Television Eats Your Brain!

in #culture6 years ago

In this world fascinated by TV and filled with people who seem to get totally "involved" in the TV programs they watch, I realize that a statement like "Television eats your brain" may not be a very popular one. 

And... I'll admit that there is worthwhile programming on TV... SOMETIMES... and that we have certain programs we regularly watch, here at our house. That said, we have had neither cable nor satellite TV for five years, and it's hard to remember the last time we watched anything other than a movie or documentary via Netflix.

Mindlessness... and Product Placement

On the whole, the TV landscape strikes me as an endless wasteland of mindless drivel... and it pretty much "eats" your brain, in the sense you tune in, your mind goes slack, and then you just "sit there."

Get out in nature and watch something else!

Some people say they turn off through the commercials, not realizing that most programming is actually a giant advertisement, in the form of well-planned product placement in the feature program. 

And not only are people seemingly "addicted" to all this stuff, they go out of their way to record it all to watch later, if they are actually going to go out of their way to spend time with "real people." That's one of life's great ironies: We invented DVRs and Hulu so we wouldn't be tied to the TV and its programming schedule... but instead we're now recording TWO programs at the same time so we effectively end up spending more time in front of the "idiot box." More trapped than ever!

TV eats our brains because so much programming contributes to the already out-of-control false sense of "reality" we have developed, in our culture. 

"Reality" TV?

Some of it is so very strange. Consider, for a moment, "Reality TV." On what planet is there ANYthing "real" about reality TV? No planet that I have visited recently... and if these people genuinely exist, I fear for the Human gene pool.

Fuchsias in bloom

Maybe the movie "Idiocracy" isn't so far off the mark... that's a scary thought!

I ponder, at times, whether TV programming is a "reflection" or a "cause" of the things that ail society. 

Take, for example, the all-or-nothing "lottery mentality," that seems to pervasive in many aspects of life. So much TV programming portrays scenarios of "get lucky, score big and get rich" as the way life works. Do something "outlandish" and be rewarded with millions of dollars. Become a movie star or celebrity, and make millions. Or become a professional athlete so you can own six mansions. This portrayal of a happy and successful life as something that can ONLY exist if you "make it big" surely is material in setting up unrealistic expectations in people. 

Evening sky: Watch sunsets, not TV!

Similarly, we speak a lot about things like "finding world peace" and "getting along" and the human race "reaching higher consciousness" and yet most of what TV programming portrays seems to revolve around violence, crime and even a general sense of "meanness" as the path to get ahead in life. How is that going to help us move forward?

My real turning point came a few years back when my wife and sister-in-law went on an "epic road trip" for several weeks, and I was at home minding the house and our cats and dog. For three weeks, the TV did not get turned on ONCE... and I truly didn't miss it, for even a second. 

So, here's my suggestion: Instead of worrying about whether or not there is "something on," just turn the TV off... maybe for a week, maybe for a month, maybe forever. You'll probably end up feeling surprised at just how much you become "engaged" in actual life around you!

How about YOU? Are you an avid TV watcher? Do you keep the TV on as a "backdrop" for some or most of your day? Do you just watch a few chosen programs, and otherwise turn it OFF? Do you find most TV programming to be a waste of time, or do you find it entertaining? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for Steemit)
Created at 180728 21:53 PDT


Threw away my TV the first time 2008. I got one last year for gaming purposes - and for watching YouTube on it via my PlayStation.

But as for actually watching TV shows? Yeah, gave that up in 2008. I have a select few shows on DVD and Bluray, but I doubt I'll ever actively watch TV again.

We had some bullshit situation with the DirecTV and getting the feed to work, and when they just couldn't (or wouldn't) fix it, we cancelled and tossed the dish off the roof... and never picked up cable again, even though we get our Internet via cable.

If we actually decide to watch something, we usually end up renting a movie from Netflix or some other online streaming service; pretty much everything else we just watch on our computers.

I eat television. It feeds me :P


Do you have it with some fava beans and a nice chianti?

With fluoride :D Sprinkle some of that goodness on :P

howdy to the denmarkguy! well is astounding how much garbage is on tv these days and what a colossal waste of time most of it is. We watch very little, like to watch the weather and some news especially if something big happens.
You're right, people's brains go dead when watching and think of everything they're missing on Steemit!
very thought-provoking thank you!

Yes, it can be rather mindnumbing.

Besides, how on earth would you have any time to watch TV with the amount of interaction you do here on Steemit? Your commenting prowess is becoming legendary around here!

I think the breaking point for me came when I realized that I was supposedly watching TV to "relax and decompress" and I found myself sitting on the couch with Mrs. Denmarkguy watching the sad stream of nonsense... and we both realized that rather than "relaxing," we were both mostly on edge, internally counting the minutes till the program was over. And that's just not a right thing. So we stopped, and now pretty much only watch rented movies and a very occasional series or two.

haha! well sir my time on Steemit is a much better investment of time I think but your approach to tv watching is the way to go, use it to watch movies or an occasional show because they ARE a few good ones out there but very rare.

So no more prepping myself for the zombie apocalypse by recording The Walking Dead?

Hey, I'm gonna leave that ball entirely over in your court! Sometimes we can take stuff and turn it into a very educational horrible warning.

Thanks for the laugh!

lol! yes it's so educational you just have to watch it! one of the few that I watch.
sorry denmarkguy, didn't mean to butt in here but this is funny!

I only have my son to blame for that one....just like Lord of the Rings, he just had to go see it, he always been big on odd stuff I never cared for, The Hobbit, Harry Potter, so I figured I'd hate LOTR but ended up walking out hardly being able to wait for the next one. I thought the WD was stupid, a bunch of people walking around like zombies. One Sunday night I was bored and made the mistake of watching it with thing I know I am addicted...but not addicted enough to sit through all those commercials. He rents from me next door, sometimes I can hear him scream at the top of his lungs NOOOoooooo, then I'll hear a knock at the door, I'll open the door and quickly remind him that any spoiler alerts will come with severe punishment. What's even funnier is when my brother (he recently passed away) came to stay with me he used to complain to my mom that he hated being around us on Sunday night because we were so engrossed in some stupid zombie show.....then one Sunday night he caved and watched a show and the next thing you know he's addicted. Around here though that's pretty much it for tv addictions so we aren't fairing to bad when it comes to blogging, total addiction.

blogging? really? I couldn't tell by this tiny comment! lol.
Oh well yes you guys are doing great if that's all the tv you're watching. I forget what the number of hours is for the average American, something like 6 hours or something crazy.
Did you hear that this is Rick's last season on The Walking Dead, the season coming up?
thanks for connecting with me, this is really cool!

I am going to be sounding like my son here with that spoiler alert you just gave....NOOOooooo!!! Where did you hear that from?....usually they keep these shock value things lip tight. If true you think him and Negan are going to fight to each other's death or do you think it'll be a real mind blowing shocker that Maggie does him in for revenge of keeping Negan alive after killing her husband? Does he want out of the show or is this what happens in the comic books?

howdy today @sunlit7! well sir, I read several articles about that months ago, it was common knowledge because one of the articles was by Norman Reedus talking about Rick leaving. I think they said he was "moving on" I'm sure that's the way they put it so it sounded like his idea to go do other things.
you've probably already googled it but in case you haven't, here is an article where Rick says" I've done enough crying."

hey do you know about Asher's Engagement League? you are a great commenter and have long comments, this would be perfect for you.

I guess we've seen enough people leave that we get over it, some you really liked and some not so much. I just hope this isn't going to leave Negan in charge, at least not as the ugly character he is, though I have to admit he has proven to be quite the character you love to hate and hate to love at times.

No I haven't heard of Asher's Engagement League, would check if out if you have a link.

howdy @sunlit7! good to hear from you again..yes Jeffery Dean Morgan is such a charismatic but evil bad guy! what a great acting job he does. I was so shocked that they let him live weren't you?

I have no idea what they're going to do with him but you know he's going to cause trouble. lol.
okay here's the link to Asher's League, it's a tremendous contest because it helps everyone to increase their engagement activity. the top 20 get steem as a reward so that's nice. it's growing steadily too which can only help the platform. what I like is that you just do what you are already doing and you can win some steem.

I watch a lot less tv now, but I still will binge watch entire seasons of shows once they finish airing all the episodes for the year.

That's just about the only saving grace... when you can buy entire seasons AND that means you can avoid sitting through an ocean of commercials, as well. We have very few shows we watch, but that's generally how we do it.

The meanness of the competitions where the winner is not the best but the nastiest, deliberately shafting those better than himself, turning others against them without cause. Why?

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wow, it is pretty good idea. I did not reliase even that TV taking so much time and I agree with you.

Good thing is.. I do not have time to watch TV😊

thanks for sharing..

The thing I realized is that watching TV was no longer "relaxing," or "entertaining;" it just felt like I was sitting there wasting time... time I could be using to write, or create art, or something else more creative.

yeah i agree with your statement but television is not eating its rotting our brain...take an example of indian media also show disgusting news and never reveal truth and also support criminals

And that's an important point: If the TV is delivering garbage news and programming... the other side of that is that you're putting garbage into your brain.

yeah because most people see news anchor like saints...that they can never lie...

Yes I am an avid TV watcher whenever I enter my house the first thing I do is turn on the TV and put up a sports channel and then keep on doing my work.
But recently I have shifted to a boys hostel so I have to cut it down very much.

I think that may also have something to do with age group, @prasasth; when I was a University student I also watched a lot more TV... when I got to my 40's, I increasingly lost interest and also didn't like the background noise anymore.

Excellent piece. We dumped TV a couple of years ago and the atmosphere in the house changed immediately. There's no going back for us. I recently wrote a piece about how I felt my stress levels rise when in the presence of a TV in someone else's house. TV is the most dangerous weapon ever invented. It seems to serve to keep the populus dumbed down and addicted to consumerism whilst also keeping them in a state of fear thus seemingly dependent on government protection. It's refreshing to read the comments from so many who have also dumped the TV.

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