[DeepDives] Wikileaks Targeted Individual testimonies | Own experience as a T.I.

in #deepdives6 years ago (edited)

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As someone that is an advocate for exposing government corruption, because of what has been done to us, I can't miss out on this challenge that @v4vapid introduced with the brandnew @deepdives account. I write a lot about exposing corruption, but mostly from own experiences and from the heart. Because writing works like healing, and I just need to get it of my chest. But there are a few topics that I tend to ignore, or am very cautious about when I write about those things, because there is still some fear left inside me. These things have had a great impact on my life and mental state.

Being targeted by the government because you are about to blow the whistle to expose their corruption. I am talking about targeted individuals (T.I.) that are being tortured in ways you can't imagine being true, like electromagnetic weapons.

Being a targeted individual has caused me to live in fear for several years after it stopped. It only stopped because we left the country, actually. But that didn't stop my fear right away. When you've been a targeted individual because you told the government you were going to be a whistleblower, you are very careful about several things. It has been my main reason to keep it low online for a few years, without being on social media, and never have I used my real name again. This is because I'd rather be safe than sorry. But like I mentioned before when writing an introduction about Anouk Nox: "I am Anouk Nox, and I will not be silenced anymore." But it still means I will probably be writing under my alias Anouk Nox for a long time from now, because of the knowledge I've gained ever since I've been a targeted individual.

For me it was obvious what I was going to deep-dive into

Never have I read on the actual wikileaks site before, but of course I've read about wikileaks a lot. This seemed like an interesting thing to start with, as I know my chosen topic are things most people in society think this is not possible and only to be witnessed in movies. But I feel like there should be a lot more exposure for these things, and I am "happy" that I found out a few months ago that there is another person here on Steemit that has been targeted. And we both feel like we have to expose these things, because we can speak from experience. I am talking about my dear Steemit-friend @snowpea. It was funny to find out that she choose the same topic without us discussing this contest. Something with great minds think alike, right @snowpea ? I am talking about targeted individuals that are sometimes being tortured for years and year by the use of electronic weapons, similar to the functioning of a microwave.

I decided to cut some things out of my original post that I was working on, and focus more on the Mind Control / EMF weapons part. Although this has been something that I haven't spoken a lot about until now. But I feel like I've experienced way too many things in the most horrible ways, that it's my obligation to inform people on Steemit about these things actually existing. I think now my reputation has grown to a certain level, and I know that I have a steady group of followers that read all of my posts, I should step out of my comfort zone and start writing about it.

I will not be able to tell all of those things in one post, so I will try to choose from a few things where I found leaked documents about on wikileaks. If you are interested in this topic, keep an eye on my posts, as I will be revealing more in the future.

How does one become a target?

Usually a person is put on a list by one of the people in a gang stalking group, this can be done due to many reasons. It can even be done because they just hate your guts. But you can also be targeted by government agencies because you are tending to become a whistleblower. My boyfriend and I were targeted because we told some agencies that we had enough of cleaning up their mistakes (and therefore it became our mess) and that we would seek media attention. At this moment they already knew we had enough against them in terms of evidence, so we were experiencing all kinds of signals from the day after we said this. First it was only our website that they visited with hundreds of hits a day from all kind of government departments, and not long after this the actual stalking by groups of people became obvious.

One of the websites I came across had a very neat summary of the different aspects of being a targeted individual, these are all summarized very clearly, therefore I've chosen to use them to make an overview of the strange things that T.I.'s (Targeted Individuals) often describe. The source is below every image.

Targeted Individuals : Mind control

mind control.jpg

I can confirm from my own experience that this has been used against me when being a T.I. some years ago.

A very crucial part of destroying a T.I. is social control:

social control.jpg

Only few things summarized above didn't happen to us. So yes, even our water was poisoned, and even worse, the medication of our baby ( only 1-2 months of age at the time) was poisoned at a certain time. She was screaming from agonizing pain and we could not give that medicine to her anymore. These monsters even hit newborn babies, I've been there to witness it with my own eyes, and this is the most horrible thing you can imagine about it, not being able to protect your little baby against these people that will do anything to destroy you.

The wikileaks source that I used for my research

For the investigation on wikileaks I used the source mentioned below. The reason I picked this particular file, is because it's filled with testimonies of people around the world being targeted individuals. There are 100 testimonies which I've all read one by one.

Source of information on Wikileaks: Our Selected Witnesses (by clicking on this file you instantly download the document that contains 152 pages)

I spent a lot of time going through the testimonies of all these people, and filtering the things my boyfriend and me also have experienced while living in Holland, where we were targeted individuals. Unfortunately most of the testimonies are from people in other countries, and only two of them from citizens in Holland, but the events are the same. It was impossible to write in-dept about all the events that happened to those people which also happened to us, so I filtered down to a certain amount of detailed testimonies that I used to write about.

Eventually I narrowed the hundred testimonies down to several that showed great similarities with our experiences

I found great similarities in these testimonies of those that I decided to use for this post. These testimonies contain great detailed information about how things happened, in what situation these events occurred and when they were targeted by electronic weapons, they all describe similar pains and wound / rashes / blisters after being continuously targeted on the same body parts. How can these things not be true when so many people (and this leaked document highlights only those hundred testimonies) worldwide describe the same horrific torture they've been through for many years. Many of the testimonies have included websites where they collect their information and evidence for years, but it is no surprise that most of them aren't online anymore. The people behind these crimes don't want the public to read what kind of torturing takes place right under the noses of many people.

Let me show you one of the testimonies of someone from Germany, this person has been a victim since 1994 and what I read here gave me an intense scary feeling that threw me back in time. Please first read this passage from his testimony.

After that, on the 7th January 2005, I asked Mr. Gasse, Dip. Eng. Electrotechnology and Building Biologist, to take measurements throughout the dwelling. He is qualified to measure high frequency radiation. Strongly increased radiation values were measured above all in my bedroom, but also in all other rooms, and that although the radiation perceived by us was weaker than usually at the time of the measurement
(from 19.30 hours to 22.00 hours). Mr. Gasse confirmed that the results measured could cause damage to health and advised us to move as soon as possible. You can see in the measurement report that in the whole dwelling magnetic alternating fields of about 75 nT (nano Tesla) are present. In the area of my bed, a value of 731 nT was measured (SAR 200 nT). The values of the intensity of radiation with pulsating signals are analogous. In three rooms, values of 6,8 to 12,8 uW/m² (Microwatts per square metre) appear. In the rooms used by me, these values amounted to 15 and 1,8 uW/m². Standards acceptable by building biologists are 0,1 uW/m². The same applies for the values of the electrical field strength. These measure at around 44 V/ms (volt per metre) above my sleeping place, twice as high as the rest of the dwelling. One can assume the source for that must be from the areas above or below the apartment.

What happened to this person, happened to us too. The high tones (best described like tinnitus) that were constantly present when lying in our bed at the time, but only with the head turned a certain way. I was always obvious where it came from. We borrowed an EMF meter that a friend owned for his work, and found out that those places where we felt the most uncomfort radiation, there was indeed an extreme high measure of electricity going through those spots. Every spot we had marked as uncomfortable, there was some high level of electromagnetic field when we checked this with the meter. We experienced the same thing as described by the witness above, a vibrating bed but also was the floor vibrating when we sat on the couch with our bare feet, like the witness above we tried to explain it with logic, but the levels kept going up. And strangers things started happening soon.

Now let's have a look at two statements another victim living in France makes in his testimony:


These two statements are very known to me. We experienced a very high body temperature when they were hitting us hard with those microwave weapons. It literally felt like we were cooked, and about to explode. You can't compare it with feeling warm in a very hot summer day, the feeling of living in a microwave is very different, and gives many kinds of other discomforts too.

I want to end this post with some last statements of the same victim in France.


All known to me, but like stated at number eleven, I can go on and on and I believe a hundred pages would not cover it actually. Most of the things you can read about targeted individuals are known to me and my boyfriend. I actually don't even wish this to my worst enemy, as this is so horrific to experience, and leaves deep trauma's for years to come.
In the future I will write more about these experiences.

Thank you @v4vapid @deepdives for setting up this contest!





In the time while I was at Standing Rock I became a targeted individual. I was contacted by a media outlet who had documents leaked to them which contained my name. Turns out a private security firm was deploying teams to monitor me. Plus they made a file on me which was sent to law enforcement agencies and fusion centers.

There is so much covert action being carried out against citizens that we are unaware of. When people wake up to it they will get a new ps15 or xbox 3k or whatever dissociation product of the day happens to be.

Yes, and sick it is...

Interesting.. this is exactly how we thought these things work.. private companies that are hired to monitor you for them.. what kind of information do they put on there? Do they mention why they should monitor you?
Thanks for sharing this, lately I get more information from different people about inside things how this works.. very interesting to find out that many of our thoughts about this were accurate..

Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
Relevance: Exposing government lies.

I spent a lot of time going through the testimonies of all these people, and filtering the things my boyfriend and me also have experienced while living in Holland, where we were targeted individuals. Unfortunately most of the testimonies are from people in other countries, and only two of them from citizens in Holland, but the events are the same. It was impossible to write in-dept about all the events that happened to those people which also happened to us, so I filtered down to a certain amount of detailed testimonies that I used to write about.

This line is your experience with your boyfriend?

Wow your writing is very amazing! Well done!
Great job!

Thank you. Unfortunately it is been done to us in Holland, yes.. It's still hard to go into detail though.. Read a lot of similar things in the document... Have a good day!

To listen to the audio version of this article click on the play image.

Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.

Very brave of you to help bring this to light @anouk.nox! Great job! :)

Thanks @snowpea funny fact: we (my boyfriend and me) were talking about you also writing about gang stalking when you upvoted my post at the same time lol.. telepathy ? :p

Oh wow, that's freaky! LOL! 😂

No, it's funny.. :)

Nah, telepathy is just as real as everything stated above

One more psychotic function of the collective state: anyone against the State, even if justified, is an enemy. Sorry to hear of your experience. Glad you got out. Hope your lives take a turn for the better.

Yes, even if justified.. fighting with them now also, trying to get my passport renewal because my id card isnt valid anymore.. well, guess what.. they made mistakes back then , and now they're not giving it to me because of a debt that shouldnt be one... and I am now waiting for 4,5 weeks already for them to give a reply I can work with.. and guess what? they can get away with this, my expiration date is coming soon of the renewal and then I'm basically screwed.. but hey, we still have it way better here than in Holland .. we will sew them if needed, but I still have a bit of hope left it will be solved (not that much though)

Just popping a comment here, so I can bookmark this for later reading. ❤️ @anouk.nox

Brave to come forward, and wise to tell your story using other people's words. Stay anon and safe.

Thanks... yeah I will :) it's only a little bit what I tell here .. but not ready yet to tell all ;)

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