred not to be in contact. We do have meetings for planning & nationwide conference calls for information & support.

These are just a couple of the many heartbreaking accounts of what's happening today in supposedly civilized societies. Our freedoms and protections will be gone with the wind if this doesn't stop. Help spread awareness of this criminal activity and please read more stories at the link below. Knowledge is power!

Thanks for reading.

Much love, snowpea ❤

Source of information:

This is my contribution to The First Edition of the Deep Dives Contest, held by @v4vapid


This is a great post. You've done an amazing job not only finding some interesting content on Wikileaks but you also manged to tick all the right boxes in the deepdive challenge. well done. Good work.

Thank you @fortified! You're comment made my day! :D

Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Relevance: Countering the MSM and government lies.

Oh my gosh @snowpea .. great minds think alike or something? Lol.. guess what I was diving into for the last couple of days? Correct, lol.. But found all kinds of stuff about the gang stalking, but also about the electronic harassment .. I see that you don't want to go to far into that stuff in your post, so I will try to "dive deeper" lol in that part, as I can also speak from my own experiences. But I'm still not sure if I'm really ready to go in to that much detail. But I am glad to see another post about these crimes here, thanks again for sharing! Big hug!

We are birds of a feather! :) Hugs back @anouk.nox! ❤

Lol how do you do that cute heart :) I can only make this one <3 meaning is the same though!

I used an emoji on my phone, also if you have windows 10 you can push the window and the period button at the same time, and emojis pop up that you can use. :)

Hmm, doesn't work but that may be due to the fact I have an Hungarian keyboard ;) never mind.. lol diving back into the documents now for a bit .. have a great evening!

You too, and good luck! :)

Coming across many same sites and the same information, some of them are so familiar to me that I feel like I'm back in those moments looking for answers when it was happening. But it's got to be told! Together we can share a lot!

They didn't know who they were messing with when they picked us as targets! I bet they didn't know we'd be so vocal and blow it open like this haha!

Well they did know back then that we were about to blow the whistle, that's probably the reason they hit us hard. But it took me some years to speak up, because as you mentioned, you don't want people to think you're a nutbag :) But the funny thing is, that my boyfriend can speak openly about it with several colleagues here in Hungary... Some speak from experience too, and we even heard someone confirming the targeting with router of the pc (making you sick of the radiation) as he was forced to do this to people. It was this or they would hurt his son. He seems also traumatized by this, as he tells very little about this, and he doesn't like speaking about this. This was what I always suspected actually, that part of those people in the groups are victims themselves as they must be forced to commit these crimes against innocent people.

It took me years to speak up too, after the initial attacks that sent me to the mental institution...after that I was quiet for a couple of years, knowing nobody would take me seriously. I deleted all my social media because I was so afraid that something horrible was going to happen to us if I didn't just disappear like they wanted, but all along knowing that what was happening to me was real, even while being heavily medicated - I had to pretend that I believed I was delusional too just to get by. Never have I hallucinated or hear strange noises like some people though, and I knew all along that my eyes did not deceive me, and what happened to me is as real as the nose on my face. As time goes on I've gotten much stronger, and people finally believe me. I never really looked into EMF or radiation attacks since recently. I just focus on the physically tangible aspects of organized stalking, like real people harassing me, or real hacking to my devices, resulting in them crashing. Maybe because the other stuff is just too bizarre. Reading these stories was really an eye opener though.

I feel for you that they succeeded to get you getting admitted in that mental institution. Because that was my fear too, if something happens where I (or my boyfriend) would have flipped out (which was about to happen several times) we would be the ones put away, as they have a group confirming each others stories. That caused me to be careful with those things. I was scared that if it would come to that point, nobody would ever take me seriously again, and I would not have any control left of my thoughts either. Good that you could cope with it, sounds very hard.
These things ARE bizarre, and I can't blame people for not believing it's real. What I do blame people (close ones back then) is that when prevented the evidence and preventing numerous of websites with stories confirming several things globally, not willing to read them. But keep saying, yeah I dont believe it.
That's something that I could never do if a close friend of mine would be going through hell and back (seeing this person being a shade of her or hisself) and knowing the fact that this person is not an idiot, but still not willing to dive into some evidence provided (I mean we had to search for such long time while we were targeted thats not nice to do) that isnt right in my opinion. Rather closing their eyes instead of at least listen to make that friend have a place to vent once in a while. That would help a lot !

Thanks so much for this. I mentioned your previous posts have caused me to go deep down this rabbit hole, and am almost ready to write up what I have. I had never heard of it, although I do recognize some of the patterns now that I have read so much testimony on it.

Oh, and I nominated you for the 7daypositivity challenge. I hope you can find time to participate.

Challenge accepted! When you make your post, can you post a link in the comments here so I don't miss it? Looking forward to seeing what you found! :)

Challenge accepted!


can you post a link in the comments here so I don't miss it?

I will. I am thinking it might be 10-14 days as I have a few posts that will seem unconnected to it but I suspect actually ties into it. I was actually going down another rabbithole when I came across your posts on gang stalking and my intuition told me it is all connected.

Hi snowpea, unfortunate to see where you have been thanks to your government. We went through the same rabbithole due to ours. None of the subjects you are mentioning here has left us out unfortunately, it took us a lot of time to cope with that. We fled, and now we are trying to find a way to fight back. This initiative is a good start. Good luck with everything. Greetings from my girls and me.

I'm so sorry it happened to you too. Do you mind my asking what country you fled from? Much love @kymaticus!

This is awesome @snowpea!

You're officially the very first contribution to the Deep Dives project!

I actually came across this exact document recently while researching remote viewing, certainly a very interesting find!

Also, John Finch the man who put this document together intended for these cases of human rights violations to become an information resource and be entered into the historical record.

I couldn't think of a more appropriate way to kick off Deep Dives!

Remote and Directed Energy Weapons being used/tested on people from around the world is a frightening situation, indeed. I have now heard a number of Steemians say they have been a victim of gangstalking, harassment and remote attacks.

It may be worthwhile to dive deeper into some of cases in this collection in the future.

Great stuff!

It means so much to me that you like my article @v4vapid!

How interesting that you came across this very same document! I thought it was pretty obscure, but maybe not. I can see how these testimonies could seem too outlandish, especially to someone first learning about this phenomenon, but I know that as more and more victims speak out and bring this to light, the more people are going to accept it as a reality. It would be a great idea to use this as a theme in the future so people could research it on their own, and uncover more information!

It's so surprising that I'm the only entry so far! It would be good for me as I'd be the only winner. ;) I'm kidding though, I really hope this contest takes off, and that your objective of building up a community of quality researchers is reached. Steemit needs this. It's a great initiative on your part, and I hope it gains traction.

Thank you and much love! :)

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this is written with perfect! not have a lot of the source and absolutely incredible! there is no said to be pronounced in addition to you make me to say really AWESOME! Well done!

Thank you! :)

I love this post.

People are still largely oblivious of no touch weapons, they used them on us duing Standing Rock. They targeted individuals, and even sent moles.

This post is important validation for so many who may have been gaslighted by their handlers.

There are a lot of parallels in my life to the affects you analyzed. It's difficult to accept.

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