
Hey, I'm gonna leave that ball entirely over in your court! Sometimes we can take stuff and turn it into a very educational horrible warning.

Thanks for the laugh!

lol! yes it's so educational you just have to watch it! one of the few that I watch.
sorry denmarkguy, didn't mean to butt in here but this is funny!

I only have my son to blame for that one....just like Lord of the Rings, he just had to go see it, he always been big on odd stuff I never cared for, The Hobbit, Harry Potter, so I figured I'd hate LOTR but ended up walking out hardly being able to wait for the next one. I thought the WD was stupid, a bunch of people walking around like zombies. One Sunday night I was bored and made the mistake of watching it with thing I know I am addicted...but not addicted enough to sit through all those commercials. He rents from me next door, sometimes I can hear him scream at the top of his lungs NOOOoooooo, then I'll hear a knock at the door, I'll open the door and quickly remind him that any spoiler alerts will come with severe punishment. What's even funnier is when my brother (he recently passed away) came to stay with me he used to complain to my mom that he hated being around us on Sunday night because we were so engrossed in some stupid zombie show.....then one Sunday night he caved and watched a show and the next thing you know he's addicted. Around here though that's pretty much it for tv addictions so we aren't fairing to bad when it comes to blogging, total addiction.

blogging? really? I couldn't tell by this tiny comment! lol.
Oh well yes you guys are doing great if that's all the tv you're watching. I forget what the number of hours is for the average American, something like 6 hours or something crazy.
Did you hear that this is Rick's last season on The Walking Dead, the season coming up?
thanks for connecting with me, this is really cool!

I am going to be sounding like my son here with that spoiler alert you just gave....NOOOooooo!!! Where did you hear that from?....usually they keep these shock value things lip tight. If true you think him and Negan are going to fight to each other's death or do you think it'll be a real mind blowing shocker that Maggie does him in for revenge of keeping Negan alive after killing her husband? Does he want out of the show or is this what happens in the comic books?

howdy today @sunlit7! well sir, I read several articles about that months ago, it was common knowledge because one of the articles was by Norman Reedus talking about Rick leaving. I think they said he was "moving on" I'm sure that's the way they put it so it sounded like his idea to go do other things.
you've probably already googled it but in case you haven't, here is an article where Rick says" I've done enough crying."

hey do you know about Asher's Engagement League? you are a great commenter and have long comments, this would be perfect for you.

I guess we've seen enough people leave that we get over it, some you really liked and some not so much. I just hope this isn't going to leave Negan in charge, at least not as the ugly character he is, though I have to admit he has proven to be quite the character you love to hate and hate to love at times.

No I haven't heard of Asher's Engagement League, would check if out if you have a link.

howdy @sunlit7! good to hear from you again..yes Jeffery Dean Morgan is such a charismatic but evil bad guy! what a great acting job he does. I was so shocked that they let him live weren't you?

I have no idea what they're going to do with him but you know he's going to cause trouble. lol.
okay here's the link to Asher's League, it's a tremendous contest because it helps everyone to increase their engagement activity. the top 20 get steem as a reward so that's nice. it's growing steadily too which can only help the platform. what I like is that you just do what you are already doing and you can win some steem.

Yeah that did surprise me quite a bit, especially when it came to what he did to Maggie's husband and the effect it had on her...heck the effect it had on a lot of people since the outcry from such a violent act had them toning it down a bit. It was amazing they had a eyeball left to show at the end of that mess...I know I was cringing over it.

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out and I am sure I'll catch up with you when this season's episodes spring forth.

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