Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/30/18> It might be time to introduce myself… I’m the new kid in town.

in #dailydose6 years ago (edited)

It is never to late...

My online world recently, like yesterday, opened up a little further and in an effort to make things a little easier for people who are just coming across me for the first time I think it is a good idea to introduce myself.

So for those of you who do know me you can cut out now and I do appreciate you stopping by like normal. You are also more than welcome to stay if you care too, but I doubt you will be learning anything new in today’s daily dose.

Who is @sultnpapper

I am the new kid on the family ranch of the Steemit Bloggers and since I just stumbled in on your place, here is the low down on me. I came to steemit back in Sept. 2017 and I came here with one purpose in mind, it wasn’t to make crypto or to even become a blogger. That might sound a little strange but every word of it is true. I came here because I had heard that with block chain technology everything that gets recorded on the blocks of the chain are permanent and can’t be deleted.

Why permanent was important…

The permanency of the block chain was the key for me since I was looking for a place to store some thought and stories for the future. “Future what? “ you ask. That would be any future grand children that might come along after I am no longer living and breathing.

I was lucky enough and smart enough to get all my running around done before I got married and that took me quite a while. So I married later in life but married a young lady, much younger, and we have four children that hopefully someday will bring us some grand kids. I didn’t want the future grand kids to rely on the stories their parents might tell them about me so I figured I could tell my stories here and then when they are old enough to read maybe they could stumble upon the steem block chain and read those stories for themselves.

It might be a long shot…

Yes, it might be a long shot, but it is better than no shot at all. I have seen what water and fire can do to paper diaries and those don’t survive well. Plus, I have been a part of having to discard things after people pass on and some stuff that might seem insignificant can get pitched in the trash pretty easily, never ever having a chance of being retrieved. So I figure this is one of the best shots I have, albeit a long one.

Some people who know…

Some people who know me say I butcher the English language, they happen not to be from Texas, so when I ask for a person to pass me the salt and pepper it sounds just like sultnpapper, which is where the name came from. I would tell you that it has to do with the color of my hair and facial hair but that is just a coincidence. I will also tell you that half of the people who know me think I am plumb crazy, and the other half are damn sure of it.

I just might be…

I have a tendency to go against the grain of the wood if you know what that means. While some people might tell you what you want to hear, I won’t. I tell you what I believe you need to hear and that would be the truth as I see it.

Remember , I am not writing the daily dose for you people who are reading it today or tomorrow or even next week. I am writing it for some people, who if I were alive when they are, would mean the world to me. So if you read the little blurb under my name on my home page where it says, “Here to share the truth, no matter how much it hurts you.” , I mean every word of that statement. So, I just might be plumb crazy.

What you will get…

You will get a daily dose of this old man. When I started out I made a challenge to myself to at least write one paragraph a day and post it to the block chain. Thus far I have kept up with the challenge, and as far as what I write for content pretty much is what happens to me in the course of my day or what my thoughts might be on a particular subject of interest at that point in time. The last thing I do each day is my daily dose and then it is lights out for me. There are a couple things that I have actually built into a schedule of sorts and here they are.

The current schedule …

Right now I do a Texas BBQ review on the 15th of each month known as the “Will Eat BBQ 4 U” Texas BBQ review. I love slow smoked meat and I am happy to share the good places and people who serve it to my satisfaction. You won’t normally find me doing a review of a place that I don’t eat at regularly, so you can pretty much be assured that all my reviews are of the positive type. Don’t even bother asking why; it would make no sense for me to tell you to stay away from a place. Why would I go spend my money to order food I don’t enjoy, take pictures of it, and then tell you not to eat there?

The other regular day I have is Saturday and it is known as SBI Saturday where I give away a share of SBI to three different people. Before you ask how you can become one of those people don’t bother to ask. The truth is I don’t have a set reason I select by and I often do just random selections.

The reason I do it is because I believe in giving back to the community and I believe in the SBI program concept. So while my post don’t generally provide me with much coming in money wise I do manage to get at least enough to keep that going and I plan on continuing that for the foreseeable future.

What I failed to mention…

People who do know the daily dose know that I can have a tendency to get side tracked every now and then, it is a problem I am trying to keep under control while I write; but it happens. You will also find that there is quite a bit of stuff about family, and that is again because this is written for future family members. Those future family members might like to hear some stories about their parents that they might never hear from those parents. My other areas of interest are law, politics and money all of which I pretty much guarantee we might not see eye to eye on; but I enjoy all comments and if you think I am full of crap that’s fine and you are welcome to say so.


I would appreciate it though if you would just substitute the word “guzbucked” for the F bomb; so an F’ing idiot would be “guzbucking idiot” . Guzbuck is a cuss word that came into prominent use in the year 2029 of the future; it is our job to make sure that it happens. I created that word as part of writing contest where you had to create a cuss word for the future. I didn’t win that contest, but I actually have written a couple short stories that did win some contests so it just proves there is hope for anyone when it comes to writing.

Thank you, Steemit Bloggers…

So I would like to thank the good folks at Steemit Bloggers for inviting me in and while I can’t make any promises that I won’t embarrass the group I will damn sure try my best not too. I hope this little introduction of me helps you to know a little more about me; just an old man trying to store some thoughts and stories. Thanks.

My original post from 9/12/17…

It was a lot shorter than today's daily dose.

It got one vote. Thank you, @abbak7.

Until next time,



I thought "guzbucking" was an actual Texas word, used by Texans going back centuries!
The intention behind your posts is to write a lasting daily diary for your descendants to read, but what I like about them is their humour, and also the way that they often start out in a quite mundane manner, and suddenly a fascinating or shocking story starts to unfold. Keep up the good work!

Centuries from now it will be an actual Texas word dating back to 2017 when some old Texan first used it back when people used a thing called computers to communicate, but for now it is still in its infancy and you can swear at people without them having a clue. When people sneeze, just tell them , "Guzbuck" and they will thank you.
I am glad you enjoy the daily dose and thanks for being a regular here with us.

It's a guzbucking pleasure!

Great use of the word! Thanks for supporting the guzbucking effort!

That’s pretty cool, thanks for sharing. That mindset about your content is remarkably similar to a post I made a few weeks back: https://steemit.com/motivation/@dollarsandsense/motivational-monday-you-are-building-a-legacy

That is really cool that your whole outlook on this platform is basically that concept. I think you’re making an incredibly special gift for your family 🙂

Welcome to #steemitbloggers!

Oh and by the way, the first thing that popped in my head when I saw your screen name was “sultan papper”, like a middle eastern king or something 😛

You had said earlier you thought we might have more in common than your original thoughts, I think your post that you shared the link for is proof positive that we indeed do. Great minds think a like is what they say, whoever "they" are, and they just might be correct. Thanks for sharing that link.

Well, what can I say? I obviously like having you around, no matter the reason. And a really good reason is so much better than a nefarious one, so I think a review was in perfect order.

Thanks for all the fun and I raise my coffee cup to the discussions to come.

The funny thing was I never bothered to do an official introduce myself post when I first got here because I never really expected to become a "blogger" I was just here to use the "facilities" of the block chain as my own safety deposit box of thoughts.

Even though I have been followign you for quite a while now maybe not long after you started this was still an interesting read for me

Thanks Jay. If it hadn't been for @ethandsmith I would never have gotten involved with groups or discord and I really appreciate him for guiding me along inside this steemit world, he is a good young man.

@sultnpapper I do agree he is a great guy, I have to admit I am real bad for popping into Discord and chatting but I do sneak in occasionally

I enjoyed this post even though I have known for some time here in Steemitland. I hadn't thought of doing a post like this one for Steemitbloggers, but it makes sense. If you don't mind, I think I will borrow your idea and post one of my own. I guess I need to get that done some time today...

Of course I wouldn't mind, I even encourage people to Ulog even though I don't do it, but some people have accused me of being one of the earliest uloggers. Good ideas are meant to be shared and used.

Looking forward to getting to know you better through your posts. I appreciate your desire to leave something for the next generation. If more of us thought that way, the world would be a much better place!

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a nice reply. I look forward as well to learning more about all the members of the Steemit Bloggers. Is there a particular category that you normally post your work into?

The most popular is probably #nature, though there is no "one". I also post quite a bit on #steemstem, #science, #community, #biomimicry.

Thanks. I will be sure to look for you in those as I learn the ropes.

I think we are all learning the ropes! I still have problems trying to find content. We will help each other along....

yes, it is going to take some time to get this down for me. a lot of categories to plow threw.

If you find some that are especially good, let me know. I need to start making a list of the ones I really like.

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 13 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 6 SBD worth and should receive 137 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

I'll see what I can do to insert "guzbuck" into the lexicon. HardFork should be able to accomplish that. : )

You don't have to do that Eric, but if you can make it work into it I would be honored to say the least. The grand kids would love to come across that I am sure. Ha ha ha.

I'll see if I can make it work! : ) We're having to come up with futuristic slang, it's surprisingly challenging.

I think words in the future will have a lot of "z", "v" and "x" sounds in them, we pretty much have worn out the front end of the alphabet with the A, B, C's.

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 243 (8/31/18)

Well, guzbuck is new to me, so I can be the first kid on my block to use it. It has to be a really powerful, dirty invective because Google won't even look for it. According to them, it won't "google", but you know how they are about hiding things they want to protect us from. That's proof it's a good bad word.

I wonder if I can get that as my personal license plate?

Well the google will display some guzbuck items , but it does try and force you to go see Guy Buck unless you tell it you want exact match.
I would bet that you can be the first on your block to use it. Like I said in the dose, it doesn't become a household cuss word until 2029 so you are on the guzbucking ground floor when it comes to using guzbuck.
I did a quick search of vanity plates all around the world and as long as you are not in Alabama there is a real good chance that could secure it, I wouldn't wait to long though, once the DMV's find out what guzbuck means it will probably be black listed from use.
There is only one license plate listed for GUZBUCK and it is Alabama like I said, so even the Tide is Rollin with the use of it now.

Does that mean that if I tell someone I'm gonna guz their buck it's not a threat or necessarily a bad thing quite yet?

Any clue as to what event triggers the guzbuck conversion event in 2029?
I'll bet it's a doozy!

As far as the conversion it comes about because the country is in full blown martial law and scores of people are in detention camps, also known as FEMA camps, and the armed guards will shoot people who F-bomb them. So the people needed another word and guzbuck became that word.
Here is the link to my original story if you care to read it, it was for the HF contest about life in the future, Day 82

It isn't a bad thing yet, I don't think the guards will shoot you today, since we are only under military rule and not on lock down yet.

What guzbuckin' luck to have survived! There ain't no justice in this world, back then or now. You're in double trouble after they got you live and keyed for complaining about the past, and now you talkin' future times, they gonna get you on that, too. When they find out you made up that word, they gonna keep your lights on all the time and let you repent for a thousand years non-stop listening to guzbuck, guzbuck, guzbuck 24/7 forever...

I guess it will be the price I pay for telling it like it is. I just hope it doesn't last me a thousand years. I might be my guzbucking luck it would though.

No one likes to hear how it is. Everyone loves to hear you confirm how they think it should be. Since it's your story to edit and embellish as you wish, the final result is YOUR story for others to accept as the real you.

Besides, people tend to take their own version of truth from anything they read, even if they don't know that is what they are doing.

Yep, plenty of people have confirmation bias disease and have yet to be diagnosed with it.

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