Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/04/18> Time Change and Change Time

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

The time change...

Over here we have some people who got it in their minds that we can control time and so twice a year we jack with our clocks moving time forward and backwards.
This causes me a bit of frustration each time it takes place as my body clock has to adjust to the changes. I honestly don’t know just how this time change, that is actually taking place as I am typing this Daily Dose, is going to affect me since I have so much jacking with me already.

It is 3:00 AM...

I am guessing but it has to be at least thirty years or more since I was actually awake at 3:00 AM during the night when the change is made. The news on the radio just now says that this is the 100 anniversary of us changing our clocks, the news claims it was first done back during World War I in order to help save energy.

So I just learned...

So I just learned something new since back when I was kid and learned about the time changes we were told it had to do with farmers being able to work their fields and crops at better hours and so that kids waiting for the school buses wouldn’t have to stand out in the pitch black of the morning waiting for those school buses.

Was I lied to...

There was never any association of changing the time for saving energy during the war. Was I lied to as kid or am I being lied to now? With all the lies we are told by our governments does it really even matter? That is it on tine change for now.

Let's now talk...

Let’s now talk “Change Time”, that’s right we are two days away from the midterm elections here in the US (not to be confused with the USA) so we get to vote for a whole variety of different elected positions in the various levels of government.

The "midterm"...

This is called a “midterm” election since it takes place in the middle of the four year term of the president; the president of the corporation is only up for election every four years. I have already voted as I mentioned in the Saturday edition of the Daily Dose.

This really is time...

I don’t know how you think or what you think so I won’t even try to pretend I do. I will tell you though what I know and why this really is time for change. I will also say that from all the reports I have heard so far over the weekend here in Texas there must be a lot of people who are thinking this election is very important. Texas has had more early voting take place for this election than any previous election since early voting was implemented.

Maybe these reasons...

Everything about this country is broken except for the military industrial complex; and there are people who say that it is need of major repair as well. Here is what I know is broken for sure.
—Banking System and Money.
—Court System and Laws.
—Health Care and Insurance.
—Land and Property.

That is a pretty good size list of very important items that I have listed as “broken” and of those most people here in the US would only recognize one of those listed as being a problem; health care and insurance. We are going to take them in the order they are listed though and I will make this as brief as I can.

Banking System & Money

The US government doesn’t have a banking system or money. I am correct on both of those so if you think I am wrong, think again. It is been over 100 years since the leaders of this country turned over control of the banking and monetary system to a privately held group of banks that we hear often about known as the Federal Reserve Bank.

The Federal Reserve Bank is not a federal government entity just like Federal Express Corporation is not a federal government entity. Having the word “federal” doesn’t necessarily mean government owned or run.

There is no lawful...

There is also no lawful money in the US either. The constitution of the United States of America specifically states that the only “lawful money” is gold and silver coin.

If you take out one of those pieces of paper that you think of as money and actually read it you should be able to determine very quickly that it is not money even if you had no knowledge of the requirement of lawful money being gold and silver coin. That piece of paper that you think of as money has the words “Federal Reserve Note” across the top center portion of the thing.

A note is evidence...

A “note” is evidence of a debt owed. If you ever purchased property or a car and did not have enough Federal Reserve Notes or FRN’s as they are also known, to complete the transaction you most likely had to sign a promissory note to get the financing in order to complete the transaction. That promissory note you signed is evidence that you owe.

A couple of other...

A couple other things you might want to notice if you have good eyes or a powerful magnifying glass is the fine print that states, “This note is legal tender for all debts public and private”. The important words in that phrase are “legal” and “tender.

Legal doesn't mean...

Legal doesn’t mean lawful and tender doesn’t mean paid in full. Unless you were alive before all the gold and silver coin went completely out of circulation you have never actually paid for anything in your entire life.

I can remember...

I can remember as kid buying some candy and paying with some solid silver quarters and dimes and the clerk at the store putting those in his pocket and taking out a FRN to put in the cash register in place of the coins. I didn’t know the difference back then between silver coins and silver clad coins but I did learn after watching him done that.

I can see right now...

I can see right now that I am going to make this Daily Dose way to long if I try and fully explain all the problems with the other things listed, I didn’t even fully explaining the banking and money system and this is getting lengthy already.

So the questions we...

So the questions we should be asking these people in Washington and those trying to be elected to represent us there is, “where is the guzbucking lawful money? “

Another good question would be, “why I am I forced to use FRN’s and be basically an “outlaw” when it comes to money?”

Here is the best one and you really need to think about this one, “Why am I forced to pay incomes taxes when I never have been paid any money in the first place.?”

The fact is...

The fact is you never have been paid any lawful money; you have been given a bunch of I.O.U.’s and told to think of them as money.

Court System and Laws

The courts and laws of this country have also been hijacked and substituted for and you probably aren’t aware of that either. The law of the land of the United States of America when it was founded was common law and the courts were common law courts.

The highest court...

Most people would not know that the highest court in America is not the Supreme Court, or at least it wasn’t the highest court. The actual highest court in the land was in each and every county courthouse and it was the common law court.

Cases tried in...

Cases tried in the common law court and decided by a jury of twelve people could not be appealed; the decision of the jury was the final decision.

Now we no longer use common law, it has been replaced by a system of codes and statutes that operate under the “color of law” and would take a whole bunch of explaining to do.

As you vote on Tuesday...

I also would like for you to look as you vote on Tuesday just how many judges you will end up voting for on your ballots. You won’t find any being a common law court, there will be a whole slew of appeals courts, district courts, family law courts, justice of the peace courts and on and on.

The actual law of the land and the common law court are the true justice system for the United States of America and they no longer exist.


Just like the law and courts have disappeared so has the true government of the United States of America. Early in this Daily Dose I mentioned the US and said not to be confused with the USA. I am as guilty as everyone else when it comes to mixing these terms around or using the initials in order to keep from having to type all the words out; my guiltiness is out of laziness. The government mixes these around out of deceit and deception.

We expect that...

We expect that in government legal and the legalities of everything would be important and it should be. I can tell you right now that not one person holding office in Washington or any other federal office across this country is holding office legally.

Their full legal name...

Most politicians don’t use their full legal name as listed on their birth certificate when they run for office. Just to give you an example I will use a piece of shit senator from here in Texas that most people know by the name Ted Cruz.
He is on the ballot right now as Ted Cruz and has been previously elected under that name and even ran for president under that name but was beaten in the primaries by our current president elect Donald John Trump.

You won't find Rafael...

You won’t find Rafael Edward Cruz on the ballot but he should be if we are actually running our government as it was intended to be run in a legal and lawful manner.

We even have a real I. D. act I mentioned not long ago that even states a person must use a legal I. D. which has to have the full legal name of the person listed in the order of first, middle, and last name. So someone please tell me how Ted Cruz is on the ballot?

Even if he has...

Even if he has legally changed his named to "Ted Cruz", I can still guarantee you he is not holding office legally and no one else is either and that has to do with the oath of office that elected officials are required to take.

Article VI of the ...

Article VI of the constitution says that all executive and judicial officers of the United States are required to take an oath to support the constitution. That oath that is required can be found in the First Act of Congress Dated March 4, 1789.

The very first statute ...

The very first Statute , Section 1 has this oath listed as being required; “ to wit; “ I , A. B., do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States.”

Two oaths needed...

There may be other oaths needed as well for specific offices, in fact I know that the office of the president requires two oaths, but the oath just previously is mentioned is required for all executive and judicial officers.

We never see any president taking more than one oath, and I would guarantee you that none of them are taking this oath. This oath is the important one because if they actually would take it, they would have to live up to the oath, and we know damn well they aren’t supporting the constitution with the laws they are continuously passing that infringe on our God given rights and our liberties.

So when I tell you...

So when I tell you our government is broken you now know why; they can’t or won’t even take the proper oaths of office. It doesn’t need to go any farther than that for discussion.

I will also assure not person elected this election will take this either unless you bring it up to them and make them aware of it and force them to say something when they get to Washington.

Health Care

It’s guzbucked, and that is all that I can say.

Land and Property

There is a difference between land and property. In the old days you bought land and you owned the land and everything that came with it, back then you received an allodial title to the land which is held free and clear of any superior landlord or government.

Now you are nothing more than a tenant on government owned property, if you think I am wrong just try not paying your property taxes for a few years and watch them sell your place on the steps of the county court house.

The same goes for any of your business property, try not paying those taxes as well and see your property confiscated and sold at auction. We no longer own anything free and clear and that goes back to the banking & money issues.

We can’t lawfully pay for anything. See how this all ties together?
Now do you see why the elected officials won’t take the proper oaths?


I listed the constitution as broken but in truth it is not, it has just been abandoned. What we need is for more people to become educated about how this country was founded and designed to run and then demand we get back to our roots.

And to the Republic...

Remember the pledge of allegiance to the flag? “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands; one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

What happened to that Republic? Why are we always being told about our democracy? I never saw any mention of a democracy anywhere in my studies. You see how things get changed up when no one pays attention?

I didn't list education...

I didn’t list the education system as broken because the truth is, that is the only system working properly when you get right down to it. The people who have been running this country have the education system teaching exactly what they want the people to grow up learning and knowing.

This is all the more reason this stuff is hidden in plain sight; right in front of us. We have been dumb down so long and have repeated the company line so long that we don’t know the real truth or the history of this country.

Your vote on ...

Your vote on Tuesday is really meaningless when you get right down to where the rubber meets the road. Until we actually inform each other and get everyone really educated about the constitution, law of the land, courts and the money system we are not going to be able to do a damn thing to change anything.

We can put ...

We can put different faces and names in Washington and in our state offices but they are all controlled by the real people who run the country and the world, the central bankers. The bankers pay off the government officials, who have control of the military, so the bankers have protection.

I think I'll...

I think I will just stop right here. Be sure to vote on Tuesday, we need new faces in government. Only with new faces, we may at least have a chance to talk to them. The politicians who have been there are past the point of listening to the people.

Until next time,

Note: Thanks for reading the Daily Dose.
Photo Credits : All photos are the property of @sultnpapper.


I actually had a friend tell me "With this time change we get more light, right?". lol! I was like "Dude, only the clocks change, you'll have the same amount of light as you did the day before. Duh!" Some people crack me up. Oh ya, and we totally need to END the FED!! Big thanks to Ron Paul for opening my yes up to that scam!

Your buddy needs to lay off the weed.

You sure had a lot to say on this one! A lot of excellent points, too. I already sent in my absentee ballots, so I can feel like I've done my duty as a citizen (of the US and Canada, actually, voted twice this week). It is indeed time for change.

As for mucking with the clocks, it's ridiculous. Messes with me every time.

Yes, some times I can on a roll and just keep going. I tried to cut some off but all those things needed to be shown together since they all tie back to each other in some fashion.
It helps when people can see the puzzle coming together instead of looking at a piece here and a piece there.
I appreciate you support and the clock thing is absolutely ridiculous.

So. Arizona has the good sense to not mess with the clocks, but dealing with you all calls for a new conversion factor twice per year. I was one of those kids that knew we were lied to. Farmers work off the sun and it just doesn't make any difference what a clock says.

I've voted.

I'm just going to say I agree with everything you've said. I might argue some of the points (I'm a contrary sort) but not with your assessment in the least.

Thanks for the civics lesson. I hope a wide audience reads it.

Yes, that has to be one of the really nice things about AZ not screwing people out of their normal body clocks.
We need new faces in Washington, because those new faces will have new ears. The old faces there no longer listen, they are to busy stuffing cash in their pockets to want to care to listen. The new faces have to take some time to get the lay of land up there so they might actually listen for the six months or a year.

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It's really anoyying all this time changing

It screws with me like clock work each time they change it.

Time to get rid of capitalism because it's killing us and the Earth

What do you suggest we go too? Capitalism is perfect, I'll agree on that; but what is?


Gotcha, thanks for clarifying,

I hate the time change. Oddly, one of my clocks has to be changed four times each year instead of two. It was manufactured in the early 2000s, when the shift between EST and EDT happened at a different time of year.
previously, from 1987 through 2006, the start and end dates were the first Sunday in April and the last Sunday in October

This clock was programmed at the factory to change time on those dates so the owner never had to change the clock manually. It was wonderful until the law was enacted in 2007 to change the time from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November. So, now I have to change the clock in March, then again in April, again in October, and finally in November.

The reason I don't pitch this clock and get another one is a feature that automatically resets the clock to the correct time in case of a power failure, which is a wonderful thing! There are other features of this clock that make it one of the best clocks I've ever owned. Perhaps one day I will research to see if they're still being made, with the current DST rules in place, and hope Congress doesn't change them again. 😖

Also, I am a geekette when it comes to watches. I have several that I rotate through... a red one for when I wear a red outfit, a white one when I wear white, a blue one for when I wear blue, one with a loud alarm when I really need to be reminded of something, a couple with BIG numbers because I don't see as well nowadays... and they all have to be changed twice each year. 😝

Well that really is a double dose of pain in the butt when it comes to the time change for you. It sounds like an awesome clock but as usual the government will screw it up.


I can see you are Libertarian through and through. :-)

Irrespective of political coloring, it is indeed very important for the electorate to become more involved, and more vocal, about the issues effecting the republic (you're right ... it is a republic, not a democracy, although I would suggest we have about a billion things to fix before we worry about that one). :-)

As Churchill said, "People get the government they deserve."


Hey Quill,
I have to agree with you on the Libertarian for sure, in fact I some how ended up on a email list of theirs last year and when they started sending me emails I started reading them. I identify with them without question.
I even voted for every Libertarian on the ballot this election, it wasn't many but they got my vote.
No incumbent got a vote from me. I had every political flavor covered with ballot that I cast.
I also agree that there are many more things that need fixed before the republic, however people should be aware of that and be asking, "how did that happen?"
The big problem is that civics is no longer taught in public or private schools in the USA so people don't know what they should know. They teach American government so everything important is left out.
The education system is cranking out sheeple just like it was designed to do.

I think the general theme here is we've been hoodwinked by Washington. ; ) I never knew the true reason for daylight savings time. I had always heard it was because of farming as well. It's time we do away with that nonsense.

Just ran across this quote, "When told the reason for daylight savings time the Old Indian said, 'Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.'" That pretty much sums it up. : )

I love that quote, and it is pretty damn accurate too. I would say it is a tad bit more than hoodwinked; lying, cheating and stealing from the people that trust you is well past hoodwinked in my book. There in that list of broken things is quite of few things that just by themselves it should be enough to get people's attention, but combined together people should be really angry and demanding better from our elected officials.

I like that quote too. You're so right, it is much more than hoodwinked. I'd like to think the mid terms will take us a step in the right direction but I know better.

Only time will tell on those mid terms but you are probably correct on knowing better.

howdy sir sultnpapper! great points and lots of thought-provoking ones in this post! The time change is retarded. It messes everyone up and I don't know of anyone who likes it so why are we doing it? I doubt if anyone knows why.

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