Make A Difference Contest • Round #4

in #contest7 years ago (edited)


Hello Saturday!

I was super late in giving the rewards for Make A Difference Contest • Round #2, so to redeem myself, I'm doing it on time for Round #3.

I had a fewer entries for this round, but I'm happy that 3 people shared their story. Its still a big reason to be grateful for. Here are the compilation of their inspiring good deeds.








Each round gives me different inspiring stories, and will have me teary-eyed and speechless every time. Thank you so much @georgie84, @blog-beginner and @cherylsonty for sharing your little acts of kindness.

I am moved to meet such beautiful souls who are making a difference in other people's lives in their own little ways.

To @georgie84 & @cherylsonty, I have high respect to teachers who are truly committed with their job. I hope your fellow educators would be inspired to do the same thing. The world needs more teachers like you. Your students are so lucky to have you as their mentors.

By the way, before I took up nursing, taking up education was my first choice. And one more thing, this "Make A Difference" contest is because of my clinical instructor in college who's passionate in helping others and an advocate in making a difference in other people's lives. He made a significant impact in my life, and I'm into this because I am inspired by his

Someday, your students will remember you as well, and how you made a difference in their life.

To @blog-beginner, I want you to know that you had me teary-eyed. Hahaha. I'm happy to know that you got a little gift from your honesty, and you treasure the car so much. Glad that you find honesty very important.

We live in a deceiving world where most of the people lie to just get things that would benefit them the most. Its a very sad truth to see selfishness around, everyday. Severe and chronic, but I hope its still reversible.

Its almost impossible to change how things are, but we gotta keep trying right?

By the way, since I only got 3 entries, and my budget is for 10, I decided to give @steemitachievers and @jejes a little reward.




To @jejes, its very nice of you to make an initiative for your friend's father. I'm happy that the fundraising post earned a lot, and that Steemit is helping many people. I sent a little reward as a gratitude for your kindness. It inspired me. See you around and keep on Steeming!



This group has been my greatest source of motivation to keep going here in Steemit since day 1. Until now, they continue on inspiring new members helping them strive in this platform. Their unceasing efforts to help others without expecting anything in return is very admirable. To the core leaders Sir @long888, @junebride, @birjudanak, @lebron2016 and @g10a and to all the members, I am so grateful to each of you. I am commiting myself to help the group in any way I can. Let's bring Steem and #steemitachievers to the moon!

I thought this is going to be a very short post, but I kinda got carried away. I'm blaming my hormones for all these dramas. You know, we have those days when we get too emotional. Haha.

Okay moving on.. 😅


Here's the contest rules and its super easy. I'm inviting everyone to join, especially the newbies. I hope you'll take advantage of this very very easy contest.

1. Share 1 good deed in the comment section. (No minimum/maximum words required)
2. 55 Reputation below only.
3. 10 stories will get 0.300 Steem each.
4. Contest runs until post payout.
5. Keep making a difference. 🤗

To end this post, I'm sharing something that inspired me few weeks ago. Its a quote from the movie Zootopia.

I'm excited for your entries guys. Enjoy the rest of the day! 💚


Make A Difference Contest • Round #3

Make A Difference Contest • Round #2

Make A Difference Contest • Round #1



Here is my own story of kindness. One Christmas, I gathered some children near in our community and made a small program. We had great games where I prepared prizes each and ate with simple food on the table. These kids doesn't really know how to celebrate Christmas as most of the people do. These kids belongs to the families who barely experience good food as well since their parents have no permanent source of income. They even walk about less than an hour before they reach their school and because of that, some of them even stop attending their classes.

Now, I was compelled to do it yearly and even did something beyond this.

I have High hopes in these kids and I know someday they could get out from what situation they have now. God has plan in their lives equally to ours and sometimes, it just take people like us to be the help to their breakthrough.

Thank you @meetmysuperego for this kind of contest!
I have my #smilecommunity program where I do some blogging in relation to this and all the proceeds goes to support the community.

I want to joint it even in the first round but i didn't able to do it.Now here I am to share what I did something different to "Make a Difference."

Here I begin my story;

I am the eldest daughter among my five siblings.We belong to a poor family iving in a small town somewhere in Bohol.Our parent were a good provider to us.They double their time to give us our daily needs and clothings.I knew that they loves us so they keep assured that we will not go astray.But in so many instances there was a problem with my mother,she was over disciplinarian and protective.
When.I was a child he taught me how to cook foods and even other workloads.She never let me go with friends and play as a child.She gave me workload supposed to be done for a big one..Then with a simple mistakes she beated me like an animal.I wanted to ran but I cant do it because if i run then she could catched me the more she beated me triple times.I just cry and sobed in the corner until she was subsided to her anger.I experienced it eventhough I was already in my teenager's life.

Until one day when I graduated in my secondary school,i had got a chance to get away from that worst situation parent.Her sister working in Bulacan invited me to come to Manila.What a chance that made me happy.I wanted to try to be away from my mother.
When I was already thereI missed my parent and my siblings.

Because I was far from my mother I able to wrote a letter begging her not to beat and hit my siblings.I dont wanna see that my siblings will experinced what i had been through from her.When I wrote the message I was so afraid if she will kill when we meet again.But I had in my mind to pushed through my plan for the seek.of my siblings because it was so really painful when her palm hitted my bare face..I told her if she willl never stop it I will stow away and never return unti I die.I wrote those words with tears in my eyes. so worried of what I had written that would make my mother change or the more she become stronger to disciplline us Being away from my mother i took it a chance to do it.

By Gods grace after three months of spending my vacation in Bulacan,when I returned home my mother was 100% changed the way she made discipline to us, my siblings.I was really happy.
On the oher side I am not getting mad to my mother because of what she did to me I became a good person in common.I grown being a responsible daughter and sister to them all.

Thus, i must take precaution to myself making a difference from what my mother's way to discipline me.At this moment I am already a mother of my son,my son have two daughters that made me a grandmother today at 48 yrs of existence.I am a widow for 14 yrs and I promise to myself.I will make something difference how it used to be.
Thank you so much maam @metmysuperego

I am not sure whether this counts as a good or not. But I am gonna share it with you. This happened 4-5 years before I guess. It was late at night at suddenly I got a phone call from my friend that she needed some help right now. She was little embarrassed to call at such a time. But I gave her the confidence that its ok an say what she needed. Apparently, she was coming from some annual fest of college. By the time the festival wrap, the only way she could travel back to her hostel was boarding the last train, which she ensured to board. But her friend from college didn't want her to go home alone at this time of night. So that guy travelled with her to drop her at the girl's hostel. But here comes an interesting thing, even he had to go somewhere far for his home. The trains are not starting again for like another 3-4 hours as they board the last train to reach her hostel. The guy now has to spend entire night outside her hostel. Here comes my part now, she called if I can arrange anything so that he could stay somewhere. Well, I don't know her friend, but as she was my good friend. I trusted her and said that he could spend the night at my place. It was something different bringing almost a stranger guy to my home. I gave him my clothes to change so that he could sleep easily instead of sleeping in jeans. I felt good that I helped the guy. Also gave him breakfast in the morning and then he left for his home.

Last week I volunteered for the uDEFEND Project where there were around 50 women who were taught self-defense.

Last year, I became part of the uDEFEND Project which was founded and spearheaded by Ms. @janicehung. It is our advocacy to teach self-defense to women and children. As a way to give back to the community, Ms. @janicehung also developed the uDEFEND Charity Project. The beneficiaries of this project are public school students, who are taught self-defense for free, since they are the ones who don’t have a capacity to enroll in such a class. By teaching the students the uDEFEND program, they will be able to defend themselves in times of need.

the participants of uDEFEND Project

me and other volunteers with Ms. @janicehung

Ms. @janicehung teaching the participants

My entry for this round!

I went to school early this morning, this week we have been working on the student's results to enable us distribute the results for the students as we end the term by thursday.

I had marked within the weekend and all i needed to do was to record on the student's broadsheet and their dossiers.

It was a busy day for us as we needed to get everything done before thursday.

After i had finished mine, i went to the vice principal's office to submit the broadsheets, i met this pregnant lady who is a Corp member crying that the vice principal has refused to give her clearance until she has filled the results in the dossiers.

According two her, they were two Corp members that taught the class, her colleague was the one that set the examination questions, so she marked them and recorded in only the broad sheet expecting the guy to complete the work but the guy didn't show up and the vice principal insisted that their work must be completed before she can issue her a clearance.

This lady was crying that she wasn't feeling well and she needed medical attention.

Some persons around tried pleading with the vice principal but she refused and insisted that the work must be completed.

Seeing the lady in that condition i had no option than to help her out just to see she gets her clearance.

That was how we completed it and she got her clearance and left.

Thank you @meetmysuperego, indeed you inspire me to do more.


It was a very tiring day, one afternoon. But guess what?

I was feeling tired, not due to weakness of the body; but weakness of my pocket.

That statement above might not make any sense to you. So, let say it more plainly, "I was very broke" that's what I mean by weakness of the pocket😞, I had only N200 with me, and I needed to buy something of N500.

I was still moody when an elderly man walked up to men looking very pail, as he walked close, I wonder what his problem could be. He said, in one of the most faint voices have ever heard:

Please, I would appreciate it if you could help me with N200, I need to take my drugs because am sick yet I don't have any money now.

I felt pity for him, but that was all I had left with me. I thought of turning him down. But, my conscience wouldn't let me. I dipped my hand into my pocket and gave him all I really had at the time, at least so he could take drugs and feel better.

As he collected the money and walked away I felt so much peace welling out from the inside.

Just a while ago, I was feeling broke. But now I felt peace why? Because being kind to people sometimes replaces our feelings with peace from the inside which is as a result of knowing that "someone is happy because of me."

I felt like a superhero!

A couple of classmates and I decided on the street, we saw how one child offended another because of their disabilities, so we decided to start a social work aimed at very special children. On the site we find a rather colorful, picturesque place to meet the children that we realized are the purest and most innocent souls in the world; They talked to me and embraced me as if they had known me for a long time. These children have disabilities, all the other Asperger's, Attention deficit, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, among others ... we managed to create a very welcoming environment, although in the middle of their difference, several times crossed, they bit Ahahaha, they broke the leaves in which we drew among so many things. Love that experience, taking into account that sometimes they are ignored or made to bully for their behavior.
I hope to repeat again, and share with them.


I felt great, a hero to they!

After reading the post the first story comes to my mind is about saving a tiny life. Once I was returning home after evening. The place I used to live is far away from town. So after evening, it became so silent that it looked like midnight. My home was 10 minutes walking distance from my home. I was walking as usual suddenly i heard a crying of a very thin voice. At first, I was scared of thinking it might be a little baby. But then I thought whatever it was It must need help and I searched for the sound. I found it was coming from a clump. Then I saw a kitty lying down on the bush and crying. From my childhood I am scared of animals always. I never touched them and its seemed to me they would tweak me. I turned on my mobile's flashlight and saw an injury in his leg. I looked around for people to tell them to pick the kitty as I was scared of it. But no one was there. Then I touched his forehead and nose to give him comfort and made him understand that I was not going to hurt him. I dandled him. Good news is that he didn't tweak me. I took him to my house. Then I washed his leg and made a bandage there. After that I gave him a bowl of milk. I made him a bed out of card boxes.
After 3 days he became fine. he stayed with me 3 months.

Working in the healthcare field and wearing scrubs, there are times I was approached by strangers with questions that has something to do with being in that field. It feels good knowing that total strangers would trust me their questions associating me being in the field with the scrubs I'm wearing. But from time to time, there's this one time that whenever I think about being of help for someone, it still feels great just like when it happened that very same day.

I noticed an older man on his way back to his parked car as I pulled in in a gas station before heading home. He just finished speaking with the assigned employee. He glanced at me as well as his wife sitting in the passenger side as he walks back in their car. Clearly they weren't there to fill their car. And with the scrubs I was wearing, I somehow noticed that the wife is coaching his husband to asks me instead. The older man then asked me but with the distance, I could hardly hear him so I approached them closer. The man did the talking. He and his wife were on their way to visit someone at P. village but they were lost. He said they've been driving around and passing by the nearby hospital and it's just next to it but they just couldn't find the place. They were asking me on how to get there. I did give them turning directions on how to get there since it is so close in the gas station. They only have to drive straight and turn left and they'll find their destination. The older man nodded his head as acknowledgement and they both said their thank yous.

I was already on my way back in my car and the pair was just about to leave but somehow I was feeling it wasn't enough. Knowing how it feels being lost in an unknown place, and of the chances of still not being able to find the place although directions were given, I walked back to the older couple and offered them to follow me instead since it's just nearby. It is the retirement village they were looking for, and it happens to be where my bank is located. I know this way they will surely find the place.

It was about 2 or 3 minutes drive with a red stop light so it is that close on where the gas station is. Knowing that the couple got to their destination, I headed home. But it wasn't just a usual drive home. It was that good feeling inside that made the difference on my usual drive home. It felt great. And it still does until today whenever that day comes to mind. I somehow think I was destined to be of help that day. It was just a simple act of kindness. And with the many times I was helped or my family by total strangers, I know I've paid it forward. I've paid forward the act of kindness.

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