DAD-Chronicals : Infants and water - a risky combination

Infants and water - a risky combination

Most toddlers love the element of water and splash and just enjoy playing in the wet. Whether bathtub, paddling pool or swimming pool - water is a great pleasure. For parents, however, the enthusiasm of the little ones means the highest attention, because the danger of being under water is especially great for toddlers.

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What many parents do not know - even a few seconds can be enough. Even if the baby or toddler is pulled out of the water almost immediately, it can still die as a result. This is called secondary drowning. In order to save the child from this fate and other unpleasant experiences with water, parents can take various precautions. However, you should not be overly cautious, because the child must be aware that water bodies are a potential source of danger and should not be underestimated.

Drowning happens quietly

Unlike in film and television, drowning is a quiet and inconspicuous process and is therefore often not noticed. The reason for this are various reflex reactions of the body, which in this case does everything possible to regulate the life-sustaining bodily functions. There is no room for screaming and waving. This explains the horror stories in which parents turned around only briefly and the child drowned in that time.

That's why the first rule is for you: Do not let your toddler out of the water! You do not always have to sit next to him, but always be attentive and have it in view. Another warning sign is silence. If you no longer hear your child by the water, hesitation is inappropriate. You must look for him immediately!

Dry drowning - infants especially at risk

The term "dry drowning" sounds absurd at first glance, but is a real danger especially for preschool children. The following happens: Plunges the face of the child into the water and only a single drop of water reaches a specific point below the larynx , then the so-called immersion reflex engages. The glottis in the throat is closed, so that breathing is impossible. This explains why small children can already drown in only a few inches of deep water and then have no drops of water in the lungs.

toddler and water.jpg (c)pic by fotolia

Secondary drowning - death after 48 hours

The phenomenon of secondary drowning is scarcely known, but should not be underestimated. This cause of death can occur even if a child was only very briefly under water and apparently has suffered no further damage. Mostly, the child looks quite normal after recovering from the shock. Only nonspecific symptoms such as tiredness and possibly a peculiar cough can occur. Parents would be well advised to pay attention in this case and to visit the doctor with the infant: During brief "drowning" water has entered the lungs, where it remains and disturbs the oxygen uptake. In addition, there is the risk of pneumonia caused by chemicals or dirt particles in the water.

Therefore, my tip: Device your toddler under water and then notice conspicuous behavior, preferably once briefly to the doctor!

Precautions on the water - not just for toddlers an issue!

To keep your baby safe on and in the water, you can take some precautions. First and foremost, you are urged to never take your child out of your sight and to always be aware of the great attraction that the damp element exerts on the little ones. Otherwise, you should note the following:

  • Children should already learn and practice the bathing rules in kindergarten.

  • Always be aware that children can not gauge the dangers of the water. Therefore, attentive care and accompaniment at the water is enormously important.

  • Always take note of the special mental and physical conditions that your child brings.

  • Familiarize your child with the water early - baby swimming is ideal from the beginning.

  • Act proactively and watch out for potential hazards that may be waiting for your child by the water.

  • Remind your child time and again to the most important swimming rules and repeat them regularly and situational!
    Learn to swim - the sooner the better!

  • The best protection against drowning is provided by children who can swim. Our little ones can learn to swim in preschool age and the sooner parents start, the sooner they can breathe easy. Of course, the duty of care must still be carefully observed in smaller children, but the risk of drowning drops significantly.

You can teach your child to swim or learn this beautiful and lifesaving technique in swimming lessons. The little ones are ideally equipped if they have been involved in baby-swimming from an early age and have virtually forgotten how to swim.

Over-caution can also be harmful!

When it comes to toddlers and water, parents often feel in a bind. On the one hand, the children should learn that water is dangerous and behave prudently and cautiously, but on the other hand, they must also be able to perceive and recognize this danger through their own experience. Our tip: Be alert at all times, but do not spare your child every little danger. Short-term submersion, water in the face or even slipping on the edge of the pool are included. Be there to avert worse, but do not resort to the experience. Because the more your child is able to test the handling of the element water, the more prudent and responsible it will gradually be.


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