IF you are into CRYPTO, this is WHY you need to follow me

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Crypto fans, Reasons to follow me

1.  I AM Obsessed and Committed

Obsessed.  Constantly, absolutely constantly, I am checking the market. I look at everything.  I have an account with almost every exchange I can (limited because of I live in U.S.).  There isn't anything substantial that I don't catch.  I look at the big coins, and little coins.  

Committed.  I have a good chunk of my overall fiat money into the market. I own big coins and the littlest of coins a-like.  I put my money where my mouth is.  Since I am financially invested, as well as emotionally invest, I need to be sharp.

2.  I Have The Time!

I am blessed that I work from home 24-7 at my day job.  I have the flexibility to work whenever I want and how I want to.  As long as I get my work done, I am free to work on my other projects and hobbies in my life.  And my biggest project and hobby a-like is CRYPTO!!!  Because I have the time, I promise you I will be on top of my game all day, and deliver the relevant content you need.

3.  I'm Fun!

I release 2 videos a day.  I do a morning report and a evening report.  I keep my videos short, to the point, and I try to be entertaining.  I also engage with my community.  I always try to respond to every comment I get.  If I don't respond, it's not because I am ignoring you, it's probably because I just missed it somehow, someway.  I am not shy, and will engage with you.  My outlook on Steemit is to engage in a fun way with the community.  Feel free to subscribe to my youtube channel if you wish to receive my bi-daily crypto updates that way.  Look, I have 2 subscribers so far!  I am not a star.  But that doesn't stop me from being consistent and having fun!  So, here it is.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLmFFl8ADL8byBSOR06a7wg

4.  I'm human, so you wont always see Crypto

I just like to write about my experiences.  Sometimes, I will take a picture and share.  Maybe I will post what just happened on my walk to the coffee shop.  Maybe I will discuss some news, some sports, video games, etc.  I am diverse and open minded.  US crypto fans need a break once in a while from the stress of the market.  I promise to try and lighten up your day and turn a frown into a smile!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.  If you want to take a chance with me, Follow me and let's ride that wave together!  Yes, I'm pointing at you!


Looking forward to your input on crypto.

Welcome @jrose1010 " I AM Obsessed and Committed" we'll see about that! Here's little boost to get you going ;)
100% UpVoted, @randowhale UpVoted & Re-steemed! More about the Initiative here...

Thanks! I appreciate it!

Am following you. Do follow me back if you like poems and positive posts

I can't say no to positive posts!

Ha ha, come on board then

That are definately a few good reasons to follow you. Done and done. I am also invested, so i appreciate any crypto news because i don't have the time to check it constantly...

Thanks for following! I got your back!

Hi there, I'm new to Steemit too. Just checked out your youtube channel and you have some good helpful content, well done! (I Subb'd and SMASHED the like button) I'll be following you on Youtube and Steemit. ;-) Im also interested in the Crypto world and trading the forex markets, Im still paper trading and have been for the past 2 years. iv been making consistent gains for some time now and am at the cusp of investing, Im always on the lookout for new up-to-date information. Thank you and welcome to the steemit community.

I appreciate the comment! Crypto is on the rise!

Yeah i agree bitcoin is starting to push higher after this last pullback, But for me any bad news is good news (as long as it's not to bad lol) whilst i'm getting my capital in place to invest, I'm starting to feel a bit of the old FOMO lol.

Yes, sometimes bad news is great news. Dont get caught in the FOMO!

Followed brother, you sound like my kind a guy, lets share tips and ideas, its the way forward, i'l also have a nosy at your videos but on here as not a big you tube fan.
Peace and prosperity to all

I appreciate the comments! Yes, I like to keep in touch to discuss crpyto for sure. Also, I am on steemit like 90% of the time. I use youtube just to upload my video so I can make a link in my posts here!

Following you. Very interested in learning more about crypto. I'm just now getting into it. I see it as the future. I'm looking forward to your posts. Good luck!

Thanks for following! I certainly believe is the evolution right after fiat currency. Not sure when it will really explode, but I right now, we are certainly in the beginning of it all!

If the dollar keeps dropping, I'm guessing sooner than later.

A fellow crypto freak. I'm in. I will follow you because I work all day and can't keep up with everything. It will be nice to get a report when I get home. Followed and upvoted! @nezbong

Thanks so much! Yes, thats another reason why I like to do it. I know people are busy. So I want to report on what I see all day since I am looking all the time!

Following you. I got on Steemit last July, but I didn't finally start exploring crypto until about 4 months ago. I also do a vlog, as well as cohost on the @steemittalk podcast. We'll be doing our 42nd episode this coming Sunday. I'm going to try to make a point to mention your post . We hope you can join, and I'll see you in my feed. :)

Oh wow! Yes, I am 100% interested. Let me know what I can do to help!

Hey @jrose1010, just wanted to let you know we will be doing our podcast today at 11AM CST, which is here in about 2 hours. Feel free to join, it's on Discord. Info to join can be found here.

I've got your post in my notes for today.
If you can't catch us, not a problem. We'll have the recording posted later this week.

Sorry, I couldn't make it. Please let me know when it's posted! I would love to here it!

Will do. We actually weren't able to touch on your post today, so I may need to get you on next week's episode. I'll be keeping up on your blog until then, for sure.

That's ok. Keep me posted!

Followed, always interested in crypto news and someone who actually takes time and effort to create good content on here ....

You will enjoy this post where I got my dog to pick my Crypto 🐾


HAHA, nice! That's a Yorkie, right? I used to have a dog like that. And yes, sometimes the market is so random that we are better off with our K-9 friends making picks!

Haha Yeah she's a teacup Yorkie , I thought it would be an interesting way to show how random the market is. I'll keep you posted how her portfolio gets on :)

lol, if she produces results, I'll sign her as my crypto broker

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STEEM 0.20
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JST 0.030
BTC 64724.80
ETH 3460.60
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51