Deep Dives Index 1 | The Best of Deep Dives #1 - #10

in #deepdives6 years ago

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Deep Dives Archive Index #1

We're happy to bring you the Best of Deep Dives #1 through #10 in this blog entry. A lot of hard work, late nights, and patience has gone into putting these original posts together. We wanted to put together a post where the very best of #deepdives could be found in one place. For anyone unfamiliar with @deepdives please see our introductory post at the bottom of the page.

A huge shout out to all the contributors to the project without whom none of this would be possible. Your work is truly inspiring and we hope you stay with us on this journey in building the Deep Dives archive on the Steem blockchain.

In no particular order, a Very Special Thank You to:

@palikari123, @bifilarcoil, @thoughts-in-time, @krnel, @geke, @shepz1, @natepowers, @ausbitbank, @gregorypatrick, @richq11, @tarazkp, @an0nkn0wledge, @perceptualflaws, @angryman, @canadian-coconut, @v4vapid, @fortified, @anouk.nox, @yungchief, @tyrex

Deep Dives 1 - The Wikileaks Archive

Corruption in Venezuelan Energy Sector

Targeted Individual Testimonies | Own Experience as a T.I.

Corruption, Lies and Deceit Courtesy of Wikileaks Files

The X37B and the New Space Arms Race

Deep Dives 2 - The CIA Library

The Deliberate Attack on the USS Liberty

CIA Venture Capital Firm in In-Q-Tel

Heart of Darkness - The CIA MACV SOG and Phung Hoang (The Phoenix Program)

Bush Counter Bush 1963

Deaf Dumb and Blind

Deep Dives 3 - The Wikileaks Archive

The Extraterrestrial Issue Interest by World Leaders and Influential People in an Unknown Presence

The Biggest Breech in Privacy Sensitive Data Ever

Zunzuneo USAID Funded Social Network for Regime Change

The Clinton's Connection to Russia's Acquisition of Uranium One

The "Collateral Murder" Massacre

Obama,The US Congress and the War on Ghaddafi

The New Dirty War for Africa's Uranium and Mineral Rights

The Top of the Pyramid - GCHQ JTRIG and the Psyops of Re-engineering Society

Deep Dives 4 - The FBI Vault

FBI Tattoo Recognition Database

UFOS and Aliens, Conspiracy of Fantasy?

What We Can Learn From Social Networking Sites and FBI Employee Guidance

Deep Dives 5 - The Wikileaks Archive

The Vela Incident South Atlantic Flash

Perverse Sexual Cannibalistic Rituals of the Elite

Wikileaks Releases Dow Chemical Memos, Exposes Government Corruption All Around the World

Deep Dives 6 – Cryptome

Dual-Use Technology


Smartphones for Stupid People - A Quick Summary on Dark Patterns

Deep Dives 7 – The Wikileaks Archive

The Story Behind Tamiflu

Plans to Destabilize and Topple Syrian Government Began as Early as 2006

Exit Festival


How the Rich and Powerful Use People as Pawns and Keep the World Burning

Wikileaks | Quest of Random Clues Solved

The Role of Psyops in Unconventional Warfare

Deep Dives 8 – Human Trafficking

Montreal Hotbed for Sex Trafficking The Bangkok of the West

Cobalt Battery Slavery

The Chinese Connection

Forced Labor in America's Prison Industrial Complex

Deep Dives 9 – The Wikileaks Archive

Are The California Wildfires the Result of Directed Energy Weapons?

The Lesser Known CIA Mind Control and Biological Warfare Projects

The Truth About Catholic Hospitals and Their Sterilization Policy - Wikileaks Documents Reveal Truth

Project Seal and Tsunami Bombs

Important Revelations from Wikileaks Archives - CFR Shadow Government

Deep Dives 10 – The CIA Library

Invisible Writing: A Favorite of Children and Spies Alike

Remote Viewing

Infobyte: Banning Guns is Like Banning War, It Doesn't Work

Introductory Post

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Deep Dives Aims

  • Promote original content
  • Promote investigative journalism
  • Promote focused and quality research
  • Encourage community engagement
  • Encourage collaboration and teamwork
  • Recognize and reward high quality original content

    Over time, Deep Dives aims to build a repository of high quality research and original content preserved on the blockchain.

    We hope you join us in building this unique resource.
    It truly is a community effort and your exceptional contributions are what fuels this project.


This is so cool in so many ways...It's a great way to honour both the author's and creators of deep dives, and have a historical record that both we can access at this moment in time, as well as the future newcomers to the blockchain!

I am sincerely honoured and grateful to be part of this group and project, and can't thank the @deepdives team enough for finding a place for me on this blockchain to express myself in a framework of journalistic research.

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to put this together!

Thanks for playing a huge part in getting Deep Dives to this point. It certainly is really cool to see a full compilation of all the great research that was done in 2018! Hopefully we can scrape together a few more regular contributors and kick this into another gear. That being said, we're really proud of what everyone in this small community has been able to accomplish and looking forward to more!
Cheers @palikari123, you're a big part of this #deepdives milestone and we're always glad to hear from you!

A veritable treasure trove of information, research, thought, perspective and authorship! An invaluable resource for all that may follow in your footsteps, the structure/perpetuity of the blockchain was literally made for keeping this information. Respect to you all, respect for all the hard work, a massive shout to the @deepdives team for providing the platform and inspiration, and of course a big shout to @v4vapid .. nice one guys!!

Slow and steady as she goes. It'll be nice to take a look back after another 10 rounds and see how we're progressing ;) We agree that the blockchain was built for this type of work, upwards and onwards!

I'd like to thank everyone for the constructive feedback and the interesting exchange of thoughts idea's and above all the controversial angles on every topic.

I would like to see more people in scuba gear. More eyes in the murky waters of the corrupt oceans will be able to spot more sunken truths at the bottom of "Oceanum corrumpere"

Thank you, @v4vapid for all the effort to make deepdives a reality.

Lol, I like that -"oceanum corrumpere"!
I really would also like to see more people in scuba gear exploring the depths but I have to say I'm impressed with the small group of researchers and their incredible contributions over the last 8 months! thank you for accompanying us the whole way through, it's been a wild ride!
Much respect ;)

persino una palude può essere di piccole dimensioni


We had this story drop last night
I'm hoping this is going to yield some great stuff. I haven't dove in yet but plan to this morning. May have to translate most of it, 175 gigs worth though so maybe not.

Thanks, we just became aware of this from @bifilarcoil today as well!
LOL, 175g jaysus christ that's a massive you have several years?
Let us know if you think this is worth parsing through...there's literally mountains being leaked from all types of sources and only a small percentage has been sifted through.

This really helped broaden my knowledge and added to the little i know. There is still more to be researched and will be back soon. Thanks for the support and also @V4vapid for tiredlessly effort. Greater height

That's really great to hear @yungchief! Happy new year and thanks for all your time and effort!
Excited to see what the future brings, hope you stick around.

Curated for #informationwar (by @thoughts-in-time)

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

Thank you for helping spread the word @pennsif!Very cool.

Thank you for the 'mention' @deepdives ... I feel honored.

My day to day system has been compromised somewhat, and is a small reason why I have sat out some of the research prompts with wikileaks and FBI file searches.

Yet, this same system I use, is bound to be a very confusing and mind-bending read through for any hack due to the fact it's been through many different hands, and puposefuly left open with a convoluted mess of files :>)

Have fun NSA.

Thanks for the mention and due to you putting the time into sorting this post out, we can all read the ones we missed at the time, superb idea, thanks team. :-)

Thanks for being a deep dives supporter, promotor and contributor @shepz1!! Always great to have your input, big thanks!

Thanks for the mention :) Unfortunately, I have been caught up in other things lately and missed quite a lot Deepdives things. This post is a nice summary when I've found some time to read more again :) keep up the good work!

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No worries, you're welcome back anytime - to read, comment, upvote, etc. We appreciate you taking the time to say hi! Don't be a stranger ;)

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