Curation? What's that?

in #curation7 years ago (edited)

It seems like one of the biggest buzz words on Steemit.


Curate this article.

Curation rewards from that post.

Curation guilds here and there.

What does it all mean?

Curation is the act of searching, consuming, and sharing content.


Most Steemians become aware of curation once they get on the Steemit platform, but we have been curating most of our lives.

O you see an epic and insightful article while browsing the Internet. Let me share that.

O that meme is freakin hilarious. Let me share it.

O that quote is legendaryyyyyyyyyyyyy. Let me share it.

We have been curating, maybe unbeknownst to us, most of our lives.

Even off line, you that freakin hilarious story from your friend. And what do you do?

Share it. you tell you family and friends about the content.

That's what we have always done as human, we find and tell stories.


So that is why curation seems so natural for some of us.

We search for content. Consume it. Interpret it. And then if we find value in it, we share it.

But curation isn't easy as searching, reading, comprehending, and interpreting takes time, effort, and sometimes resources.

That is why Steemit has curation rewards.

To gamify the element of searching, consuming, interpreting, and sharing content.

Or curation.

Curation rewards were intended to keep Steemians searching, consuming, interpreting, and sharing content on the platform.

Gamification does wonders for humans and by adding this gamified element of curation rewards it was supposed to reward the Steemians that search, consume, interpret, and share content.

But somewhere it all went wrong.

And you know why?



We are human after all and the element of greed is sometimes to much for some humans to handle.

O I can get all these money by just upvoting content without consuming. Seems reasonable. Check.

O I can get all this money by automating votes and starting trails. Seems reasonable. Check.

And then holy shit somehow making 5000-7000 a week from curation.

Ahhhhhh we are on to something.

Greed kicked in and took over.


O the authors are getting something so why not do it?

Because it's not the right thing to do.

Draining and exploiting the rewards pools for personal gain is not the right move.

It never was and you know this.

That is why you feel uneasy during the day and have a hard time sleeping at night.

Those thoughts.

Won't stop.

You know why?

Because you are doing the wrong thing.

That's the best about doing the right thing.



Clarity to act.

Clarity to act fast and inspire real, positive change.

That's the one thing about hard work, determination, and a purpose higher than yourself.

It's near impossible to stop.

And by doing so, you only are "wasping" yourself. Which is another term for wasting your time, energy, and resources on something you will get nothing out of.

So please redirect all of your hate, anger, and negative energy towards me.

Not any other Steemian.


Been doing this a while, absorbing blame, hate, and negative energy and harnessing it and turning it into real, positive change.

So please for the Love of God stop all the hate, jealousy, and negative energy towards all this incredible Steemians and direct it towards me.

All of it.

Send it my way.


So what's curation?

Curation is caring.

Caring enough to search through countless posts to find epic awe inspiring gems.

Caring enough to consume multiple posts throughout the day always keeping your brain "on call."

Caring enough to interpret and provide real, positive feedback to the content creators.

Caring enough to share their message with your world as well.

We all know caring is one form of love so logically caring is


And love is strong force for real, positive change if you haven't noticed.

So what is curation.



My friend Lee who is serving overseas in Syria. If you don't mind keep him in your prayers and thoughts.

So if you find yourself curating simply for the rewards, you still have some time to look at yourself in the mirror and change.

It won't be easy because it is a mindset change.

You need to go from caring about just yourself to caring about something more than yourself.

And that takes faith.

Faith in the Universe and a higher power.

So give it a shot.

Give caring a chance.

Or don't.


Thank you as always for your time and attention. It means the world to me :)

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You are right about that when you say "you need to care about something other than yourself". It is a bit hard to believe in that when it comes to this platform as I find a lot of the members here are hoping to gain monetary compensation for their efforts. This seems to be the driving force behind using this platform. I haven't but posted one post so far and have been mostly resteeming and commenting but recently I have noticed people offering resteeming services for a price! The unfairness pushes you to choose either to 1) quit this platform altogether 2) follow others and try to get the most I can get with some kind of strategy (resteeming services, lots of short and meaningless comments, upvotes to those who upvotes you, etc) 3) keep the faith and stick with it hoping there will be more of the good people who will follow... but is that really realistic, especially when nothing seems to be done about people who post content that should not be considered for any value whatsoever. How do we feel right about the lack of fairness?

you are experiencing what so many of are going through. Almost like the voice of Steemit.

My only recommendation is to just do the right thing and have faith and it will all work out.

Do we know when?

Nope. but at least we know it will happen.

Real, positive change is coming, just be patient a little bit more longer.

Namaste :)

Hello my friend. You really make a great point here. I am so glad you maintain your integrity and encourage others to do the same. Makes it hard for those of us that are working hard to gain traction when we face the challenges of the greedy pingers. You are one of my steem heros. Keep it up! Your friend . 🐓🐓

Awh shuckssssss that made me smile so big thank you :)

Just trying to do my little part to help this community and world out.

Thank you again for your words and for caring. It means the world to me.

Namaste my friend.

I did mean to write that I thoroughly enjoyed the content of your post as it makes me realise there are people it there who think further than themselves and actually curate because they believe in sharing stories of value and hope that it brings the same impact on others as it had on them. Great post and most importantly, I am happy to see someone finally defining he word 'curation' and explaining what it means to curate.

Thank you so much and you nailed it on the head. That's one of the reasons why I think I wrote it so I could bring some value.

I have been curating content for almost 12 years now so I am glad to do my part.

Thanks again for caring, it means the world to me/us :)

I hope you keep it up! I am happy to have found you as I am now not only searching for interesting content but also inspiring people who are in Steemit for a greater vision and purpose, the ones with the kind of "faith" you wrote about. :)

Awh shucks that made me smile so big

But I will most definitely will God willing :)

I love this @Chiefmappster I am new to Steemit, but I have already made some great friends through curating content. There are some wonderful content being created in here and when I find it I try and provide an appropriate response based on my own knowledge (or lack) of the content area. Often time I find I have written enough to justify a post of my own :)
Anyway, thanks for posting this.

Wow thank you so much I really freakin appreciate that buddy.

Hahaha ayyy exactly exactly I love meeting and learning new people and things its incredible.

Awesome to have you apart of this Steemit community.

Looking forward to your posts. Let me know if you don't mind so I don't miss them :)


My pleasure my friend.

Curating = Caring!
I loved that!
But not everybody thinks that way. For most people around here curating is: write a "wow" comment and wait for the curation reward to be redeemed 7 days after.
Very few people care about quality content. You've been proven one of them! Keep working like that! We appreciate it! :)

Awh thank you so much, that makes me smile so big :)

And thank you for caring and seeing what is going on, really appreciate you being yourself.

Keep doing great things.


Well said! Its difficult to find people who really cares about our stuff here. Most of the times people don't even open the post, just upvote if they see the post have money and sometimes write a cold "nice" or "follow me and I will follow you" wich I find insulting! Sometimes you spend hours taking pics, editing and writing stories so people can enjoy the whole thing and have the grasp of what you're trying to communicate through your post and all you get is empty copy & paste comments to get the curation. Like "nice colors" on b&w pics, "very funny" in something serious or my favorite so far "man, you're cool dude!"... I'm a woman!... Not even take time to see what gender is the person you're writing to... It's frustrating. Very frustrating! Sometimes I don't even feel like writting anything in my posts... that level of frustration I feel... but then I remember there are some that take their time and care about me and my stuff and I feel hope. Not to earn lots of money, no! Hope that this place become a better place where people really care about others, to see the social part of this social network comes to life because that's why this place was made. Sorry for the long writting, I think I was holding for too long all this thoughts.

O no apology necessary this is awesome.

You are speaking the truths of so many of us, so thank you for speaking your truth, I really appreciate that. And it is very refreshing to see.

I have faith it will all work out how it is supposed to :)

Namaste my friend

Nah man, no hate. I'd rather just share my thought on the things I like on my blog. The closest thing to hate I come to is trolling, but I have twitter for that :)

Here I just share what I like and dislike in an attempt to either bring a good mood, or raise awareness to stuff I thing should get more attention. And I curate just what I actually like, none of that vote for vote BS. It's just disgusting in my opinion. Just promote the post, and if I like it, I'll vote, otherwise.. c'est la vie :)

Hahahahaha good ole Twitter gotta love it hhahaha.

Heck yeah my brother glad to hear that :)

Thank you for caring so much to take the time to do what you do.


Yeah well, the world is full of idiots and authoritarians. Gotta get them down a peg :) Trolling them actually might accomplish something, and it's fun :p
Otherwise, you do you, brother ;)

Amennnnnnn I love it my brother o weee I love it.

That's all we can do right, just be ourselves.

Pumped to have met you in this journey we call life.


HA, thanks mate! Keep it up!

Thank you my brother


Hey @chiefmappster. we haven't met, but this post was resteemed by someone i follow, and curation is a tag word for me, so i stopped in to read.

I've been here two weeks, and i agree with everything above. Reading and giving a damn is its own reward.

Find an element, any element of the post to make a comment on and add to the conversation. The long term rewards of building relationships with people far outweigh the few dollars in curation rewards automating your vote will get you.

Thank you for volunteering to take on the hate. though i dont feel you will get much from people who actually read your post.

All the best to your friend Lee. He has my thanks fir his service!

*edited to correct some mistakes made while typing on my phone.

Amennnnnnnnnn you see it. See the vision. Man that is so refreshing to see.

And holy smoke your comment just gave me a burt of positive energy so thank you for that.

And really appreciate your words about Lee thank you.

Thank you again for caring :)


Glad to provide some positive energy. I do what I can! haha

It's all about caring and building those relationships to help each other find our way in this crazy thing called life.

Have a great day!


Another side note my nickname since birth has been PM because my name is Paul Michael.

Interesting with regard to your username mikepm.


ayyyy thank ya buddy :)

If only more people would "give caring a chance."

Amen my brother amennnnnnnn.

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