The Daily Sneak 22 February 2018 - with guest curator @paradigmprospect

in #curation6 years ago

Welcome to The Daily Sneak!!!

Come for the crypto, stay for the community!

You can earn up to 5 SBD per accepted submission for guest curating The Daily Sneak. Submission requirements are published at the bottom of each edition of The Daily Sneak.

Today's guest curator is @paradigmprospect. He is a returning guest curator that always finds thought-provoking content!

Being successful often means finding balance in the areas of our lives where we seem stuck, where we feel helpless or uninspired. Sometimes it's the simple strategies that benefit our lives the most, a word of warning before having to make a costly mistake or a gentle reminder of the indescribable qualities that surround us on a daily basis.

@paradigmprospect is thrilled to offer a glimpse into the beautiful minds of these 5 Steemians today, who are doing their best to inspire and teach their fellow men through their skills, knowledge and experience.

2 factor verification and its dangers

Many of us had to learn tough lessons already when it comes to securing our online accounts and access to our crypto treasures. Many hail the implementation of the "2-factor-authentication" as a major step towards protecting your digital assets from theft. But have you ever considered the downsides of using 2-FA on digital exchanges with newer phones? I for one had not.

@lanmower's post details the risks attached to using your phone to regularly access large amounts of your portfolio, detailing a friend's horror story that started with good intentions and turned out to be a crypto-nightmare. Thanks for the heads-up dude, your post might have just saved countless Steemians from having sleepless nights in the future!


The Major Arcana X, "Wheel of Fortune"

One of the most skilled Steemians I have thus far come across is @sibr.hus. His level of devotion to bringing out the magic aspects of existence is just mindblowing - his mystical drawings make me contemplate the circle of life and the mechanisms of existence anew every time I see some of his amazing works.

With art like this it would probably be better to not give it a name at all, so I may already have said too much. Visit his blog and witness the incredible depth and love for detail he delivers to Steemit on a constant basis. You have amazing skills man!


Fractal Experiments with Mandelbulber

Mandelbrot fractals can easily blow someone's mind, they are self-generating mathematical patterns expressed in pictures that contain infinity in a finite space. If this sounds too confusing - worry not. Simply take a look at @kalyptus' latest ventures into the fascinating world of unexplored mathematical dimensions in pattern and color, showing us his latest creations of fractals generated in Mandelbulber.

One of my favorite psychedelic-fiction artists on Steemit, and amazing with the pencil as well!


Alfalfa Seed Sprout Tea For No Till Cannabis

The more I learn from @ceattlestretch's posts the more I become aware how gardening and plant-growing are fields of expertise that can benefit from all sorts of innovative techniques to make your plants even stronger and healthier, simply by combining nature in underappreciated ways. We must not allow these forms of craftsmanship to get lost in the era of mundane mass-producing techniques - nature will always provide all the solutions we would ever need.

Most people are aware that seed sprouts are an excellent source of nutrition for human beings because of their high nutrient density. In this post he teaches us an easy way to further spike up our plants' awesomeness through a simple sprouting technique - exemplified through his latest Cannababies ;)


Hard work doesn't necessarily mean good work

Some of the most fundamental lessons for workflow-optimization I read on Steemit come from @raikuhen. His concise posts offer a fresh perspective on the tasks ahead of us and how we can best accomplish them in a smart manner. We all got stuff to do, but how we go about it is an entirely different matter. His ability to extrapolate these accomplishment-strategies into other areas of life where we might struggle is exemplary, showing us how to incorporate new daily habits for more focus and better results.

Take productivity for example. Being productive makes us feel good, but what if we miss our mark and start to create redundant work where it isn't at all necessary to achieve the same outcome? Couldn't we use our time much better? You bet!



I really enjoyed these great posts that were highlighted by @paradigmprospect. Artistic, thought-provoking, controversial, motivational... Visit each post and let the authors know what you think! For submitting these selections and commentary, @paradigmprospect gets paid 5 SBD today.

That's more than $20 USD!!

Each of these highlighted articles receives full upvotes and resteems from @sneakyninja. As an added bonus, @sneakyninja sponsors featured writers for Steem Basic Income!

Submission Requirements

  1. You can choose from 2 to 5 articles for your entry. Submissions with only one selected article will be ignored.
  2. All articles chosen for curation need to have been published within the last 5 days before your entry. It may take time for me to publish your curation, and curated articles need to be within the reward window when your submission is published.
  3. You cannot submit your own post for curation. Selections from nsfw will not be accepted.
  4. Selected posts should have less than $50 in total rewards and have not previously been curated by The Daily Sneak.
  5. We try to spread the love around, so while selections from authors that have been highlighted before are welcome, they might not be included if the author's last inclusion was recent. Similarly, if you include two articles from the same author in one submission, we will typically highlight only one of the two.
  6. Be sure to include your personal bio for me to introduce you to readers, and make sure that each selection has commentary. This can be just a few sentences about why you think the selection is worth our attention, or what is great about it - something that will make people want to click through the headline and check out the actual article. English is preferred, but other languages will be considered as long as English translation is included.
  7. Please use this web form to submit your entry.
  8. Including image links to the source article is not required (and we prefer to leave some mystery if photography is highlighted and the article has only one photo.) However, we like to include images in The Daily Sneak, and not including any image links may decrease the likelihood of your submissions being published.

If you include more than 2 articles in your submission and not all are approved for publication, your submission may still be published into an edition of The Daily Sneak, as long as at least 2 articles are approved. This could happen for several different reasons. If you are unsure why an article was cut, please review the submission guidelines again. If you are still unsure, feel free to ask politely why it was cut.

Submission Reward

A brief biography of each guest curator will be included in the edition that uses their submission. In addition, each guest curator will receive 1 SBD for each article from their submission that is highlighted in The Daily Sneak. That's up to 5 SBD for each accepted submission!

Right now @sneakyninja's upvote is not worth as much as we are paying for guest curation. Why do we pay so much for guest curation? We believe that quality curation is very important to Steem. Paying our curators well encourages them to spend more time reviewing content and picking out the best pieces!

Banner headline sourced from Pixabay. All other images are sourced from the curated articles. Published commentary about articles are the !originalworks personal opinions of the guest curators, and may not represent the opinions of The Daily Sneak or its editor. USD earnings of guest curators are based on market price of SBD at time of publication. SBD prices are subject to change.


I accidently sent you 0.5 Steem dollars. I was trying to send it to the upvote bot "the sneaky ninja" and sent it to you on accident. If you could return that I would appreciate it. Sorry for the trouble. Lol I've been sick and my brain still isn't functioning that well apparently.

It happens more often than we would like. We should have picked a better name!

SBD has been returned to you.

Thanks for your honesty. Your name popped up when I was making the transfer cause I follow you... Total brain fart moment lol. Glad to hear I'm not the first at least.

Awww. The post I saw is too late to the party. It's already 6 days old. I better find some more excellent posts...

Thanks for this opportunity! And that arcana post looks cool and deserves a visit!

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
The resteem was paid by @josephsavage
Curious? Read @resteembot's introduction post
Check out the great posts I already resteemed.

ResteemBot's Maker is Looking for Work.

Follow me for upvotes | Send 0.200 Steem or 0.200 SBD and the URL in the memo to use the bot for a resteem and to get over 5 upvots

You just planted 1.98 tree(s)!

Thanks to @josephsavage

We have planted already 5988.32 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 20678.01
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 64112.50
ETH 3174.45
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.54