Building your Future - one brick at a time...

in #contest7 years ago

"Nothing is impossible, it just hasn’t been made possible yet."


A Life’s Ambition

Having dreams and ambitions is the driving force which propels people to improve themselves, and helps to motivate individuals to move forward. Without any dreams or goals, people tend to wander through life aimlessly not knowing what they want out of life. Sometimes, they don’t even know if they are going in the right direction.

Most people feel that their dreams are only some distant illusion, far off in the distance like a mirage. However, I beg to differ. I am a firm believer that if you want something hard enough and long enough and you give 10000%- you can achieve your dreams and make them a reality. My most memorable phrase is:

" Nothing is impossible, it just hasn’t been made possible yet".

I can only speak for myself and from my experiences, but irrespective of your background, or your social standing it is clear to me that these are no barrier to becoming successful. If you look at some of the most successful entrepreneurs around, they come from very basic backgrounds. My journey from life on a farm to where I am now has been a long and winding road with many hurdles and distractions along the way.

Life on the farm

I come from a very basic, and low class income family. Growing up on a farm was an amazing experience, and my world was filled with many different surprises around every corner. Now, I grew up in a time without computers, or cable/ satellite TV. As kids, we knew how to create fun out of nothing. There was never a dull moment!  The days and nights were fun-filled and packed with excitement. Whether it was playing in hay bales, or riding around on our bikes, you could always guarantee we were getting up to some sort of mischief on the farm.

Who am I now?

Well what can I say? I'm a foot and ankle specialist with Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. I spend most of my time with diabetic patients, and I try my best to salvage limbs.  As a result of their diabetes, often patients end up with complications. Poor blood supply can lead to gangrene, or loss of sensation due to the damage of their nerves. More often than not, I am up against a losing battle which may ultimately lead to the patient losing their foot or leg. It should be noted that this is not just a problem about where I live -  but a worldwide problem.

On average one person somewhere in the World loses a limb every 20 seconds due to diabetes.

Now, it is well documented in the medical field that if we can reduce the amount of complications that a diabetic suffers from, we can mitigate and prevent diabetic patients from developing these horrible complications in the first place. However, given the constraints of current medical practices, we're fighting a losing battle. On a positive note, the winds are changing with an increasing number of people starting to question just exactly what we are doing to our patients.  Many of us are wanting to know not only how we can prevent these complications from occurring, but how we can actually reverse these complications.

I'm literally watching my dream being built one brick at a time.

It would be my honor if you would join me on this exciting journey.I'm so excited to share where my passion for helping patients has taken me, and just how far along I am in achieving my life’s ambition.

Join me?

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It always seems impossible until is done!

Yes it does even up until the last minute it seems done, it can seem an eternity to do and finish!!

Thanks for the inspirational post. Everyone has a story to tell and getting it out there helps inspire other.

Agree - and not only that... but i love SURROUNDING myself with like-minded people who push me to set daring goals! I'm so glad that @robmenzies is part of that for me!!! :)

Thanks I look forward to sharing it with you all.

Great words of wisdom and amazing to see you working on a problem that so many struggle with.

Yes it's a shame that the root cause can't be tackled more readily with the promotion of correct eating practices but this is the nature of the beast.

I can imagine in the years to come there will be a lot more to come, but also the possibility of cures, solutions and innovative tech to help.

Yes @calumam, they always say prevention is better than the cure!!! and considering the costs involved with treating diabetics versus the cost to feed people properly, there really is no comparison.
Hopefully once we can get the message out to the masses that it really doesn't have to be this way, hopefully people will start speaking with their wallets.

we saw it with big tobacco, now its time to sort out big food, and big Pharma.
People don't have to be able to afford Insulin if they don't need it. just think what they could do with those savings yearly!!

When we have an abundance of money, in the form of tokens, further down the line. Maybe some businesses that produce high quality food will be more inclined to set up organic health food businesses that trade with crypto. That would not only allow them to trade for less, but it would also give them a steady stream of revenue. Assuming that people would prefer to have healthy foods rather than the alternatives.

It would be amazing to see a solution like this in the future.

It's all down to choice at the end of the day. If you want to be healthy, you can. There is no reason why you can't.

that's actually a brilliant idea!!!!!

i love the way your mind works @calumam!!!!!

and you're right - everyone has the power to make the best decisions with what they have. I often will talk to people that say "I can't afford organic, so I might as well just go about eating what I want."

what? there is no logic to that at all. If you can't afford organic (and i'm sure you could afford it more easily if you choose to spend your money there instead of other places... LOL) then choose the best fruits and veggies you can find. THAT would be a proper alternative until you could choose better. I love the slogan "when we know better, we can do better" so.... let's grow!

100%! I currently can't afford it to be brutely honest, but I know what you mean. There is an awful lot of people who would rather choose the damaging alternative.

If you look after your body, you'll be able to not only live longer, you'll live better! The energy and feeling of a healthy body and mind is amazing!

Also, my mind has it's moments hahaha!

quite a few moments, in my opinion.

and choose the best that you can! CHOOSE....... the BEST...... that you CAN :)

You know what I did? and this is just me! But I would find one thing that I was spending money on that was a "treat" or a "vice" or something really extra. and I would just say -ok... with THIS money (maybe 1-2 dollars) I'm going to choose something different. something better.

it just starts there! maybe it's coffee, or a candy bar, or cigarettes, or a drink with the friends.... you don't have to stop those things altogether - just start with one! :) and take one less healthy thing - and make a more healthy choice.

I challenge you this week to try it ;) hehehehe

Ok you're on! You are totally right. It's down to choice at the end of the day and I can make little decisions that will make a big difference.

Tell you what, I'm going to use my Zappl account and I'll make a little post anytime that I make that decision. If it works out, maybe we can start a movement where people get involved :)

Great post, like you when I was a child it was a time with no computers, well we might have had pong. I did not know that statistic about diabetes thats rather alarming, it goes to show that its important to look after ourselves. Thanks for sharing.

Ha ha ha yes i think i had a sword basic 128k which had two games on cassette tape which took about 30 mins to load and if it didnt load it took another 30 mins. Oh how the cassette counter made our lives easier to know when it had loaded.

Yes diabetes is a major scurge of our lifetime and there is no signs of it getting any better in the near future.

Lol Reminiscing love it, do you remember when the faithful old spectrum and commodore came out and the loading noise of the tapes which sounded like a fax machine.

oh yes, the joys of sitting expectantly waiting for these to load with that screeching sound. I was watching on DLive the other week someone playing old school games on the commodore, and like you say the buzzing and burring of the internals working hard to load the game brought back so many memories!!

I'm not very fond of many doctors. not in America. the ones that are worth their weight in gold are few and far between (though i DID find a great one!!!!)
but Rob won me over with his humor (hahaha)... but impressed me with his knowledge of nutrition and health and REAL healing. I can't wait for you to see what his dream is that's unfolding :) I hope you peek in on him often cuz i think it's pretty amazing :)

What an inspiration! Incredible journey you've been on, thanks for sharing that and thanks @dreemsteem for sending me here to read it!

Thanks for visiting, hope you pull up a been bag and stick around.

I have followed you :)

hooray for connections!!!! hehehehe

I think you'll be in for a treat... i'm pretty impressed with the doctor here. :)

What time do I need to login today cap'n?

There should be a post around 8:00(ish) hehehe and then there be the PYPT show at 7PM EST

The treausre hunt should play around 8 PM EST. Thats where the final clue will be given and the race to get the prize!!!!

I'm sorry and this may seem a little lazy but what is 7pm est compared to gmt UK time? I'm still in bed and haven't cracked the laptop to check yet!

hahahahahaha bad pirate - ok let me check for you ;)

oh geez - is that UTC? looks like midnight (eeeeeek)
that's when the show starts - but an hour in is when the Treasure Hunt is.... oh my gosh. @praada!!!!! you'll be exhausted!!!!

It's currently 9.13am. I'll try and work it out, lazy pirate in a morning!

yeah just sleep until noon... and then you'll be fine! heheheheh
well.... arghhhh i must be sayin' - i needs to be givin' ye something extra for bein' willin' to join us in the wee hours of the morn! tip! :)

Hi @praada! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @dreemsteem!

@dreemsteem wrote lately about: 26 Day Detox : Day 25 - If I Have To Eat This One More Time... Feel free to follow @dreemsteem if you like it :)

You can now delegate SP / invest in @tipU for daily profit:) Click here to learn more :)

Aye midnight it is! let's hope the snow continues so I can stay up late, happy with no work in the morn

@praada the morning session of PYPT starts in about 90 minutes. I like you will be fast asleep when it evening session comes on 3am here for me.

Heck yeah! This post has piqued my curiosity. I want to "see" what your dream is! I want to know how you can reverse these complications. Following.

It's pretty BIG!!!!! 😊 I can't wait til he tells hehehee

all will be revealed, I am working on the next installment as we speak.

Thank god for doctors like you who are looking at changing the root causes, not just dealing with the symptoms!

Exactly we are small in number at the moment but the ball is certainly rolling, i would say we are passing the point of early adoption and moving our way steadily to mainstream adoption.

I suspect the next 5 years we will start to see major changes in lifestyle diseases, and may be on our way back to how we used to live before as far as eating choices are concerned.

As @dreemsteem mentioned in several posts we can have a positive change by spending our hard earned money on the things we want and boycott those less unhealthy things.

Alas trying to get cptn dreemsteem not to eat Swedish Fish is harder than thought!!

please don't talk about my Swedish Fish.

them's be me babies!!! LOLOLOLOL

Me: "Swedish fish? What, like rollmops? No, surely Dr Rob would be encouraging fermented fish." {off to consult Mr Google} "Ah, wine gum fish, all makes sense now"

ha ha ha I only wish it was rollmops.

I must admit I had some about a month ago and this was the first time since I was a child, I can't say it's one of my most enjoyable fermented foods, however its certainly better than those candied versions. Roll on the next detox for our Cptn!!

hahahahahahaha i DIDN'T EAT THEM. i only took a picture of them. hehehehehe and kissed the bag. and whispered " i will never forget you my friends"


please don't talk about my Swedish Fish.

them's be me babies!!! LOLOLOLOL

RIGHT?!?!?!?! i'm telling you.... worth his weight in gold! to be able to find a doctor that looks at the body as a whole?? wow. grab one and don't let go! hahahaha

Thank you for what you do!! It struck a cord with me as I've just been diagnosed a Pre-diabetic. I don't want to lose my limbs - in fact I would rather die!!! So it's a long road of trying to reverse out of the diabetic parking lot and back on the road to normal blood sugar. Giving up a life long addiction to sugar it tough but do-able. I think I'm winning!

Arrrgh me hardy capt'n @dreemsteem a holiday would be most welcome :D

@andysantics48, if you have only been diagnosed as pre-diabetic it should be highly unlikely you have these chronic complications, although some may have it.

If you stick around I will be giving some advice on how to combat and get yourself back to “normalcy” It is being proven daily that diabetes isn’t a life long condition anymore, but rather thankfully can be reversed. Some people can do this in as little as 3 months!! So plenty of hope. Just takes a bit of determination to stick the car in reverse and pull out of the parking lot, before you get locked in.

I came to steemit with the intention of documenting my road back to good health and weight loss journey. I hope to motivate some people so that they can do the same :) I have stopped eating most sugars and have quit things like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes. It limits the diet but I'm not that strict that I say no to everything. I do feel better now. Any help or advice is most appreciated - I've followed you.

Yes its very interesting what we deem healthy and unhealthy and how misinformed people are about their food choices, sadly we are in an age of convenience and because of that the rayes of diabesity are on the rise.
I am only too happy to help you.
Perhaps I can a section on that to give you some inspiration

As far as food choices are concerned you just have to get a little creative.

Good choice to follow this one :)

@andysantics48 its you me and Rob again!!! its like a detox reunion! hahahahaha

i know what you mean about the loss of limbs! i was asking Rob how hard it is for him to see patient after patient dealing with the prospect of this! I can't imagine how hard (and how sensitive of a doctor he must be!!!)

but be encouraged that you're PRE diabetic - and you're being mindful of what you need to do now :)
i think you'll win too!

Somedays the call from the chocolate or sweets is too much to resist but it is getting easier the longer I do without. I have to keep reminding myself that this is not a diet to lose weight but to save me from misery of other complications later on!!!

Normally when your cracing sweet things it means your depleted of salts. I know some people swear by drinking some pickle juice to stave the craving, or if you can handle it have some really good quality dark chocolate.

this is SO good to know!!! I'm going to try this next time that I'm craving sweets!!!!

this is SO good to know!!! I'm going to try this next time that I'm craving sweets!!!

your sister had a cool recipe for some chocolate stuff.... hehehe go to her house and steal all her healthy snacks!!!!

Lol she lives too far away to pop in while she's out lol

Hahahhahaa darn!!!! Tell her to send some to you! Lol

this is SO good to know!!! I'm going to try this next time that I'm craving sweets!!!!

I'm so thrilled to be sharing this today!!!!! You inspire me, friend

It’s my pleasure to be part of it

Diabetes runs in my family, my grandma actually died from it :( so I know what you go through seeing things dissipate.

Yes it can have devastating effects on families particularly if the person doesn't look after themselves. Sadly it is going to be the normal before long that people will be suffering from these complications, as the rate of diabetes continues to grow about 8% annually.

Jeepers. I try to eat healthy and pass that on to the seeds in my garden, but, can only do so much.

do the best with what you have @enginewitty - that's all you can do :) and i saw a lovely "seed" in your garden yesterday - my goodness, she's a beauty! hehehehe

Thank you sweets, she def is handful compared to her older budding flowers. VERY needy.

my grandmother also died from it. it runs throughout my entire family. both grandmothers, my mother, an aunt, a cousin.... I am trying very hard to keep it far from me and the "seeds in my garden" as you put it :) so far, not a trace of it. Thank God :)

Well done hun. Usually it won't 'activate' if you keep your healthy ducks in a row. My dad didn't have it until he turned 55 and got less active, started drinking more, and eating more poorly. Now he HAS to eat right - docs orders.

Yes despite what others say it definitely is a lifestyle disease. The healthier the lifestyle you have and maintain the less likely you will be at developing it. There are two faces to that side of the coin though.

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