DAD-Chronicals : Collective fever among children - and the pressure on the parents

Collective fever among children - and the pressure on the parents

Children like to collect. On the other hand, nothing is objectionable in principle. However, the industry knows how to play with this passion for collecting - which can be extremely unpleasant. The parents are then just at a loss and wondering how they can counteract the collecting anger.

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When children learn to read is actually not that important to the advertising industry. Why? On average, children watch between 20,000 and 40,000 commercials each year. They barely notice differences between advertising messages and, for example, a documentary about animals. According to a study, three-year-olds are already able to assign a product to the corresponding logo. An almost revolutionary realization for advertising, because that means that even two-year-olds can be wooed as potential customers. Of course, this has to be done in a subtle way, but in terms of imagination, the advertising industry has not really fallen on its head. And since man has always been a collector too, this passion is particularly strained in children. And the nerves of the parents with you.

The "quenching factor" is out

Nowadays, parents naturally demand efficiency when shopping. That is why discounters and supermarkets have set about constantly expanding their assortment. We do not have to buy anything else that we get from our weekly shopping there. This is called customer loyalty. And this includes our little ones, they are now customers in their parents' tow and later even themselves purse bearers, to whose favor the supermarket courts. However, the strategy has changed over time. In the old days the queue was at the cash register - a guarantee that there was trouble with the offspring. In tantalizing intrusiveness, tempting sweets and small toys were draped near the checkout. The result was discussions, tears and outbursts of anger when the childish wishes for the many colorful products were not fulfilled. But the bill went - in the long term - backfired, because the childish spending spree led to dissatisfied parents, accordingly, suffered the image of the supermarket. A new concept was needed. And it was not long in coming.

Gifts are not too expensive

In times like these, nobody has something to give away. With this statement one can - if one thinks at least - do nothing wrong. But that's okay, because gifts can have a benefit. If children can not be won over as paying customers (through their parent's purses) and "quenching factor" without upsetting their parents, then it may work out with gifts. This works well for adults with bonus card and loyalty points and binds them successfully to the dealer. But more suitable for children are cards depicting comic superheroes or soccer stars smiling at the little ones. Scrap albums are also included, some vendors have even set up real swap exchanges where duplicate cards can be exchanged with other children. The effort is worthwhile, because customer loyalty works so perfectly. But the thing also has a catch. For those who stir up expectations in children must be prepared to be put in a painfully bright light, if the demand is in the offing, but the products are no longer available.

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Join in or counter?

Lidl had a good idea in the spring of 2013, as the people responsible for the action accepted that caused around 50 million characters with "magic powers" over the counter. If you bought 15, - Euro or more, you could delight your kids with characters called "Puffy", "Cheezz" or "Papsy". Free, of course. But the response of the customers overwhelmed the Lidl manager, because at some point there were no more figures. But the demand was far from satisfied, many children, who had no or not all figures, literally went to the ceiling. And with their parents, the heaps of used parcels were returned to Lidl by parents, and a shitstorm ensued, which did not abate until Lidl wistfully promised to supply more figures. A victory of the customer over the trade? Or rather the successful manipulation of parents who are supposed to "dress" their children as future (and current) target group?

Shopping like the adults

It would be naïve, one would think, we could keep our children away from the consumption spree. However, it would be careless if we underestimate the effect of collective rage, at least when it comes to free products from the supermarket. The strategy behind this is to give children the desire to consume as early as possible. Therefore, it makes a difference whether a child collects cars for his racetrack or figures from the supermarket. Our children are living with consumption, they already do it, every day on new. But we can make it clear when shopping, what is behind the supposedly selfless gifts. And we can basically sharpen their perception:

  • Whether productplacement or free products - just explain to your child what motivation lies behind these things. It is quite possible that it recognizes being used and therefore less fun.

  • Before the offspring bored next to you trotted and has time and leisure to devote himself to the exciting things, involve him in the shopping, employ him. Transfer small tasks (and thus responsibility), such as the search for certain products (which are on the shopping list!) Or the removal of returnable bottles.

  • If possible, do not go shopping for "rush hour". The stress factor for children is significantly higher at these times, the likelihood that frustration and thus also consumerism occurs, is much higher than if you go shopping at less stressful times.

  • Tell your children about TV advertising. So they get a sense that they are facing a huge advertising machinery.

And last but not least: never go shopping hungry. Because hunger drives even the best intentions directly into insignificance. Incidentally, this applies to children and adults alike.


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The collective shopping craze It definitely has negative effects on out kids in the long runTgey could be facing an unhealthy financial future if parents don't bring them under control early

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