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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 11/04/18> Time Change and Change Time

in #dailydose6 years ago


I can see you are Libertarian through and through. :-)

Irrespective of political coloring, it is indeed very important for the electorate to become more involved, and more vocal, about the issues effecting the republic (you're right ... it is a republic, not a democracy, although I would suggest we have about a billion things to fix before we worry about that one). :-)

As Churchill said, "People get the government they deserve."



Hey Quill,
I have to agree with you on the Libertarian for sure, in fact I some how ended up on a email list of theirs last year and when they started sending me emails I started reading them. I identify with them without question.
I even voted for every Libertarian on the ballot this election, it wasn't many but they got my vote.
No incumbent got a vote from me. I had every political flavor covered with ballot that I cast.
I also agree that there are many more things that need fixed before the republic, however people should be aware of that and be asking, "how did that happen?"
The big problem is that civics is no longer taught in public or private schools in the USA so people don't know what they should know. They teach American government so everything important is left out.
The education system is cranking out sheeple just like it was designed to do.

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