
Exactly we are small in number at the moment but the ball is certainly rolling, i would say we are passing the point of early adoption and moving our way steadily to mainstream adoption.

I suspect the next 5 years we will start to see major changes in lifestyle diseases, and may be on our way back to how we used to live before as far as eating choices are concerned.

As @dreemsteem mentioned in several posts we can have a positive change by spending our hard earned money on the things we want and boycott those less unhealthy things.

Alas trying to get cptn dreemsteem not to eat Swedish Fish is harder than thought!!

please don't talk about my Swedish Fish.

them's be me babies!!! LOLOLOLOL

Me: "Swedish fish? What, like rollmops? No, surely Dr Rob would be encouraging fermented fish." {off to consult Mr Google} "Ah, wine gum fish, all makes sense now"

ha ha ha I only wish it was rollmops.

I must admit I had some about a month ago and this was the first time since I was a child, I can't say it's one of my most enjoyable fermented foods, however its certainly better than those candied versions. Roll on the next detox for our Cptn!!

hahahahahahaha i DIDN'T EAT THEM. i only took a picture of them. hehehehehe and kissed the bag. and whispered " i will never forget you my friends"


please don't talk about my Swedish Fish.

them's be me babies!!! LOLOLOLOL

RIGHT?!?!?!?! i'm telling you.... worth his weight in gold! to be able to find a doctor that looks at the body as a whole?? wow. grab one and don't let go! hahahaha

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