Another #PedoGate Researcher Suddenly Dies: RIP Tracy Twyman

in #cryptobeast5 years ago (edited)

Tracy Twyman was a researcher into the occult who lived near Portland, Oregon. I went on the RX Only Picture show with her in March this year, and called into the show again on May 22 when they did a special after Isaac Kappy's death on May 13, 2019. Tracy had been in touch with Kappy and was investigating some of the same things, including Voodoo Donuts and their neighbor Dante's - which both make extensive use of Satanic imagery and themes.

Tracy shared some of her research with me after that, but asked me not to publish it at the time because she was quitting Twitter and YouTube after receiving death threats.

The circumstances of her death are presently unknown, but it has been confirmed by S B Alger from the RX Only Picture show:

...and also Clyde Lewis from Ground Zero.

That makes this video that she created for me and one other person a kind of "Dead Mans Switch".

Here is my full Twitter conversation with Tracy:

Here's my show with Tracy before Isaac's death:

Here's the show where I called in after Kappy passed away (3:14:37)

Tracy's reaction:

I did an interview about this with Lift The Veil, which I have released as CryptoBeast #21

Greg Carlwood from The Higherside Chats (THC) has made a statement in response to this post:

There is some disturbing discussion from 2018 on their web site about some sort of group magickal ritual for Tracy.

While I appreciate this guy is unhappy with the video going out because it doesn’t paint his best friend in a great light, perhaps highlighting his mental illness or perhaps pointing to something much worse, he is pretty much the only person out of 20,000+ views on the video so far objecting to the information being public. I didn’t know Tracy very well but people who did are supportive of this “dead mans switch”-type information being released. If anything ever happens to me, please release all the info you can.

With Jeffrey Epstein's arrest, NXIVM convictions and other recent child sex trafficking busts, it seems like it is a dangerous time to be looking into the Luciferian Pedo Cult.

Isaac Kappy: researched #PedoGate, now dead

Tracy Twyman: researched #PedoGate, now dead

Jen Moore: researched #PedoGate, doxxed, now dead

Fiona Barnett: #PedoGate whistleblower, doxxed, disappeared from social media

Robert the Deplorable: researched #PedoGate, doxxed, disappeared from social media after a possible suicide or murder attempt.

I received this from a source who wishes to remain anonymous. They were in touch with "Robert's uncle". Robert claimed to have Isaac Kappy's Dead Mans Switch and was in the process of opening it when he had to flee his home after being doxxed by Unirock, who said he had people in his town taking pictures of him.

Robert then ended up in hospital with what we initially thought was a suicide attempt. Robert's uncle (posting from Robert's Twitter account) gave some details that suggest maybe it wasn't a suicide after all:

Some have dismissed Robert's suicide attempt as some sort of LARP. In light of Tracy's death, not even 2 months since Kappy's, and Jen Moore's death less than a year ago, further investigation is warranted.

I will update this post if more information comes in. See also:

CryptoBeast #21 - Tracy Twyman, Kappy, Epstein and LARP Wars with Lift The Veil

The Mysterious Death of Isaac Kappy (Part 1)

Kappy Investigation Part 2

Kappy Investigation Part 3

Kappy Investigation Part 4

The Sawman, the Priest and the FiFi Dossier

Other related coverage:

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Nexium Patent for Determining Luciferians

Is NXIVM an MKULTRA Brownstone Operation Part 1

Is NXIVM an MKULTRA Brownstone Operation Part 2

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Is There A PedoGate Connection to the 2017 Las Vegas Massacre?

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Jeffrey Epstein

[Update July 13 2019]

Thread from Tracy's friend SB:

Video interview with Tracy's friend Darren Williams:

Further discussion at Reddit.

Reports on Twitter are obviously not as solid as obituaries, funeral notices, death certificates, autopsy reports. If we get more information we will share it here.

This is one of the people Tracy was talking about in her video:

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

Holy Cow! This is scary fascinating.

I've been staying clear of VooDoo Donuts for a long time. For me, I always got a bad vibe from them after I found out they advertise sexual peepshows, and overtly promote it by humorously shaping donuts in the shape of genitalia. Their donuts taste disgusting, yet they charge twice as much as all the other donut shops, and people line up in droves. People in line all look like they are brainwashed and drugged. Counter culture is not supposed to be mainstream trendy. This place is not what it claims to be. Unfortunately, you can't claim that anything is satanic or demonic in this town, or people will label you a religious, nazi, conspiracy nut. Researching these things lands you in hotter water, because they will label you as part of the violent hate crowd. Racist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc..

Definitely following this account, and learning whatever clues I can.

I hope somebody cleans shop in Portland someday. People here all claim to love the environment, yet they sprinkle garbage on every street as if they thought it was magic organic fertilizer. Lot of other things we need to clean up: the Mayor, the judges, law enforcement, crime and punishment, school system, sex trafficking, Antifa, taxation, debt, expensive transportation ballots, the governor, everything. All of the old masonic secret clubs are still here sitting quietly as always, but it's like they have splintered into all of the other social organizations in power, except they do not self-identify as masons. Any exclusive club with elected people are hotspots where their weird backwards ethics are enforced more openly.

It is hard to open up to people here, because once they realize you are not in alignment with their indoctrination, they will often become polarized against you.

Sounds a lot like San Francisco. Stay safe.

That sounds a lot like Brazil, too....

Posted using Partiko iOS

That YT video is fucked up, especially some of the claims regarding how YT was being used. The claims Kyle made regarding the evil and his subsequent mental illness is something I heard around the time of Kappy's death in AZ and the shitcada thing.

Spooky stuff.

That’s hard to accept....there’s certainly some evil people behind these deaths

Posted using Partiko iOS

There has never been a case satanic ritual abuse and hundreds of thousands of confirmed christian leaders molesting children

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