Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/08/18> I've got some questions… any answers?

in #dailydose6 years ago

Before I get to the questions, remember back less than a month ago the story about never being able to remember my oldest brother’s birthday, I’m sure you do. Well today is some other people’s birthdays , three people in the family share August 8 , so I have no problem remembering those, so a quick happy birthday to my other brother , my aunt , and my sister in law; who is married to the one I always managed to forget. Happy Birthday ya’ll.

Here's the thang...

Normally I will pretty much answer any questions I ask when I write these daily dose columns but today I don’t know your answers and I would really appreciate knowing. Since we do have such a diverse group of regulars here at the daily dose I am hoping we get some good participation because it will help me better understand how things work in your lives.

What I am really interested in is, for lack of a better description, “shopping habits”, that can encompass a lot of things so I am going to try and work it down to just 3 or at the most 4 questions. I work in sales and so I definitely have an interest on how people determine what exactly they are going to purchase, and what determines where they will purchase. Believe it or not though, I am not doing market research and these questions have nothing to do with work.

It takes quite a bit to make me really angry anymore, I think I have actually mellowed out as I have gotten older or might have just gotten lazy about certain things. Not sure exactly which of those two is the correct answer and might be a combination of the two. That isn’t one of the questions, so save your answer on that, unless you just absolutely have to give your guess on that one.

Lawyers ugh...

It is no secret either that I really don’t care for those members of the BAR that call themselves lawyers and who practice law. You would think that after 8 years or more of schooling and years of “practice” they would know how to do their guzbucking job and actually work in law, instead of collecting people’s money, and then go practicing. For some reason I like actually hiring people to do work for me that know what the hell they are doing, I don’t need my air conditioning repair guy to be practicing on my AC unit. Same goes for the mechanic, the butcher, and sacker that bags my groceries.

Question number 1

Question number 1.) Of the places and business your normally use for your shopping needs do you shop there because it is :
A.) convenient
B.) better pricing or product availability.
C.) better customer service
D.) Other. ( Please explain briefly if you chose other.)

I like shopping with small family run businesses when I can, small business really is the backbone of the USA, despite what you may have heard or learned in school. So whenever I can and I have a choice between small business and big business 9 out of 10 times, small business gets first shot at my wallet.

More ugh...

Back to lawyers; I really can’t stand frivolous lawsuits or least lawsuits that I consider to be frivolous that are instigated by corporate lawyers of big businesses against the little business owners. To me that is like the big school yard bully that just goes around beating kids up and stealing their lunch money.

Question number 2

Question number 2.) What would be “the straw that broke the camel’s back” that would make you quit doing business with a business you like and enjoy shopping at or doing business with?
Number two is not a multiple choice so please just answer me with a few sentences or even just a few words if you can do in that, I just want an idea of what would be it that makes you call it quits.

Final Question, number 3

Since I am in the question mode right now I will get the third and final question out of the way, but it is a two part question, it easy though, because it is a “yes” or “no” answer to both parts.
Question number 3.)
Part 1 / If I were to show you a picture of an alligator and a beaver could you correctly identify each animal from looking at the pictures?

Part 2 / if I told you the alligator sold BBQ and the beaver sold gasoline or petrol could you then associate the picture of the animal with the correct business?

I will appreciate getting your answers and I will put those to work in a future daily dose this week or early next week.

I'll wait...

Mean while, as I wait for those answers to come in, let me give a special Daily Dose shout out to @natubat who responded to the Daily Dose from back on 08/04/18 with a link to a video that is truly A MUST WATCH for any of you who are reading these words.

This video that she shared I had seen previously, but it is so good that I watched it again Tuesday evening. It is about 45 minutes in length, but it does an excellent job of explaining the banking system, credit, and the creation of money. Make sure you listen to every word of it and pay special attention to the screen so you can pause the film and read the quotations from several of the key banksters on just how they have screwed the people and how they really don’t give a shit whether or not you know it.

If you are in country that has a central bank you are going to want to watch this video, trust me, I guarantee that you are going to learn something and knowledge is power. I am including a link to the video she shared right here and now.

Please do...

Please, please do go by and thank her and throw an up vote on her comment or on one of her posts on her blog, she really deserves it for sharing this video. You and I can’t thank her enough for getting this in front of us so we can share it with others.

Until next time,

1️⃣ Question number 1

It depends. I shop the grocery that is closest to my house because it is (A) convenient and the prices/selection are as good as a second store, slightly further away. (One has cheaper bread, the other has cheaper milk, so it balances.) However, peanut butter and toilet paper there are priced out-of-sight, so I get those at a "big box store" nearby, once per month because of (B) better pricing or product availability. I chose my nail salon, however, because of (C) better customer service. So, it's a mixed bag of answers.

2️⃣ Question number 2

I would quit doing business with a store if they no longer carried items/brands I need/want, or if prices elevated more than those in other stores, and would seriously consider going elsewhere if customer service attitudes waned.

3️⃣ Question number 3

● Yes, I think I would be able to differentiate an alligator from a beaver. If not, I'd best stay out of the swamp!

● Yes. I would mentally picture the alligator (a predator) standing upright, wearing an apron, and loading pork ribs into a smoker. I would mentally picture the beaver sitting atop his dam near the Alaskan pipeline, keeping diligent watch for leaks. 😁

I like the mental picture way you went about the last part of #3 for sure. Please don't take that as me discounting your other answers, they are all good and helpful, and there are no wrong answers in this Q & A session.
Thanks again for your support and participation.

I'm glad you think my answers are helpful. I think in pictures, not in numbers or words, so that made Question Number 3 a no-brainer for me.

In the past, many people have found my difficulty with multiple-choice questions problematic, as they don't comprehend how different circumstances would trigger a single person to pick (A) under some situations and (B) under other conditions. I'm glad you got it, and had no doubt you would! 😉

I am the same way on things like that so I knew exactly where that was coming from. But at other times, I am just like @buttcoins , where if you cross me or try and cheat me you won't ever see a another nickle from me even if I would have to go without it for a period of time.

Morning mr Papper, or rather good night on your side of the world! My brain is still in sleep mode as it takes ages to wake up, but I'll try and answer your questions:

  1. For grocery shopping I choose A and B - Convenience and product availability is of utmost importance to me. I really don't want to drive to the other side of the world just because one ir two items may be cheaper. Some people will look out for specials and drive around from one store to the other, time and petrol wasted! Food prices generally are the same here so it all balances out in the end. My biggest irritation is out of stock items!
    I will definitely choose B for large appliances.

  2. Should they continuously fail in 1 A, B and C I would look for greener grass elsewhere for sure, especially if if they fail in delivering product availability.

  3. If you painted the picture convincingly, I would certainly associate them with those!

Now i need another cup of coffee as my brain's been overworked so early in the day!

I must watch that video, thanks for the reminder!

I paint good pictures you wouldn't have a problem. Thanks for your support and participation. Do watch the video and then be sure and comment on that as well.

2.i can be very stubborn. I went to a chicken stall that is still there afger many years. well, this lady who also is still there was like 10Q for the chicken... and im like i know its 8Q...ive been here. no 10Q. so i paid the 10Q... then the next guy came up and she charged him 5Q. i pass that chicken stall every month several times a month. I go out of my way to a less convenient spot if i feel like chicken now. this happened 5 years ago and i see the lady and im still like nope... you aint getting anything from me ever again. stubborn i am...like i said...
3.yes and no

You, stubborn? I would have never thought that. Thanks for enlightening me, and for the delegation.
She was giving you the tourist discount, little did she know how much that would cost her over the years.
Good job, that is my way of thinking too.

I'm on it. Really. But first, like you, uggggh Lawyers. I actually have a couple of friends that are members of the BAR. But it seems all the people that I actually am fond of are in criminal law. Passionate and 'give a shit' people. Plus at least a couple of them ride motorcycles :)

My casual shopping is almost always convenience based. I go to the nearest (only) supermarket. I used to go to a couple of Mom and Pop markets for the bulk of my grocery dollar, but Mom and Pop died and it just didn't take long for the children to turn them into vacant buildings. I am ferociously loyal to people in business. I'll gladly pay more to the Pharmacist that calls me by name.

My local Fry's (Kroger) stopped carrying the coffee I like. Now I'm not above changing, but the only two selections of whole bean left to me were 'house brand' and Starbucks. I switched to my friend Jeff Bezos' online store (Amazon) :) It comes to my door and it's what I like.

Question 2: It's easy. Lie to me, and particularly lie to me to get a sale. A couple of years ago I was in the market for a compact 9mm. I first went to my very local guy and they had both the models I was really interested in there. He told me that he took the one that had an exposed hammer up a ladder and dropped it and it went off. Really? You knowingly dropped a loaded weapon that could send a bullet ANYWHERE? You knowingly caused an accidental discharge? Then you are way too stupid to sell me anything. I never went back.

Question 3A Yes
Question 3B Yes

I'm sort of a genius that way. But it does get me thinking of BBQ 'Gator which is unavailable around here. But ribs are available, and I think maybe I better make some Q pretty quick.

Bonus answer: My friend that is a defense lawyer and also happens to own my favorite coffee shop in the region (and rides TO WORK) once told me about her first capital case. "I defended him on the 'the asshole had a dying coming defense'. We won."

I actually wanted to be a lawyer when I was in grade school and high school, and had my father not passed away right as I got out of high school there is a very good chance I would have gone and went that route.
I have a couple close friends who are lawyers and members of the BAR so I give them crap all the time. There is a dirty little secret that lawyers don't like to talk about, the oath that they have to take. I did a post one time about it, it may have been before you reading the daily dose. I'll find it and throw a link at the bottom of this reply. The oath has a lot of "legal speak" in it, so I broke it down into common man English so people could actually read just what the lawyers had sworn an oath to do. I think you will enjoy reading it.
Thanks for answering the questions, those will be very helpful to me as I work on part two of that.
Update: I have searched for over an hour and haven't located it , I will , but I am posting the reply less the link.

Question 1) I shop in stores that a) give good service. usually family run, mom and pop places. b) quality goods. I want to only buy once. I don't want to replace things frequently because of poor quality. c) convenience only if they have what I need and I don't have to drive 3 hours to get it d) price. If two stores have the identical product with the same quality and one is $40 more, guess who wins.

Question 2) those places that have poor customer service and crap reputation. Don't insult the customer is number one. And don't sell me a bill of goods when I ask about a product.

Question 3) part 1) yes I would.
part 2) really? NO!

@natubat's post was excellent and does deserve an upvote! The video is really good and I have watched it at least a couple of times. Central banks good at creating money from thin air...

Question 1) Usually shop smaller mom and pop operations in my community. I like to support the little guy. Better customer service too. After that comes quality and pricing and I am a compulsive comparison shopper.

Lawyers should be banned. Correct me if I am wrong but didn't Salem ma. exile lawyers at one point? I need to do some research as my memory on this is foggy.

Question 2) “the straw that broke the camel’s back” was when I was looking for a generator for the homestead. I ask the place where I regularly did business and they wanted to sell me one that was of inferior quality for twice the price of a brand name in their competitions store. So I bought the better brand with the two-year guarantee vs the other one with a 30-day guarantee. What really teed me off was while the generator was being delivered and set up, the owner of the store drove by and saw the competitors truck. I then got an irate phone call telling me that I couldn't do that to him! Haven't been back since!

Question 3) a) Yes, since I am an educated beaver.
b) Really?? No. Fake branding!

@natubat gets two thumbs up from me. I had seen this before, but it is good to watch again. Talk about making money out of thin air...Everyone needs to see this!

I know that Salem did witches like that, so lawyers might have been, maybe may have been that there isn't much difference between the two occupations so they lumped them all together.
That phone call would have surely done it for me if the other part hadn't.
Texas needs more educated beavers and beaver eaters, I'll explain that when I do the results post.
Thanks for the answers and yes, to the two thumbs up for @natubat , everyone does need to see that video.

Question number 1

I have a particular place close to my office where I shop for some personal things, but I am not always at my workplace but rather always in church for 10 out of the 7 days in a week. There is a supermart very close to the church building and for me it is accessible.
Now I know the girls who work there are quite eye-catchy, but then again that's one of the requirements to be a sales girl in Nigeria. HAHA

Question 2

Lack of excellence: I am sure this pretty much sums up everything bad the business can really do to me.

Question 3

Yes to identifying the animals
No to knowing what brands tthe represent

Thank you sire.

Thanks man 10 out of seven is a hard way to go for sure. Convenience would sure come into play with that kind of a schedule. Eye candy helps too, less fattening , but can get expensive.
I think I may have confused you and a couple others on part two of question 3.

Lets say that today I showed you a picture of the alligator and told you the alligator sells BBQ . Then I went and got a picture of the beaver and told you the beaver sells gasoline.
Then tomorrow I stop back by and pull out a picture of the alligator and ask you, "What does this alligator sell, BBQ or gasoline? Could you answer the correct answer of BBQ in that situation?
Thanks for dropping in and participating.

Question 1....i live in a rural area not much to chose from
Question 2.....rudeness. I hate giving my hard earned money to someone who doesn't appreciate it. Respect is a winner.
Question 3.....yes I could identify the animals but not the business

Well first let me welcome you here to the daily dose , I can't say that I recognize you as having stopped by before, Nice to have you here and participating with clear crisp answers.
I think I caused some confusion with the second part of the last question. I didn't intend for you to actaully be able to name the business from what I had given as descriptions.
What I was actually looking for was this, you obviously know the difference between an alligator and beaver since you answered yes to that part of number 3.
So lets say that I came to you tomorrow with the picture of the alligator and showed it to you, then I said , "Does this alligator sell BBQ or gasoline?" Would you be able to remember from the day before when I told you what each animal was selling?
I wasn't looking for you to know a real business name like Joe's BBQ or Baldy's Gas Station. Just if you could associate the animal with the type of goods they were selling.

Thank you, yes I'm a newcomer to your blog and Steemit as well.
And if you tell me today what they sell there is a good chance I'll remember tomorrow.... No guarantees. Lol

Well thanks, I will make it point to stop by and see what you have going on in your world. I just took a quick peek and read your intro post from a month ago. There is quite a number of homesteaders on steemit so you should feel right at home on here and I see you met @pappapepper , he is a great guy and always has great advice for the homesteaders. Most folks wouldn't move chickens 1,000 miles so I can see you take your animals as family for sure.
Thanks again and I'll be stopping in soon.

Yes I met papa pepper on YouTube, I do think it's inspiring to see the younger generation embracing the lifestyle. His little peppers won me over to Steemit. Lol
I do take the responsibility of the care of my critters seriously.
A lot of very interesting content here and so much to learn. Like a foreign language.
Thanks for checking out my blog. Nothing fancy just my life.

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Question 1.
It depends on what I am buying, if it is a loaf of bread, I would chose answer a. If we are talking about a piece of furniture or something more valuable, I'd go with answer b.

Question 2.
Bad customer service is a big turn off for me.

Question 3.

  • Yes.
    *No. The beaver would be wearing a nice white apron and he'd be behind the bbq, while the crocodile would have a Texas hat on and some cowboy boots. Lol. I guess I watched too many cartoons with my son.

Okay, those cartoons might have had an effect on you but also on your son. There is a lot of "messaging" in some of those cartoons for sure.
Thanks for stopping in and participating, very much appreciated.

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