Day - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Prize 108.786 SBD

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

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Day 30 - Somehow it feels special that I had to change both numbers in the graphics today...

Today, we are also hosting Win an SBI Membership Tuesday

I really hope that more of you start to participate in the other fun activities we do here for you. For a chance to win, you recommend a freewrite that is not your own. I am sure you all are reading each other's work anyways. When you come across one you really like, drop a link with a comment of at least 50 words at the contest post.

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We are grateful to our contest sponsors. The prize is now 108.786 SBD!!!!!


Thank you @tristancarax for another donation!!!

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Eliminated players

You are all still here.

Now, I got you all freaked out about the stricter rules and I don't think I explained myself well. I don't need to see all of your hands :) I know you had them in the first selfie holding your name.

I was talking about @kilbride who signed up with only showing her hand. From today on, her hand needs to be in the pic (and any other body part she wants to show 😄). @kaerpediem needs her mask and @eroticabian needs her boobs in the picture.

The rest of you had their faces - or at least parts of them as an identifier. So, put your face any way you want. As a zombie, with a piece of paper covering half in front - as long as we still see it is you.

But if you signed up with a face and now, we only see your boobs - you are eliminated.

If you signed up with a mask and now, all we see is your hand - you are out.

Does that make sense now? I hope so!!!!

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Some Fun Selfies from Yesterday

So many of your selfies were great!!! This is a random pic and yours will also be here someday 🤩

See if you already recognize each other's faces.







See if you can list all the names 😊

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If you haven't checked the Daily Prompt yet...

Prompt: describe the room you are in

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Remember you have 24 hours to drop your selfie with you freewrite link into the comment section.

Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful faces - or masks - every day 🤪

Your selfie + freewrite must be posted by 8 AM Pacific Time on 6/2/2018

I know that many of you are in timezones where that might be a different date already. Use a time converter to make sure that you enter on time.

If you are late - you are eliminated. No exceptions.

This contest is for Registered Players Only. Registration is Closed.

But there are many fun activities at the Freewrite House - check them out!

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Join the Freewrite daily prompt


And join us at the Isle of Write in the freewriter - retreat

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

contest freewritehousecontest freewrite fun community


featured photos:

  1. justin beiber’s doppleganger
  2. girl who likes birds
  3. crazy hair lady
  4. the guy from dumb n dumber look alike
  5. never saw that rich beetch before
  6. the cute gal who levitates

ps. rules ahoy capitan!

pps. is the prompt describe the room youre in??

yes!! going to fix it. You are the best proofreader!!

sorry, hugs 🤗

LMAO :) But, I want to be that rich beetch!

levitating will get you da monies


da moniessssss

hahaha I'm lmao

yay so glad youre laughing! we need to entertain ourselves up in here up in hereeee

I LOVE your list!!! It's the best :)

yayyyy im so glad, i cant do it too often or it will take away .. ya know overdone is so boring 😛

Love this... you must do me the next time my face pops up ..... please hahaha

okay remove your mask please buahahaahahah ahahahaha
i couldn't help itttttt ... you led me thereee

darn... you are right!! hahaha

Lol, you crack me up when you do that. I wish I were that rich beetch for real :)

everyone wants ta be da rich beetchhh whyyyyyyyssss ??? hehe

cuz then we can pay off @freewritehouse to take whatever selfie we wanna post. Hehehe :)

but wouldn't that get boring?

Your list is the best... Lol

My selfie goes with my freewrite story about a woman who's about to experience some alternate realities.


Hey guys! This is my first sci-fi creepy story I've ever done! Kinda excited and kinda nervous! haha

🎉Also....I want to play a little CONTEST...a contest within a's the inception of contests! Ok...whoever guesses what movie we're watching first wins 1 SBD!! It has to be the exact movie! Ready, set, go!🎉

I'm a sucker for challenges so here goes
TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
I confess, the kids who are always lurking around, helped

Uhm... You said you sucks at challenges... And yet you manage to give a movie name... I totally have no clue what is that movie... 😅😅😅

Hahaha it is! I was hoping you would say it was Out of the Shadows, which is the second one like @wonderwop...but I'll still give it to ya! And I'll give him one too since he said the exact movie! 😂 🎉

Ooops! Thank you @freedomtowrite
You are toooo generous 💗
I will transfer it to freewritehouse so we can all enjoy it at the end of the party 😅

That sounds like a great idea!!

TMNT: Out of the Shadows

You got it! I decided to give both of you an SBD because he guessed first but you guessed exactly! Thanks for playing!

That was very generous of you @freedomtowrite thank you very much. 😘

You are very welcome! Thank you for playing!

My freewrite for today:

My selfie in the room that I'm in. A room that vacillates between cozy and messy. Books and books and tubs of packing things that I'm trying to thin down/sort through, but here's my selfie, in the one messy part I'm willing to share a photo of right now.


Is it cool if I do this in two pictures? Cus it would be a shame if I described this whole thing in excruciating detail and then DIDN'T show it, and my face was getting in the way. :p



(I swear, I’m on lunch break right now! Don’t judge!)

The room I’m in has oppressively fluorescent lights hung from stucco ceilings with visible scaffolding, and a dark grey carpet that looks stained even after it’s cleaned. The air conditioning is located directly above my cubicle, and the constant hissing noise creates the illusion that it’s colder than it actually is. (For that reason, I keep a blanket and an extra hoodie at my desk at all times.) From this description it might sound like my office is depressing to work in; like this is some kind of American middle class 9 to 5 nightmare—but it’s not. This is a media company, so everyone covers their cubicles in toys—the nerdier, the better. It’s actually pretty cheery. I’m located right in front of the kitchen, so people pass by my desk all day. Since I’ve been here a while, most people know me and at least give me a friendly “hello.” There’s a refrigerator full of an abundance of soda directly in front of me, which gets a fair amount of traffic.

The walls of my cubicle are only about waist high, so it doesn’t lend well to privacy, but it does lend well to socializing. I have a bright yellow rectangular box hovering above one wall. I’ve filled it with the following: a Rubik’s cube, half solved; a miniature figurine someone gave me in Poland a decade ago; a now-outdated cardboard VR box that came with the New York Times years ago and I decided to keep because I thought it looked cool; a Gameboy Advance with Super Mario, Pacman, and Tony Hawk; a sticker someone gave me at Burning Man; a line drawing of a cuneiform tablet (to remind me of my grad school past); a USB storage device from The Met entitled “FLASH FROM THE PAST” which is in the shape of a sarcophagus; a patch that says “Keep What Matters on a mason jar; a power bank that looks like a unicorn, a super weird black and white photograph/picture with a slightly sepia hue of sheep grazing in what looks like Scotland (a friend brought it back from vacation—I can’t remember where, but I don’t think it was Scotland); a modest collection of Magic The Gathering cards (the rest are in a box under my desk, just in case someone wants to play); dice for Magic The Gathering (my D&D dice are at home); and a few D&D adventure books I found by the garbage can in my old building in New York several years ago. On my desk, I keep a basket of snacks I will never eat; on the walls, a couple of printed out texts that are both inside jokes; two photos from our 2016 work holiday party; a reminder of my dial-in PIN (1271—don’t worry, it’s not a secret); a note that from the recruiter who first found me.

Cubicle life is not nearly as bad as I thought it would be when I was a kid. When I thought of cubicles, I thought of Office Space (the movie), and revenue reports, and men in suits and ties, dressed up for no particular reason (other than to look professional?). Nobody looks at all professional here by those standards. There are a few other people here with brightly colored hair, and I think the bright blue hair counts as an asset in increasing the hipness factor anyway (I think). I’m not very good at wearing fancy clothes, so I don’t. Today, I’m wearing a dress which does a poor job of concealing my chest tattoo—not that it matters anyway—some black tights that my cat has torn up, some flats that are a little too well worn, and my signature item—winged black eyeliner. The people who work in adjacent cubicles are all friends, some of whom I see regularly outside of work. I’ve come to enjoy the company of my coworkers, which makes all the difference. My coworker just gave me some homemade banana bread, which is DELICIOUS. We have unlimited paid time off, which I take advantage of, though not nearly as much as I should. I can work from home on occasion and nobody really worries about it, but I show up so I can make an appearance and because I have a tendency to take naps in the middle of the day when my bed is readily available to me, which isn’t fantastic for my productivity. The free snacks are pretty cool, plus there are always spreads of food scattered throughout the office left over from shoots that I can usually raid. To be fair, I did prepare a revenue report the other day, which I will be presenting to my boss later this week, so that part of my nightmare was accurate, though it doesn’t seem so nightmarish now that it’s a reality. I guess this is what it is to grow up?

Hehe so innovative of putting both the pics sis , hehe fills the cubicle with toys , that's my kindoff life...hehehe 💗💗

Sounds like a pretty cool place to work at.

When I first moved here, we saw another apartment with someone still living there. They had surfboards in a corner, random paintings and had that general beachy artsy feel. I remember thinking how comfy and cool it was and I obviously thought it sincerely enough to have manifested my own replica. Its not like i was organized or minimalistic before I moved here. I've always had sections of my rooms for different things: painting, music, science or yoga. Or whatever was interesting. Harmonicas, surfboards, coconut monkeys from Brazil, the few paintings I've done at random intervals, jazz dudes from Naw'lins , books on literally (yes i know how to use that word) everything. Just in case of an apocalypse I can reinvent some key parts of society ;) Pictures of every child the three of us sisters have nannied (none of our on yet). We all sort of don't care about furniture, we have futon in the living room for lounging and space for friends, a few chairs and lots of pillows. We all like to stretch and roll on the floor a lot anyway, or we all hang in a bed when we watch a movie. It is just me and my youngest sister Kiki here now, but we've been here almost 9 years and it was all three or two of us most of the time. Kiki 's an OT , s board games on the floor to bring for students next to make up box from my 6 years at Coachella's powder room (talk about manifesting random dream gigs lol). We are working on more Zen, but for now we have creativity and cool shit in its place xox

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