Week 10/15/2019 - Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income - Tell us About a Favorite Freewrite

in #contest5 years ago

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A Favorite Freewrite

Every Tuesday, you have a chance to win a membership to Steem Basic Income, SBI, at the Freewrite House.

Try to win one, my friends. An everlasting vote on your posts is nothing to sneeze at.

We want to make it super easy for you. Your task is to tell us in the comment section about one - or more- freewrites of others you have read in the last couple of days you really liked. Yup, not your own!!

The comment must be at least 50 words long - no upper limit 🤪

See the rules below for details.

In an ideal world, you also give that person a nice upvote - but we are not going to check on that.

To be entered into the drawing, go to the Daily Prompt post by @mariannewest. We are doing our best to resteem them to the Freewrite house profile.
Read as many Freewrites as you can. Then tell us about a freewrite you really liked and why.
Choose from the last couple of days if possible so others can go, visit, and, inspired by your description, leave a vote.

Win, Win, Win!!!

You Tell Us for a Chance to Win a Membership in Steem Basic Income

3 Steem Basic Income from @freewritehouse - let us know if you like to sponsor this contest

3 x 100% upvote from the Freewrite House

We decided to give out more rewards on this contest since it has been one of our more popular contests.

The Rules

This is what you have to do for your chance to win a membership:

  • Leave us a comment as specified above
  • Remember, the comment must have at least 50 words

Here are a couple of free word count tools:

At 8 PM Pacific time the Thursday after the publishing of this post, we will close the contest and draw the winner through a random drawing tool.

The winner will be announced and sponsored soon after.

Steem Basic Income

Steem Basic Income is a social experiment to bring a basic income to as many Steemians as possible. Members join by sponsoring others into the program. Steem Basic Income is delivered through providing regular upvotes to member content.

Finding a Freewrite

If you are not familiar with the daily freewrite prompt and the many wonderful writers who produce the most amazing 5-minute (or sometimes much longer) Freewrites, go to @mariannewest and look for the prompt. The graphics look like this


In the comments, you find lots of links to all kind of freewrites.

You Can Be Part of the Freewrite House!!

Find out how here Post is past payout, please do not vote on it.


Make sure to participate in all the fun events at the Freewrite House

Regular Features

  • WE-Write
  • Steemzuela Ventest - Stories of Venezuela
  • Recommend your Favorite Freewrite and Win SBI - Tuesday
  • Freewrite Favorites.
  • Beta Reader Group -ongoing
  • Author Reading

Do you have an idea for a contest? Let us know!


Join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Join the Freewrite daily prompt


Get some awesome Freewrite House Swag here


I'm going overboard this week with 4 recommendations:

@myjob actually has a pecan tree in her yard and we get photos! And more interesting fishing info as well :)

@wonderwop's dad was trying to get a pecan tree to grow, but instead left good memories.

In a short but interesting few sentences, @deemarshall gives me good recipe ideas:

And we have a new freewriter in @medusaeffect who seems to know a lot about keeping bees:

@iamraincrystal has been writing great WeWrites. This week's is no exception. Somehow they are always first up too.
If you want a bit of spooky, don't miss this one. It's short but very swee... OK maybe it's not sweet, but it's a goodie. Go read it!
I'm working kind of hard trying to come up with fifty words for this one without giving the story away. That's 50, right? It has to be 50.

Thank you so much! 😊😊

Posted using Partiko Android

I've followed this series only spottily, and missed her black, white and red all over submissions entirely, but I still love this series by @deeanndmathews. This entry though, this one, gave me chills. Captain Lee is such a stern and emotionally well-defended man in most of the stories, but in this one we come to know the vulnerable Captain, the captain in love. So beautiful. I keep hoping he and Mrs. Thornton (have I got that name right?) will get together, but he had a true love already once in his lifetime. Does one get to have two?


Okay, let's recommend a freewrite about bacteria...

My first recommendation is @myjob.

She tells us about the fear getting necrotizing fasciitis or.. the flesh-eating bacteria. As a fisherman, it is easy to get injured. Are she and her husband immune for this bacteria? More about her life as a fisherman you can read in her entry.

My second recommendation is @improv.

He is not looking forward to see a giant bacterium it would scare him and made him hide in the basement. He found a way to scare them and also has a tip for you if it comes to 'inviting them for dinner'. More of his thoughts, bad or good you can read in his freewrite.


It's always hard to decide, here are my favorites:

  • First: @wonderwop, in which he shows us a funny scene in the shower, without glasses with an animal perching on him. So you can read it here.
  • Second: @mgfat1, he shows us a funny scene as an example of what not to do and what the consequences of doing so would be. You can read this here.
  • Third: @giocondina, she details the daily struggle to protect your child from bacteria. Here is the link.

@freewritehouse You have received a 100% upvote from @botreporter because this post did not use any bidbots and you have not used bidbots in the last 30 days!

Upvoting this comment will help keep this service running.

I look forward to this activity weekly ^_^ Here are my choices for the week...

Weekend Freewrite-10-12-2019-Not Normal

Interesting cat behavior! I didn't know some cats like tea. I better not put out tea drinks for our cats. ^_^ Amusing read!


The Fairies From The Ferry (A Kind Of Story II)

Amusing and fun to read. It reminded me of a person I know.. someone who has to be somewhere but never leaves on time! Ha ha! ^_^


"unpleasant" a weekend freewrite

Cleverly written with an interesting protagonist who is rather unpleasant. I do wonder what his whole story is. ^_^

Thank you my sweet @iamraincrystal for the nomination. 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

@carolkean here with yet another Friday conundrum: I need to post the favorites on Thursday as I'll have no internet access this Friday. Any new nominations can be edited in later, or you can add them to the Favorites post.

If anyone covets this job, I'll hand it off to you. If not, y'all are stuck with me and my hit-and-miss Friday posts. Thank you for reading and nominating your own favorite Freewrites!

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