DAD-Chronicals : Kids and sleep in the summer - the best tips for parents

Kids and sleep in the summer - the best tips for parents

In the summer, sleep is not just a problem for adults. Even children often sleep worse because of the heat. So that your offspring - and you - still get the necessary rest during the night, there are the best tips in this post!

In summer, it is not always easy to make our children fall asleep. The evening light is too seductive, the inner clock does not even think about ending the day. Even the silence and silence that comes in the dark makes you wait in this season. The consequence of late bedtime: An un-sleepy and whiny child. Luckily, there are some ways to help your child fall asleep and sleep through.

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Warm nights - good night's sleep

To keep the child's bedroom as cool as possible in the evenings, the windows should be closed during the day and best kept dark. Ventilate in the early morning and leave the window open at night if possible. A fly screen ensures that the mosquitoes do not torment your child at night and make it even more difficult to fall asleep and sleep through. If the room can not cool down at some point - for example, during long periods of heat and attic apartments, a fan can help. But beware: your child should not be on the train at night, so it does not catch cold. Cool towels are also used to cool down, which are placed in front of the open window. Due to the evaporative cooling, the temperature in the room decreases.

Switch off additional heat sources!

If older children already have a PC or a TV in the room, it should be used as little as possible during the summer and turned off at night. Because the devices additionally heat up the room. Ideally, they are taken out of the nursery in the summer, the need is usually not so high anyway, since the children are very much and like outside.

Lightweight - just important for babies

Especially babies should not be dressed too warm in the summer at night, by the diaper they are already packed pretty warm anyway. A light body is usually sufficient, it is very warm and there is no draft, you can also do without the sleeping bag. If it does not go away, it should be as light and thin as possible, so that your baby does not overheat. Hat, socks and other warm clothes are now superfluous.

My tip: For the smallest, the neck test provides certainty, whether the clothes correspond to the temperatures. If your baby is sweaty there, it is too warm.

Why do I have to go to bed?

Of course, a child can not understand why it should go to bed in the summer, when the sun is still shining outside in full splendor. Falling asleep in daylight is often difficult for the little ones, the darkening of the room often helps only to a limited extent. So that it does not come every evening to exhausting discussions, you should enforce the bedtime as usual. This is especially important, so that your child does not sleep too little - because you have to get up in summer to be in kindergarten or school on time. Of course, you can also make exceptions. It can be later on the weekend or on vacation. Your child can then catch up on the lack of night sleep in the morning or during a nap.

To make it easier for your child to fall asleep, you can bathe it lukewarm in the evening, because that makes you sleepy. However, you should refrain from the cold shower afterwards, because it brings the circulation back on track!


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First time to see your daddy chronicles! Thanks for this tips I'll share this with my sis-in-law because at times her twins are just super duper active! ^^

thx for this nice Feedback, and im always happy if anyone get into it.. hehe...

i know its no Almanach but its maybe a small helpguide ;)

It's small but it's nice to read other people's perspective on different things. ^^

thats why i started it... i thought, hey lets get together, we all want a bit better world, and if we really want to change it , we have to start at our kids...

:) You are a great guy. Your kids will be proud of you! Change comes, one step at a time.

i really hope all my kids being proud about me ;) smile sometimes they hate me... But i still love em :D

As I haven't been in the group, I take the chance to wish you a happy belated Father's Day ;*

Awww thx you Pris.... :-*

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