Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 09/21/18> Driving while blind so to speak… and winners.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Fall mode working...

For the last few days here on steemit I have been experiencing some troubles and since I have been going deeper into my fall mode where I become more irritated and aggravated with little things I might as well get this one out in the open too.

We all had trouble earlier in the week when this place was locked down tighter than the launch buttons that Kim Jong-un was threatening to push earlier in the year. I will say that for as major of a problem that I was hearing that had taken place with HF20 screwing things up the witnesses did a pretty damn good job at least getting us back up and running where we could post, vote and comment like we had been able to do prior to the fork.

Unable to use...

Having said that though, I have still have been unable to use some add on things that I have gotten pretty used to having that I see real value in like Steem Block Explorer. Since the system has come back up where we can do all the normal things we do I have yet to be able to get steem block explorer to come back online and supply me the information that I have come accustomed to using.

Driving like I'm...

When it comes to knowing how much voting power I have it is like I am driving down the road blind. My little chicken crap vote value at 100% is worth a measly $0.02 here on steemit and so even though I have now reached the level of Steem Power that I have a slider I don’t even consider using it. In order to give my “two cents” on something I have to go all in every time.

Then to compound matters even further being a part of groups requires a level of commitment to the groups and I live up to those commitments regularly and that HF20 screwed that up as well for a couple days so I missed some votes and had to go back and find those and catch up my votes there since the service I was using wasn’t geared up for HF20.

Needs to be...

In my mind things need to be tested before being unleashed for use to the general public and I don’t know if the changes made with HF20 were tested or if they could even be tested but if anyone knows I am all ears for listening. Was this a “one off” problem and have the other forks that have taken place gone smoothly?

I think this is the first major fork that has occurred since I have been here in September of 2017 or have the others been so flawless and me being so uniformed that I didn’t notice them happen?

Major step backwards...

All the talk about crypto and block chain technology being the future of the financial world took a major step backwards this week it would seem to me; if we couldn’t get through adding some changes without the whole thing crashing to a halt what good is it?.

While there are plenty of folks in the world who have never heard of steem or block chain you can rest assured that if steem starts gaining back ground in value or cryto currencies in general start gaining ground back, the fiat banks will be quick to point how fragile the system is that even a slight software update can shut it down.

Only time will...

Not many businesses will be interested in adopting crypto or steem knowing that when upgrades are needed to be done that they can be shut down for hours or potentially days from doing financial transactions. The ramifications of this failed fork just may have stuck a fork in crypto like I do baked potatoes in order to see if the potatoes are done. Not being able to post was an inconvenience for us but it may end up being a lot more than that and only time will be able to give us those answers to those questions.

I need to see...

But for right now I need to see where the hell I am going and not being able to have steem block explorer working is screwing me up and has me voting blindly with regard to keeping my two cents worth actually at two cents. So if any of you know what I can use that will show me the same stuff as steem block explorer I would greatly appreciate that being shared in the comments.

Last week's contest...

The final thing that needs to be taken care of today has to do with last week’s anniversary contest where the Daily Dose was giving away a total of twenty shares of Steem Basic Income. Well those winners have been determined and I will get to those in just a minute, but I have already sent the steem over for the purchases of the shares if anyone cares to look at my wallet to verify the transactions.

First I have...

First I have to tell a little story and it has to do with the contest. When I do a contest the fun for me is coming up with the contest and then watching the contest unfold. So I will usually have something in the contest that can be entertaining for me.

I caught a few...

This contest included one of those things and sure as I know how to catch fish with rubber worms I know how to catch people as well and I caught a few with this contest.

In fact I was so sure that I could do it I even made a comment to one person in order to make sure the other would get lured to the bait as I mentioned the person by name. Knowing that the person has my girlfriend Gina looking out for that person like I do. So when my comment with that name in it was posted it wasn’t long before there was a reply and an entry into the contest.

To the persons credit though, the person declined any winnings if in fact they might have qualified, but they didn’t win, so that didn’t make any difference in any outcome of the contest.

I know my...

But it did prove that I know my people here that come see me regularly because I knew that once they saw the contest and the part that described the contest as “ What you like and What you hate” they were busy writing away on what they liked and what they hated. The only problem was I hadn’t given the subject matter to be considered in the liking and hating. That didn’t get revealed until a couple short paragraphs down and it said the subject was the Daily Dose. “What you like and what you hate about the Daily Dose of Sultnpapper”.

Well I think it was safe to say that I haven’t covered baby eaters and I don’t remember touching on aliens or even avocados. I also have no clue what red and blue kachia is so I am positive I haven’t touched on those; yet those were in some people’s likes and hates.

So my fun was...

So my fun in all of this was watching and reading the comments and I must say I truly appreciated the love and support that you folks who read the whole post, and entered a comment with regard to the Daily Dose.

Getting to the end...

It also means that I would not make a good news writer because number one, I tell the truth and number two, I have a habit of saving some good stuff to end the Daily Dose where in news reporting never is anything important at the end of the story. In fact it used to be that years ago you had to get to the end of the story to see who wrote it but now all that information is at the top of news articles so most people never do get to the bottom on any story.

Congratulations to...

So for today’s good news, and good ending, First Place and twelve shares of SBI goes to our winner @ecoinstant and the runner up prize of eight shares of SBI goes to @cecicastor.

Congratulations and thanks for being a part of the family here at the Daily Dose.

Until next time,

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Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 264 (9/22/18)

This should help...just put ur name there..
Every other services that we use are not part of Steemit...so...they offer services for us on their time and dime...

And by the way...we are not on HF20...only few witnesses run it yet...
And you only post once a day...it didn't really affect you...so stop it...:))
More shit can happen by next Tuesday...

Very true , I only post once a day but throughout my day I read other peoples posts in between and at lunch and stuff. There is more that I do on here than just write and post one time a day.
The reason I said HF20 was that was what I was told in the discord server I was using to try and find out what was going on, so thanks for clearing that up. What was the real reason since I never heard anymore on it other than it was back up and running?


And you only post once a day...it didn't really affect you...so stop it...:))
More shit can happen by next Tuesday...

This is possibly the most lucid comment I've ever seen from this guy, so don't discourage him. But I get your point.

Still, it gave me a much-needed honest-to-goodness laugh first thing this morning. ("It didn't really affect you ... so stop it." That sounds exactly like something I'd say!)

Some of the messages that went up on Monday did say this was because HF20 was underway, but if I got the whole story, what actually happened was ---> they were doing some preliminary work to get ready or test for HF20 -- coming up on the 25th. They have to have all the witness nodes "on the same page" so to speak in order for Steemit to operate properly (or maybe at all.) There was a glitch in the code they were using and the trial run was a bust ... and when they tried to revert back to HF19 -- which is the ultimate fallback position on anything to deal with computers -- that didn't work either because something there had also been corrupted.

So instead of a quick on / off blink-of-the-lights kind of problem, they had to find out what was wrong, patch it, get all of the witnesses to patch their piece of the puzzle .. and try the fallback move again. This took a whole lot longer than even the witnesses expected. (I was probably the only one not surprised, because I work with The Weasel ... and when he has a "code problem" it can literally be weeks getting it fixed. (Mostly because he works "in between naps.")

So I'm impressed -- and grateful -- that they got it up and running again as fast as they did. But I also predict HF20 -- The Real Deal -- could turn into a horror show, too. We'll have to see.

Yes, that code stuff is nothing I know anything about so I just have to take what I am hearing from people that I believe know what is going on.
Time will tell and we'll see but I do , do more than just one post a day. Whether or not anyone sees it,

Thanks DC , I will give it a try... and yes I am aware that the other services are not a part of Steemit and are done at those peoples expense and time, and it is very nice of them to do that.

One step up and two steps back, as the man said

Yes, I have heard that a time or two during my life.

There are going to be wiggles when ever you have lines of code replacing other lines of code. They thought they had this covered when they put a 'pretend area' (hot test bed) up simultaneously. Not so much.

As I understand it (and know I could be way wrong) the offending snippet of code existed in the HF19 version that ran more or less happily for year and a half. It was when enough witnesses started running HF20 that the problem arose.

That isn't much of a problem, far as I am concerned. Shit happens. The fact that it took the witnesses all day to agree on and go to a fall back position is a bit scary to me.

There is a problem with everything that is touched by computers. The stuff that was written 40 years ago.

You see, nobody writes brand new code. They always put their stuff on top of another piece of code that somebody wrote in Fortran or GW Basic. So by the time we are where we are today any bit of code that makes stuff work on the innerwebs is tens of thousands of lines of code. Nobody can check them all. Ever.

It's why 'open source' is so important. When there is a glitch in open source software a thousand geeks drill backwards on it until they get to the Fortran and then replace the Fortran so you have an entire block of new code.

With proprietary software you have the company team throwing a patch on the problem and hurrying on to the next one.

Ask Microsoft how that has worked out for them. They promised Win8 would be entirely new code. Win9 they skipped and got Win10 out with a lot of new code. Late and expensive. And still related directly to the OS Gates and Allen devised in the garage.

So for me, it's not about a glitch happening, it's about the amount of time it took to get to the fallback position. I'm guessing it's time to adjust some of my witness voting.

Congratulations to your winners. You know I read every word before I answer so I knew I was on a tangent when I answered. You also know I don't do many contests so the only part of the rules I followed was the word limit. :)

I appreciate that explanation about the code and the fall back position stuff I am not a computer guy so your explanation really helps me understand that a little better.
I know who reads to the bottom, and I can read between the lines in most cases so I knew what you were doing. It was written in a code I do understand.

Congratulations to the winners

Contrary to what other comments say I to read from a few sources that the downtime was related to the move to HF20, and it had some bugs and it took some time for the Witnesses who had moved to HF20 to roll back

Although I was also frustrated with the down time, I can understand in a decentralized environment how that could happen, and hope that this experience was a learning curve and will be less likely to happen in the future

Yes , congrats to the winners is definitely in order.
I don't know the details and I am not a computer guy and so I rely on other people to help me understand on how all that works. I just believe that as time goes on any hiccups or bumps in the road from a functioning standpoint of the block chain system will become targets of discussion by people who look at crypto currency as threat.
The sources I read said that even the "fall back" position that had been established to revert back too, didn't stabilize the situation and so the witnesses had to go back even further and that is what took the most time to get everyone in sync. I don't know if there is any truth to that or not.

I guess we will never know the truth i just hope it was a learning experience for those in control

Oh yeah, the big fiat banks' computer systems never fail – we can always rely on them...


A few weeks ago I drove my mum to the shop, put her bank card in the hole-in-the-wall (she can do this herself, but her eyesight isn't great so I sometimes do it for her). Her card disappeared into the machine, never to be seen again! I hadn't received any errors about the PIN number being entered incorrectly, or anything like that...
Mum phoned the bank, and they blithely apologised and told her that "the machine had decided to reset itself just at the moment that her card was being entered". That was that. She had to wait to get a new card and PIN number posted out.
On several occasions people have found that their cards just don't work in card machines or at tills, because of "a major fault that affected the LINK network yesterday afternoon and evening". This kind of thing happens whether you're using fiat or crypto.
Re-checking your voting power. I use steemd.com/[@username]. It sometimes goes down too, which is always frustrating - but there are other tools too.
And by the way you did mention aliens in your post on the Pyramids. But that's not a criticism! It's always good to read your posts.

Yes, the current banks have issues with computers but our "money" is "safe" with them, according to them. NOT.
Aliens may have been mentioned a time or two but not to the point that someone should "hate" the dose for a brief mention. But I do challenge anyone to find where I discussed red and blue kachia.
Thanks for recommendation I will surely look at that one as well.

Thank you @sultnpapper for having the contest. I really appreciate the SBI. Congratulations, to the winner, @ecoinstant. I always enjoy what you have to say.

Frankly, releasing the hardfork20 in a few days maybe a mistake, in my humble opinion. It has only been a few days since the crash and I would hope they would give more consideration to exactly what caused it and how to prevent it in the future. I feel that tech firms and programmers tend to rush their work these days because they want to be first out of the box and grab the biggest market share. It is all about the numbers now and not about producing a quality product that people will be happy with in the long run.

I have been using https://steemd.com/@username to find my stats for now. I can't get Steem Block Explorer to work either. And my friend Gina stopped working too. She just disappeared on me and I can't seem to get her back.

Technology is fine when it works well, but when there is a glitch, it seems to really botch things up.

You are more than welcome, congrats.
Gina is working for me, but steem block explorer isn't as of yesterday and I like that one a lot.

sir sultnpapper! howdy sir, hey did you ever get Steem Block Explorer back online? I haven't heard of that one.

No, I just checked, still no workie, the thing is that I am using Steem Now, now and the same guy has both tools and the one is working and the other is not, I prefer the one that isn't working, go figure.

sir sultnpapper! howdy sir well, maybe the one you like will come back so you can switch back but that's usually what happens to me, I really like a program and then it's gone! lol.

Yes, I hope it does, right after my voting power returns preferably.

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