Evolved08gsr's Crypto Briefing August 10, 2017 (9:00 AM EST)

in #crypto7 years ago

Today I'm planning on posting a second update this afternoon. Hopefully my work schedule cooperates and I'm able to post something for you all then too! If not, I apologize in advance and will try to be better tomorrow :)

My Analysis of the Activity From the Past 24 Hours


#ethereum continues to climb, #bitcoin has leveled out and is back to positive growth, and Litecoin has flattened out with a negligible drop.

  • Bitcoin (BTC) is at $3,387.20, $63.10 Higher than at the same time yesterday, or Up 1.90%
  • Ethereum (ETH) is at $304.65, $7.51 Higher than at the same time yesterday, or Up 2.53%
  • Litecoin (LTC) is at $48.00, $0.01 Lower than at the same time yesterday, or Down 0.02%

Evolved08gsr's Analysis

  • It appears that BTC investors done taking profits, for now, and have began re-investing in BTC. Or it could be that enough people saw the dip and decided to buy-in!
  • ETH continues to impress with steady growth, showing a gain of 36.92% since the same time of day 7 days ago! For the same period, BTC is showing 21.84% growth and LTC is showing 13.14% growth. None of which should be scoffed at. If you compare the S&P 500 for the same period, the growth rate is a mild 0.08%.

Evolved08gsr's Trend Follow-Up

  • Keeping an eye on the Bitcoin spikes between the 12:00 AM to 1:00 AM EST and 4:00 AM to 5:00 AM EST time slots...
    -- For the 3rd day in-a-row, both of these time slots have continued the trend of showing growth at these times.
  • Keeping an eye on Ethereum spikes around the 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM EST time period.
    -- It appears that this morning was flat, with a slight drop between this time period. I will take another look at this tomorrow.

Chart Source: Coinbase
All Times Eastern (EST)
All Prices are in US Dollars ($)

Bitcoin (Last 24 hours):

Ethereum (Last 24 hours):

Litecoin (Last 24 hours):


Thanks for reading, I hope you have a great day!

My Crypto Updates:

If you want to read more, please take a look at some of my other posts:

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 58476.88
ETH 2522.41
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.34