DAD-Chronicals : Playing with dolls - still important for children today

Playing with dolls - still important for children today

Dolls are one of the really classic toys. Nowadays, it seems that the play with dolls and stuffed animals for children is increasingly being pushed into the background. It's a mistake, because playing with dolls makes children live their own lives and learn important social skills.

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Why kids love playing with dolls

Dolls or cuddly toys represent so-called transitional objects for children up to the age of three. At this age, the child understands more and more as a separate personality. This represents a process of separation from the mother. In this process, the doll or cuddly toy helps as a familiar "being" at moments when the mother - or father - is not there. Children often have a very close relationship with these transitional objects. Therefore, it is a real tragedy for many children, if the cuddly toy was forgotten somewhere. For children, their doll or cuddly toy is part of their identity at this age.

  • There is the theory that cuddly animals are responsible for the night, dolls for the day: cuddly toys take care of the child, the children take care of their dolls during the day. At least that's how it often happens when a child has both.

  • Children often build a very intimate relationship with dolls, where they look after the doll as they would like to be cared for. It is easier for children to access a doll - which has human traits - than a cuddly toy.

  • In addition to the task as a transitional object doll or cuddly toy over time increasingly become partners in the social game of the child.

What children learn in the game with dolls

In the social game, children - alone or with other children - recreate experiences from their own world. Father-Mother-Child is certainly the most popular game in which dolls play a central role. The child usually plays the doll mum and the doll represents the child. Here, the child can test out the role as a "big one" and in the game look at the child from a distance. In addition to the care and responsibility for the baby, the child learns empathetic empathize with the parent and thus promotes his social understanding.

In addition, putting on and taking off dolls or driving around in the pram also trains the motor skills on the side.

Children whose mother is pregnant can use a doll to prepare for the baby's birth and what's to come. When the baby is around the world, the child tends to be more intense in the "baby" game with his doll, filling up some of the time the parents spend with the sibling.

For many boys it may be "uncool" to play with dolls. Nevertheless, especially in the age of nursery, they usually enjoy participating in the game when they feel unobserved by older boys - and they benefit from social role play.

Which doll fits at which age?

Especially when children are still very small, the doll should be kept as simple as possible and, of course, also be safe for the child. For children up to two years of age, it should be a small, soft fabric doll with no small parts or sharp edges. Since children at this age still much in the mouth, it should be paid particular attention that all substances that make up the doll, are non-toxic. For so small children, the doll should also be easy to wash - ideally even in the washing machine. The face of a doll for little children does not have to have a big facial expression - an embroidered face is quite enough. Very young children are sometimes even afraid of dolls that look too realistic.

From the age of three, children want more details. Then it can also be a life-like doll with various functions that a child can include in their game.


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