DAD-Chronicals : Top 10 - You are only properly dad when ...

Top 10 - You are only properly dad when ...


A child changes a man. Things that used to be terribly important were now less relevant. I've created a list of 10 points where men can see that they are fully in the role of father.

A small self-test with a wink ;-)

How does a man realize that he has arrived in the father role? At the rapt look on his child? At father's pride? On the night of sleep, in which the child was comforted? Certainly. But we believe that a child can change a man's thinking, his priorities, and even his subconscious mind. Here are my top 10 list of points where men can see that they are fully in the role of father. Do you find yourself at one point or another?

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  1. When you book the summer holiday you automatically click on "Family Room" instead of "Sea View".

  2. You smell more often of your baby than of your wife.

  3. Your friends now slightly annoyed twisting their eyes when you tell what your child is new again.

  4. You fail the "sports show" for a bath with your child - and like to do it.

  5. You now have a better overview of the diaper prices than the beer.

  6. When buying a car, pay more attention to the size of the trunk than the engine power.

  7. A "wild evening" for you meanwhile a dinner with your wife in the restaurant and maybe a visit to the cinema is.

  8. If necessary, you can open and close a baby body with one hand, but it will not work with a bra anymore.

  9. You can rang the current favorite children's songs of your kids, but missed that your favorite band released a new album.

  10. The next career step means less to you than the first steps of your child.

Did I forgot something? Am I completely wrong? What were the clear signs that you were received in the role of father? I appreciate your comments below.

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