Week 16 - Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

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A Favorite Freewrite

Every Tuesday, you have a chance to win a membership to Steem Basic Income, SBI, at the Freewrite House.

Try to win one, my friends. An everlasting vote on your posts is nothing to sneeze at.

We want to make it super easy for you. Your task is to tell us in the comment section about one - or more- freewrites of others you have read in the last couple of days you really liked. Yup, not your own!!

The comment must be at least 50 words long - no upper limit 🤪

See the rules below for details.

In an ideal world, you also give that person a nice upvote - but we are not going to check on that.

To be entered into the drawing, go to the Daily Prompt post by @mariannewest. We are doing our best to resteem them to the Freewrite house profile.
Read as many Freewrites as you can. Then tell us about a freewrite you really liked and why.
Choose from the last couple of days if possible so others can go, visit, and, inspired by your description, leave a vote.

Win, Win, Win!!!

You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

Thank you to our sponsor for this week's contest!!


2 x 1 Steem Basic Income from our sponsor

1 Steem Basic Income from the Freewrite House

2 x 100% upvote from the Freewrite House

The Rules

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership:

  • Leave us a comment as specified above
  • Remember, the comment must have at least 50 words
  • We will let you know if your comment is accepted and give you a number.

Here are a couple of free word count tools:

At 8 PM Pacific time the day after the publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random number generator. This will give you almost 36 hours to post your comment.

The winner will be announced and sponsored the same day.

Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

Here is last week's winner announcement

Finding a Freewrite

If you are not familiar with the daily freewrite prompt and the many wonderful writers who produce the most amazing 5-minute (or sometimes much longer) Freewrites, go to @mariannewest and look for the prompt. The graphics look like this


In the comments, you find lots of links to all kind of freewrites.

The Latest Freewrite Favorites

This Week's Poetry Digest

Freewrite Supporter of the Week

You Can Be Part of the Freewrite House!!

Find out how here Post is past payout, please do not vote on it.


Make sure to participate in all the fun events at the Freewrite House

Regular Features

  • Freewrite House Supporter of the Week - Monday
  • Recommend your Favorite Freewrite and Win SBI - Tuesday
  • We-Write and win SBI - Every other Wednesday
  • Freewrite Favorites - Thursday
  • Recommend your Favorite Freewrite Poem - and Win SBI - Friday
  • Over 20 Club - Saturday
  • Poetry Digest - Sunday


Join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Join the Freewrite daily prompt




Today I would like to nominate @rensoul17 for this beautiful poem on the prompt overslept. I was going to save it for my Friday poem nomination, but I got excited. The words just flowed as I read this poem about a once Queen, being replaced by men, in a women's world...or was it? Well worth a read and an upvote. Go check it out. 🙏

I want to reccomend a freewrite by @wonderwop https://steemit.com/freewrite/@wonderwop/airlife-to-the-rescue#@wandrnrose7/re-wonderwop-airlife-to-the-rescue-20180807t000111520z

Reading this freewrite
I felt that urgency I always feel when I hear ambulances or see accidents and Bruni wrote this with good description placing me in the action. I loved this...

God bless our first responders!

and the story ended even better that the two people involved came out okay. I have always worried when I see accidents or hear ambulances go by and say a quiet prayer for those involved.

I hadn't seen any of @emms' freewrites before, and saw that this one came late in the day for a freewrite. When I saw it, it grabbed me and burned me from the inside. I used to have a fear of what she describes here, and she uses such beautiful, vivid imagery, I'm mesmerized. I recommend @emms' 'Helpless' free write. https://steemit.com/freewrite/@emms/the-fire-freewrite-prompt-helpless

This week I nominate the post by @digitalmind for the prompt "helpless."

Day 291: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: helpless

I always write my own freewrite for a recent prompt and then go look at the others for this contest. I really like looking at what others do with the same word, even though I do not always take the time or get the chance.

The prompt I chose for this week led to some very sad stories and I'm afraid this is one of them. @digitalmind writes of a time he was robbed in an alley back in the 1970's. He mentions how he still avoids such places today because of this experience.

I can relate to this even though I am lucky enough not to have ever been robbed. But I have some other experiences that make me avoid places or situations because of old memories. Our mind and emotions are stronger than we think. Maybe this memory has kept @digitalmind safe, even though he does not notice it each time.

@fitinfun thank you so much for your nomination. although it has passed over 40 years but that incidence strike me whenever I come to a junction of back lane even near my own home
I appreciate your summary of my post.
Wishing you have a pleasant stay in Kuala Lumpur for another week.

Thank you! I am actually planning to stay long term, just not in a hostel :)

I was very glad to nominate you. Yours is a wonderful post!

Overslept?! How many times have we thought, just 5 more minutes to then realise it is way past "I'll make it on time" o'clock? @ireenchew tells an oh-so-familiar story on two counts. One, sometimes it is better to be late than to be sorry and two, snoozing can lead to dire consequences. And a good story always has a twist, so that part I will leave it for you to find out here at https://steemit.com/freewrite/@ireenchew/5-minute-freewrite-prompt-overslept

I am nominating/recommending @iyanpol12 with his freewrites.

I believe he has mastered this five-minute freewrite so much that reading his posts make you want to read more but then time is up. Engk! Five minutes is up and you have to finish the story, or just stay there hanging. Lol.

It is always "fun" reading his works. Well, fun may not literally equate to crazy laughters though. Sometimes it perks up the brain with his spontaneity leading to something deep, something human. Like this particular freewrite of his:

It is so full of emotion and open-ended, general in a sense that it could pretty much be about someone, or no one in particular. Yet, somehow, I relate to it and it could even refer to me.

My favorite entry this week is from @glenalbrethsen for his coffee freewrite, entitled "Love At First...Yikes!".

I didn't get it right away, probably cause I still haven't had enough coffee, but when I first read it, I thought it was just a nice meet cute scene. You know, girl meets boy, spills some coffee on his shirt, and it's love at first sight. Turns out, that wasn't the scene at all. The guy didn't like the girl back, and might actually have been a little annoyed! So, it wasn't just a meet cute. It was actually an attempt to turn the trope on its head. I love it. But also kind of embarrassed that I didn't get it right away. Hehe... The author had to point it out for me.

This is my first time recommending a favorite freewrite and it goes to this piece by @marie-jay!


@marie-jay has a way of describing the people and "conspiracy" among the servants in this story so perfectly. I love how she illustrated the servants' world behind the Master's watch. I could actually have the story played in my mind and "saw" Mr. Babybottom's face who was always overslept even after he was replaced for not carrying out his duties well enough. What a pleasant freewrite to read about!

I would like to nominate @jackofcrows for his funny freewrite, IntergalacticDeliveryBoi, which is about a human who is infatuated with an alluring robot: a robot who is described as "all doll parts and circuitry" and "sways to a rhythm no human can detect."

My nomination is the Smooth as Silk freewrite by @wordymouth:

I think he does as incredible job of setting the scene in such a short space; you can feel the heat and energy in the church. There's also a real sense of the narrator's innocence and it calls up more than a few questions about a situation that's outwardly prosaic and straightforward.

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