DAD-Chronicals : Fathers start moving - and are role models for your child!

Fathers start moving - and are role models for your child!

Children learn by imitation - even when it comes to exercise. Especially boys are often oriented in this area to the fathers. Here our children should definitely be encouraged and challenged, because the lack of exercise is spreading.

In the last two decades, the opportunities to move in everyday life have declined significantly, which applies to both children and adults. We have become comfortable, generally long distances make it necessary to use car or public transport. Television and PC do the rest and slow down our children. They therefore need two things, namely movement spaces and movement models.

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The desire to move is innate

From birth, man wants and must move. However, the possibilities to live out this urge to move have been severely limited in recent years and decades for many people. The offers and possibilities are increasingly decreasing, especially in the cities. "Guilt" is above all our way of life. Sport improves health and mood and makes you smart. For that reason alone, the World Health Organization recommends five sports units per week, each lasting 20 to 30 minutes. Another recommendation is that adults should do 10,000 steps a day and children 12,000 steps a day. Most adults reach just half of this target and are therefore not particularly good role models for the child.

Sport for a good body feeling

Sport supports the child's development in every way. The body is strengthened, mental and social skills are promoted through exercise and sports. In addition, a good body feeling, which in turn ensures more confidence. Anyone who moves from childhood feels at home in his body and appreciates his abilities. Running, running, jumping and climbing train coordination and motor skills. If all this is not already trained in childhood, certain deficits will eventually be hard to catch up.

Fathers as a role model

Specially boys orient themselves in all areas of life to their fathers - even if it concerns movement. They imitate him in his movements and walk and move as a man just has to go after their experience. However, the boys can hardly test this assumed understanding of the body. Education and care is still a domain of women, so that instead of rough and tumble games rather the "peaceful" sports such as dancing on the program. In school sports, any hint of aggression is immediately assessed as negative and suppressed.

Fathers can be role models for boys and girls alike, creating space for movement and participating in it. Football goals in the garden or with the ball in the park to go, are just two ways to animate children and inspire. Also possible are common afternoons in the swimming pool, bike rides or joint excursions in the forest. It is important that the paternal movement is a role model from the beginning. This can begin with the fact that daddy takes the baby in the jogger for morning running and involves it more and more as a sports partner in the course of its development.


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I've always felt that exercise is such a good way to feel better, get rid of stress and just bond with others, specially if the people you are hanging out with are your family (siblings, children, etc, etc.) There's just nothing else like it.

And what better way to bond with your child than going out for a walk, playing soccer together or swimming at the pool? I believe those are some of the experiences people in this society are missing out on and also missing out on the benefits of exercising.

Great post, Bembel. I totally agree what you point out in here.

the truth is that our children need to be active since they are born, then in early childhood they run around on all sides due to the need for exploration but from the age of 7 they lock themselves in video games and this activity may decline, it is part of we as parents encourage them

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