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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/30/18> It might be time to introduce myself… I’m the new kid in town.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Well, guzbuck is new to me, so I can be the first kid on my block to use it. It has to be a really powerful, dirty invective because Google won't even look for it. According to them, it won't "google", but you know how they are about hiding things they want to protect us from. That's proof it's a good bad word.

I wonder if I can get that as my personal license plate?


Well the google will display some guzbuck items , but it does try and force you to go see Guy Buck unless you tell it you want exact match.
I would bet that you can be the first on your block to use it. Like I said in the dose, it doesn't become a household cuss word until 2029 so you are on the guzbucking ground floor when it comes to using guzbuck.
I did a quick search of vanity plates all around the world and as long as you are not in Alabama there is a real good chance that could secure it, I wouldn't wait to long though, once the DMV's find out what guzbuck means it will probably be black listed from use.
There is only one license plate listed for GUZBUCK and it is Alabama like I said, so even the Tide is Rollin with the use of it now.

Does that mean that if I tell someone I'm gonna guz their buck it's not a threat or necessarily a bad thing quite yet?

Any clue as to what event triggers the guzbuck conversion event in 2029?
I'll bet it's a doozy!

As far as the conversion it comes about because the country is in full blown martial law and scores of people are in detention camps, also known as FEMA camps, and the armed guards will shoot people who F-bomb them. So the people needed another word and guzbuck became that word.
Here is the link to my original story if you care to read it, it was for the HF contest about life in the future, Day 82

It isn't a bad thing yet, I don't think the guards will shoot you today, since we are only under military rule and not on lock down yet.

What guzbuckin' luck to have survived! There ain't no justice in this world, back then or now. You're in double trouble after they got you live and keyed for complaining about the past, and now you talkin' future times, they gonna get you on that, too. When they find out you made up that word, they gonna keep your lights on all the time and let you repent for a thousand years non-stop listening to guzbuck, guzbuck, guzbuck 24/7 forever...

I guess it will be the price I pay for telling it like it is. I just hope it doesn't last me a thousand years. I might be my guzbucking luck it would though.

No one likes to hear how it is. Everyone loves to hear you confirm how they think it should be. Since it's your story to edit and embellish as you wish, the final result is YOUR story for others to accept as the real you.

Besides, people tend to take their own version of truth from anything they read, even if they don't know that is what they are doing.

Yep, plenty of people have confirmation bias disease and have yet to be diagnosed with it.

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