DAD-Chronicals : Sleeping on the weekend - The best tips for parents

Sleeping on the weekend - The best tips for parents

Finally sleep again - for many parents, this is a longing wish. It seems impossible to stay at the weekend until nine or at least eight. Nevertheless, there are some tricks that you can use to secure yourself a few minutes in a cozy bed.

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Particularly annoying in this case is a phenomenon that many parents are confronted with: During the week, the sprout is hardly awake in the morning. Being on time in kindergarten and at work is a constant balancing act. On weekends, however, our children wake up especially early - voracious and eager to do something with dad. You can not force your child to sleep longer - but most of the time you can secure a few cuddly, quiet moments for yourself and your partner.

  • To darken your children's room: If your child sleeps in the dark, you may be able to outsmart his inner clock and get half an hour more sleep on the weekend.

  • Radio play and now and then television: So you can continue to sleep in the morning, needs your awake child employment. With a CD or off and on a suitable children's program on TV or on DVD, get your morning rest and stay a little longer in bed.

  • Prepare breakfast: If your child is already a bit bigger, you can prepare it for breakfast in the evening, for example cereal with milk. It can then only have breakfast and then come to wake you.

  • Agreements with older children. If your child is a bit older, you can set a time or arrange another alarm, for example when the first bus is running or the church bells ring eight (or even nine) times.

  • Overnight with the grandparents. If you really want to indulge yourself to the point of excess, create the children out of the house, maybe to the grandparents or to other relatives who like to take over the morning shift.

  • Take turns sleeping: Men often have a good night's sleep, but women tend to sleep less. At least you can sleep in while your partner is getting up. But do not forget to compensate for it and to give your wife a break at the weekend as well.

  • Children in the morning with to bed. Often small children are happy when you can be in bed with mom and dad. You then play peacefully or look at a picture book while you continue to sleep for a while.

  • Sleep in the family bed. Many children definitely sleep longer if they are allowed to sleep with their parents at night. The family bed can also be limited as an exception to the weekend.

What you should not do is let your child stay up late the night before. Only rarely do the children sleep longer the next morning. Often even the opposite is the case, because the rhythm is disturbed. The end of the song is a bad-tempered child who keeps you busy the whole day - it's time to say goodbye to weekend relaxation.

If all these tricks do not help, you can just wait until the kids are ready so you can work without mom or dad in the morning. Whenever children are concerned, the principle is that everything is just a phase.


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