Cooking with Steem - recipe books for promoting steemit : ready to move forward

in #cooking7 years ago (edited)

From my original Cooking with Steem proposal I have decided it is best to move forward only with the recipe books.

Leaflets will most likely just end in the trash can (hopefully for recycling). Whereas people are more likely to keep a recipe booklet.
I have now managed to get a much better quotation for the print work that will bring the unit cook of each book down by half.

The recipe books will be A5 format, full colour, with 44 pages. The inner pages will 135gsm paper and the cover will be 250gsm glossy paper.

For a print run of 1000 the unit cost for each booklet will be around £0.56 / US $0.75.

The number of pages and the print run size could be tweaked but this seems to be about the sweet-spot for this sort of booklet.

The booklets will be similar in size and format to the 'town guides' that you often see in small towns around the UK.

There will be one recipe on each page with one or two photos, the ingredients and cooking instructions.

Each recipe will include prominently the steemit address of the contributor.

There will also be a page telling people about steemit and how to sign up.

The promotional aim of these booklets will be to bring steemit to the attention of a new demographic and demonstrate the wider appeal of the platform. Food and cooking has a universal appeal.

Moving forward - questions to be answered

I am happy to take this project forward if there is interest. I will gather and edit the recipes, and then get the booklets designed and printed.

Before I progress this further there are a few questions I would like help with. If you can post your answers in the comments below, or if you want to DM me you can find me in the HomesteadSlackers slack group or the PAL discord server.

  1. Do you think this project is a good way of promoting steemit?

  2. Is the A5 page format okay for recipes, or should we move to A4?

  3. For the first edition should we have a mix of all types of recipes - meat, vegetarian, vegan, gluten free - or should the book be themed and targetted to one particular eating group?

  4. Should the books only be produced for one country at a time? Or if we do an English version first could it be internationalised enough to be of interest in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia etc? Other language versions, with perhaps different recipes, could follow if the project is successful.

  5. What will be the best way to distribute the books?

  6. If I can find funding for the print production costs would people be willing to send a SBD contribution to cover shipping costs? If I can't find funding for the printing would people be willing to pay for both the cost price of printing and shipping?

If I can sort out the funding I am hoping to spend October gathering the recipes and editing and laying out the book. Then get it printed in November - hopefully just in time for Christmas. That will be quite a tight timescale though.

For the gathering of the recipes I am planning to run a contest and to link in with my forthcoming radio show on MSP Waves Radio. Keep following to find out more about this.

So if there is sufficient interest I am ready and willing to move this project forward to get the books produced.

I will then need everyone's help to distribute them. Please give an idea in the comments of how many you might be able to take if you are interested.

I think this will be a great way to get the steemit name to a wider audience.

Cook on...

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[header graphic by @pennsif // food image from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0]


So hello have you gotten more stuff. And are you using any of my stuff. I put up more vegan stuff but i need more votes. Hope to hear more on this. And do donners get a free book?

@pennsif, i think this is a fantastic idea! I love bringing Steemit into the real world, and what better way than through an amazing recipe booklet!

I think A5 is great so it's easy to pick up and put in your bag. Would be good to also have a page on what Steemit is all about as well. I'm about to write something on that theme and am happy to share it / donate it if you like it.

I think starting out as a general mix up is also a good way to go.. then there is something for everyone.

BEST of luck with the funding.. It will be great when you can make this happen. There are some really great recipes here on Steemit and quite a few you wont find on the normal Google searches.

I know for one that most of my recipes are pretty unique, and many tips and tricks are not mentioned in many of the mainstream versions..

best of luck!

hey what a great idea! lets see if i can address all points
1-I think is a wonderful way to help spread the word, especially for those who are more genuine in their ventures, because anybody who cooks a homemade meal could potentially have great content to share as well.
2- I have no ide what a5 or a4 is so yes!
3-I think the first issue ought to be a broad spectrum, really get a lot from several different steemers, not just a handful. if we chose only desserts, the bbq magicians wouldn't get promoted and what a shame that would be.
4-I think english is a good beta test, perhaps somebody bilingual would find this interesting and help convert recipes for you!
5-distribution: I think if you hand them out personally, it will come across all 'bible salesman' and less promotional to steemit. I would suggest sending several copies to steemers in different areas to place in hotels, dr office, salons. Someplace people are looking for something to read.
6- I would be willing to donate 2-3 sbd every month or biweekly. I'm afraid i'm not whaley enough to do more, but this seems like a good deal to me, and i'd like to see more people take advantage of and be rewarded from steemit.
If you don't mind me asking, what all would you include in the steemit promotional section?

I think this is a really great idea for being the first on steemit. I would prefer a A5 format. cookbooks are sometimes brought around in bags, so I would prefer it to be an 'easy size'. B5 is also fine for me actually.

It is definitely your choice if you want to have a focus on the food. Maybe you can come up with various editions next time. For example, christmas edition, cookie edition etc etc. You get the point.

You always have such great ideas pennsif I would love to brainstorm with you sometime.

Nice Post. Great read, looking forward to more great posts!! Cheers!!

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