All Is Not Lost - My Entry into STACH Short Story Contest #24: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

All Is Not Lost

A Sequel to “Under A Blood Red Sky” (STACH 199 Word Short Story Contest #23)

By: Rickie O. Pauley (a.k.a. @Lymmerik)

“Brace for impact!” Morgan yelled.

The shockwave thundered into the cave entrance like a dynamite explosion. Morgan knew that the searing heat from it could be deadly, so she shielded Terry and Casey with her body. Sand and rocks pummeled them from the ceiling of the cave.

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Casey sobbed, “what’s happening? I can’t see anything. It’s too dark in here. I want to go home.”

Morgan ignored Casey’s scream and plugged her ears with her fingers. “Stay down, close your eyes.”

Terry whimpered, “I’m scared. I want mommy.”

“Casey, Terry, we’ve got to get out of this cave or we’ll be roasted alive. Hold on to my hands and don’t let go.”

Morgan hugged the wall all the way to the mouth of the cave. She stepped out from the darkness into the dim twilight.

"The sun must have already set."

She knew that home was to the right of the cave just over the ridge tucked away in the canyon. If it was still standing.

Casey and Terry were glued to Morgan’s hands as they crested the ridge.

Morgan looked back at the cave and said, “I liked playing asteroid apocalypse, didn’t you! Let’s play again tomorrow.”

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings!

CLICK HERE To read > Under a Blood Red Sky for the backstory.


To Enter STACH Short Story Contest #24: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SBD prize pool! CLICK HERE!

Lymmerik Atomic.png



BWAHAHA!! That ending was perfect XD

Always with the cliffhangers!!!

Well they didn't die! Lol.

Congratulations @lymmerik, your post has been selected by the @asapers for a resteem and a feature in our brand new curation post. Issue 29

What does this mean for you? Well first an upvote from some members of the team, we are no @curie but who is going to be unhappy with some extra upvotes. Second each post featured in the article will receive a 10% share of the curation post.

Keep up the great work and please consider supporting the @asapers with an upvote & a resteem on the post you feature in. Please wait seven days for payout.

Your friendly @asapers

Giving back A.S.A.P

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Thanks you very much!

Hello lymmerik, I love to read, some how or another I got asaper'ed a couple days ago, congratulations. I loved the story, now will need to go read part one and the other link, then find your link on the post and upvote it. I loved the part at the end I liked playing asteroid apocalypse ... I loved playing Asteroids.

Much appreciated! I really have a twisted mind! Lol!

What a great story, and I have to admit, I did not see the ending coming ;)

Since you already read my comment about @asapers on @viking-venture's post, I won't go into details again here:) I'm looking forward to seeing you in Discord though!

I am going to submit your post for curation, and truthfully, I need to check this contest out! I love it ;)

I hope you read part one, Under A Blood Red Sky, as well.
Thanks for the encouragement and comments.

I did read part one and loved it as well! You are most welcome!

So, did you join asapers?

Yes I did join aspers. Thanks for the info

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