[Blog #17] Sunday Cycling | Abandoned Tunnel | 90 km tour

in #cycling6 years ago

Heyho Readers! How are you? Cold is not going to stop us from cycling; nor mountains, jungles and tunnels.

Heeeeello my beloved readers! I believe you are missing those long Travel Story posts, aren't you? No? Reeeeally? Ok, sorry then...

Anyway... the semester is ending at the school and life is getting kinda busy with some amazing projects I plan to tell you soon. However, while I don't release any old, crazy and insightful travel story, I'll leave you with this new, mad and freezing adventure.

Warning: This post contains a bit of narrative that made the text quite long, plus the photo work is not perfect. Hope you enjoy it anyway, love you.

tunel Vila Maciel

I must admit that last weekend, once more, I was challenged by the weather. It decided to unleash all its power upon me right on Saturday - when I planned to go on a tour. The South-West wind, well known for bringing cold from Antarctica, struck my city on Friday turning the Saturday morning into a freezing and humid version of hell. However, on Sunday, after patiently waiting, it turned out beautifully and I was able to go on an exploration.

This time I had heard about an abandoned tunnel in the middle of the jungle, the only information I had was that it was in the rural area of my city near a place called Colonia Maciel - a small village. But where? How to get there? Apparently, searching the internet didn't bring out any results; this is the thing, the more difficult to explore, the more exciting it is.

Preparations began on Saturday night with the bike and myself; regular stuff like cleaning and oiling the chain, checking brakes and cables and adjusting the shifters. As for myself, I took care of my nutrition.

PRO TIP: If you plan on going long distances, where it involves going up mountains and trails, be sure to have a proper nutrition on your daily basis. It starts the night before with a good ingestion of carbohydrates and the breakfast before cycling - don't eat like a maniac, chose meals that are easy to digest.

That being said, I woke up as lazy as a Sloth that Sunday thinking that it would be another version of the terrible rainy Saturday. Moral was not high and expectations were reaching scary levels, I didn't want to get out of bed. With some effort and by being a prepared cyclist, I woke up already wearing the cycling clothes, making it easy to face the low temperatures; the sun was shinning outside and the sky was blue, giving me a lot of power. I immediately jumped out to go have a breakfast, that consisted of granola with banana/honey and eggs. Here we go. Late start for us at 0936 in the morning.

The initial route followed the same path presented on my Blog #15, it passes by a place called Cascata and continues through the main road BR - 471 for about an aditional 22 km. For the most part it's an easy ride along the asphalted road until it starts going up, with inclinations varying from 5-10%. It's not tough, but it'll sure destroy an unprepared person. Downshift, breath and cycle. Don't look up.

Frist stop was at kilometer 22, after a couple minutes of cycling. On the Cascata/Cascatinha crossroad you'll find a cute old gas station and a resturant with the best chicken Pastel ever made - wich this time I remembered to take a picture.

     - Bom dia! Two chicken Pastels to go please. - I asked the young and smiley lady.

     - Bom dia! Sure, we'll prepare then in a few minutes. - She said.

The best Pastel ever made, and prepared on the spot? Lucky day, my friend. While I'd gladly wait for my fresh Pastels I took some time to oil the chain once more, as I felt it was making some noises.

PRO TIP: Always keep your ears and eyes on the chain, if it starts making some noises or if the rings are shiny, you'll need to oil it again, especially if you use dry oils, or silicon based oils.

     - So, how's the cold up here? - I asked.

     - Cold? It's very cold, you have no idea. - She said while rubbing her hands behind the counter.

     - Haha, I can only imagine... By the way, I'd like to ask you... do you know about some sort of tunnel somewhere nearby? - I took the chance to ask.

     - Tunnel? Yeah, some people ask about it... but I don't know, maybe if you ask at the gas station... - She said.

My first try didn't give any results, but this is how it works in rural areas; you ask one, that recommends another and so on. It was time to test the gas station. I approached an old german lady that was getting some warmth from the sun on that cold morning.

     - Hello Mrs. I'm trying to find a tunnel that is supposed to be somewhere neaby... - I said.

     - The tunnel?. It's far from here! You'll have to ride 20-25 km more, but it's not hard to find, you'll see the signs on the road. But it's far... - She insisted.

     - Oh, just 20 km. - I said.

The poor old woman opened her eyes widely.

     - Weeeell, if you say so... it's not difficult, just follow the road. Good luck! - She said.

Off we go! Loaded with my freshly made Pastels I was ready for another 25 km of cycling.

This is the thing, If you maintain a regular training routine, you'll see that 25 km is quite easy to reach. All you gotta do is find your own pace and learn how to handle your gears, not to mention a properly adjusted and comfortable bike - that helps a lot. Apart from that, it's all fun.

So, I continued until I found the signs "Cachoeira Arco-Iris 18 km" (Rainbow Watterfall 18 km). God bloody legs, let's go. I entered the small dirt road for another fun run of dirt cycling following the ups and downs.

The first place I've contemplated was the old bridge over the Arroio da Caneleira, cool little stream passing down below. I already have plans to go camping there one of these days.

Ponte Vila Maciel
Old bridge in Vila Maciel - Click image to enlarge!
Ponte Vila Maciel
Beautiful little stream - Click image to enlarge!
Ponte Vila Maciel
Arroio Caneleira (Caneleira stream)

No tunnels yet, and no idea how to find it, just a general direction. I continued, some parts were tough climbs and my legs were starting to feel it. Next sign "Tunnel to the left". Oh god, thanks. I took a steep climb, passed a Church and another one of those rural cemeteries, but no tunnel.

cemitério rural
How about camping near this? - Click image to enlarge!

     *I have to ask someone* - I thought. On a house a family was having a barbecue.

     - Oi! Is there a tunnel somewhere nearby? - I shouted.

     - Yeah, in front of the Church! - The man said.

Oh no, I had passed. Came back there... no tunnel... no sign. I was feeling exausted, so I stopped there to eat one of the Pastels and prepare a lime juice with honey. The church was closed and no one was around, so I took a little spot somewhere.

     *where the heck is this tunnel?* - I was thinking.

pastel de frango
Enjoying a Pastel from the gods

Turned out I was over the tunnel! After eating I followed a trail going downhill, a part of the journey I enjoyed a lot since I could reach some nice speeds in between rocks and jumps. I could spend a whole day there going down those trails with the mountain bike, if it wasn't by the fact the climbing back up is a pain in the behind.

Then a small sign pointed even further down "Tunnel", it said.

     *What? how am I supposed to go down there with a bicycle?* - I thought. But I did. And it was worth it.

The small trail went downhill inside the jungle, I had to go over fallen trees and rocks, below branches and stuff. After a while there it was, the abandonned tunnel, how cool was that!

Tunel Vila Maciel
The mighty abandonned tunnel
tunel Vila Maciel
Click image to enlarge!
tunel Vila Maciel
Click image to enlarge!
tunel Vila Maciel
Click image to enlarge!
tunel Vila Maciel
Click image to enlarge!
tunel Vila Maciel
Poor MTB doing its job, where the bike is, is the actual trail. - Click image to enlarge!

I also took some time to explore a little bit of those insane roads, it's always fun to take the MTB to its natural habitat. I discovered an unfinished bridge, would like to know where they plan to continue that road to, as I think it ends there.

tunel Vila Maciel
Discovery time - where does this go? - Click image to enlarge!
tunel Vila Maciel
Click image to enlarge!
tunel Vila Maciel
Click image to enlarge!
tunel Vila Maciel
Time to head back home - Click image to enlarge!

After wandering around all day I decided it was time to head back home. I still wanted to go to the Arco-Iris waterfall, however, I'd need to go even further inside the rural area, making my trip even longer and increasing the chances to be on the main road during night - wich is never a good idea.

In the end, what I thought would be another rainy weekend, turned out to be incredibly sunny and beautiful. I'm sure going back there with camping gear to spend some days exploring that region.


Not the best performance, but the terain was tough.

Have you enjoyed this long story? Would you read more long stories? Let me know on the comments, your feedback means a lot.

I hope you've enjoyed this post. If you liked it, consider giving your upvote for a hot coffee.

~Love ya all,

Disclaimer:  The author of this post is a convict broken backpacker, who has travelled more than 10.000 km hitchhiking. Following him may cause severe problems of wanderlust and inquietud. You've been warned.

I'm Arthur. I blog about Adventure Stories, Brazil, Travel, Camping & Life Experiences.

Follow me to stay tuned for more craziness and tips.

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I guess pastels are similar to pastelitos? The latter can be found around Buffalo, possibly due to a large Puerto Rican population. That tunnel looks awesome. Looks like a great ride. GOing back for the waterfall another time?

Suuup @robmolecule, thanks for the support, man!

I've googled pastelitos, seems like the same thing, it's a thin dough. Then you fill it with what you like and fry, it's delicious.
Funny to know that you have it there, I've never seen it outside of Brazil, not even in Uruguay and Argentina that are near. They have one that is called empanada, but it's completely different.

So, yeah. A friend of mine tha travelled Uruguay by bike with me (and that has the exact same bike) is comming over in 2 weeks, I'll take him on a bike tour. But this time we'll go there with some gear to spend the night, there are 3-4 waterfalls to explore.

Great article, Arthur :)(: Recently it is raining a lot in Bulgaria, but I have always preferred a rainy weekend in the mountains than a sunny one in the city. Although my friends think I am masochist I have witnessed so many beautiful moments with a lot of clouds, that being cold and raining isn't even bother me. Glad that the weather didn't stop you either! And you actually had amazing blue sky as a bonus :))

Olá @best-trip-eva, thanks a bunch for the comment, it's lovely!

In the end I guess we are masochists, and I like it hahahaah
Yeah it bugs me when it's raining, cold is not the problem, but rain... however, since I'm going on a big bicycle trip soon, I should start cycling even in the rain, to get used to it.

It's part of a traveller's nature I think, we pass through so much crazy stuff while traveling that we don't even care about minor problems, like weather.

Nice ride there man. 90 km and 1500 metres of elevation gain is a lot. Love the pictures of the rural dirt roads. Good preparation for your long ride this is!

Suup @twowheeledmonkey, thanks my friend!

Yeah, if I can handle those elevations I think that cycling along the coast will be much easier. But it's not enough for the Himalayas though hahahaha.

Hahaha. Nothing is enough for the Himalayas!

Wow Arthur, that's crazy how you passed the tunnel without noticing and you had to cycle even more! I really appreciate your braveness of cycling so much and that you travel by yourself. ♥️
Stay safe, dear friend. And keep discovering this amazing world! 😊

Heeeey @gabrielatravels, thanks so much for the lovely comment!

Yeah, I was going ahead and back and thinking "where's the tunnel?" when in fact it was below me, on the mountain I was on hahahahaha
But I gotta say it was not all that easy to find as the trail was way inside the jungle, totally worth though.

I usually share with friends my plans for the weekend, but I guess they are busy partying; or sleeping; or wasting time doing nothing basically. The only option is going alone.

Do you usually explore with friends or alone?

I explore only with my family or friends, I'm not that brave yet to be on my own :D

AHAHha I'm not brava either, it's just that it's way too impossible to get my lazy friends on a bike for a 100km ride.

My friends don't get even on a 20km long adventure lol. if they would hear about 100km would go crazy ahahaha

HAHAHA, that's how it is, then they complain that their life is boring. Gotta move that butt!

Next one is a 1600 km cycletour, accept the challenge?

I definitely would! The life itself is an adventure, so if I don't live it now, then when? 😃

That's what I keep on saying, it's the old story "money vs time vs health" we'll never have them all..

So, book a ticket to Brazil, preparations begin in 2 weeks, plans to leave in mid August. All you'll need is a bike and camping gear, and some money for food ahhaa

Nice ride, man, keep it up!

Woooho, thank you @ultrabiker!

I'll go back there in two weeks to explore some other places, this time I'll make sure to bring a good camera and camping gear to spend the night.

I'm not the most energetic kind of person. Actually I'm not into sport or going wild on nature at all. But let's see what we can do here!



No, can't do... I'm not that kinda guy for sure.

But I loved the pics though...

Keep up the great job and the energy. Abraço e até a próxima!Logo-50.png

projeto #ptgram power | faça parte | grupo steemit brasil

Heeey @leodelara, thanks man! Are you from Brazil too?

You should try a bicycle on a daily basis, to do minor stuff, it's very rewarding.

Sou sim! Com minha qualificação chegando mal tenho tempo pra coisa alguma.

Que legal cara! De onde tu é? Quando ve nos cruzaremos na minha próxima viagem de bike.

Moro em Floripa e curso mestrado em História na UFSC.

Po que show de bola! Eu vou passar por aí ainda esse ano, um amigo quer dar a volta na ilha de bike, temos que reunir a galera.

Sim. A volta a Ilha eu dispenso, mas reunião eu super topo. Tem o @pedrocanella que também mora aqui em Floripa.

Showww, eu pretendo sair do RS ali por Agosto, mais certo que chego em Floripa la por finais de Setembro.

Caramba, que post fantástico! Já conheces o Circuito das Cascatas e Montanhas em Rolante, RS? Gostava muito de passear por lá :D Obrigado por compartilhar ;)

Booooa @casagrande, muito obrigado pelo suporte cara!

Rolante é demais, estive na Chuvisqueiro e Andorinhas, água gelada mas dá um baita banho! Talvez eu passe de novo já que fica bem perto da costa, seria um baita post pra levar o nosso RS pra esse mundão.

That looks like so much fun for you. Great pictures. I will have to try one of these famous pastels one day!

You'll try for sure, because I'll make it hah !

Do you have those thin doughs in Australia? I'll send you a photo on Discord.
Thanks for being lovely! Love you.

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Beautiful @curie, thank you so much for the vote of support, it means much more than you can imagine.

Looks like a great adventure! And you see lots to explore in your own backyard, like I said in my Luxembourg post.

But what was the usage for the tunnel? Did they tell you while asking all the strangers?

And wait did I read waterfalls in the comments section? Can't wait to see those! Is that the reason you asked me for the trick? 😉

What is the best recipe for the pastels? Would love to create them here.

But anyhow beautiful area to explore you have there my friend.

Absolutely @guchtere! My dad wants to visit Chile, but he didn't know about this tunnel... then I tell him "if you don't move your ass to go to the beach, how do you want to do to Chile?"

This tunnel was part of a old rail way, deactivated many moons ago. That bridge you saw on the first photo, it was also a train bridge, now it's for cars. I'll try your trick when I go there, a friend is coming on july 12th so we'll camp there xDD

Now the Pastel, I think the most dificult thing is finding the Pastel dough, maybe at a brazilian market? then you can pretty much fill it with what you like (meat, shrimp, cheese, sheredded chicken). A lot of people are asking about the Pastels, guess I'll have to make a post hahahaha.

Isn't there a recipe for the dough? I would love to try and create them here at home. Filling them can I do with anythin I can imagine I assume?

July 12th... My friend I'm expecting a birthdaygift as in a beautiful waterfall picture (birthday is 2 days later 😈)

You shall receive the gift, you have my word!

I'll find a recipe for the dough and try it myself, If I approve I'll send it to you. Yes, you can fill with everything basically, the common ones here are: ground beef, cheese, shrimp, chiken and so on

Woohaa thanks @mrprofessor looking forward to the picture!

I hope you find a recipe and approve it would be awesome to try them here. Will already work at my dough skills this weekend while creating pizza!

What are your weekend plans?

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