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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/04/18> Time Change and Change Time

in #dailydose6 years ago
I hate the time change. Oddly, one of my clocks has to be changed four times each year instead of two. It was manufactured in the early 2000s, when the shift between EST and EDT happened at a different time of year.
previously, from 1987 through 2006, the start and end dates were the first Sunday in April and the last Sunday in October

This clock was programmed at the factory to change time on those dates so the owner never had to change the clock manually. It was wonderful until the law was enacted in 2007 to change the time from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November. So, now I have to change the clock in March, then again in April, again in October, and finally in November.

The reason I don't pitch this clock and get another one is a feature that automatically resets the clock to the correct time in case of a power failure, which is a wonderful thing! There are other features of this clock that make it one of the best clocks I've ever owned. Perhaps one day I will research to see if they're still being made, with the current DST rules in place, and hope Congress doesn't change them again. 😖

Also, I am a geekette when it comes to watches. I have several that I rotate through... a red one for when I wear a red outfit, a white one when I wear white, a blue one for when I wear blue, one with a loud alarm when I really need to be reminded of something, a couple with BIG numbers because I don't see as well nowadays... and they all have to be changed twice each year. 😝


Well that really is a double dose of pain in the butt when it comes to the time change for you. It sounds like an awesome clock but as usual the government will screw it up.

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