DAD-Chronicals : Why fathers are so important to children

Why fathers are so important to children

Until the sixties of last century it was clear - mothers were responsible for raising and educating children. Your task has always been that. This view still prevails - as one sees, for example, in the judgments of German family courts. The role of the father for the growing up of the child is completely underestimated, as we now know.

There is only one real advantage that mothers have over dads when the baby is born - they can breastfeed a baby. This makes the mother the most important caregiver of the child at this early stage. It gives food, warmth and, moreover, a sense of security, because the infant quickly gets used to its smell and knows her voice from the time in her stomach. This gives mothers a head start in terms of relationship with the child. All other tasks, however, can also take over fathers. In the meantime it has been proven how much children benefit from the time they spend with their fathers.

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Men are different - and that's a good thing

Men are different from women and behave differently towards children. Also in this case there is the famous "small difference". Especially from this "other" children benefit greatly in their development. Through the father, a child becomes aware early on that there is something other than just the mother. The baby learns that it has to adapt to other people and situations and that this "other" can be interesting and fun.

Fathers who engage with their offspring intuitively find their own way of caring for and educating the child - and that's a good thing. Because they usually do it no worse than the mothers and just through this difference, the child benefits. Developmental psychology also explicitly emphasizes the importance of the father (as a third person) when the child deletes from the mother from the ninth month and begins to explore the world. Fathers also play differently with their children - whether sons or daughters. The dad is usually more lively, active, wilder. Thus, the children gain self-confidence and benefit in terms of physical development.

Father and mother complement each other ideally

As children grow up and explore their world, the mother often gives emotional support and encourages language communication, while fathers actively challenge their offspring to try new things. Fathers encourage their children to try something, thereby promoting their development. In addition, fathers are crucial for teaching social norm systems. In most cases, the mother is responsible for the "home" and provides security, while the father represents the "outside" - nature, activity, adventure. One could say that the mother is the minister of the interior, the father of the foreign ministers. In these functions, both partners complement each other ideally in terms of parenting styles and relationship offerings .

However, it is important that the father takes the time for the children and deals with them. It has been proven that children whose father is actively involved in education are ahead of others in their physical and mental development are also more independent and less anxious. Many studies have shown that dedicated fathers have a very positive impact on children's educational achievement. After all, children with a functioning father relationship will later become less likely to commit delays and also have fewer drug problems.

The father as a formative male caregiver

Above all, fathers are the first male caregiver for their children. For both sons and daughters, they shape the image of how a man has to be. Fathers are role models and friction surfaces. Boys also determine their own masculinity by comparison with their father. Girls define later partner roles over the role of men they show in their fathers. The impressions that fathers leave with their children thus shape their entire later relationship life.

So be aware of your role as a father, spend time with your children and get involved in their education. Do they have the self-confidence to bring themselves with their experiences and their abilities. Your children will benefit and you will notice how much joy they will get from their time with their sons and daughters.


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@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.

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